Page 5 - Buku ajar kelas X_komplit
P. 5


          Read the dialog.
          See the sentences in bold and the underlined ones.

          Study the explanation.

          Text 1

          Salsa: I don't agree with the teacher's decision to go on a study tour
                 to the mountains next month.

          Elijah: Why is that? In my opinion, a study tour to the mountains can
                 train our scout skills.

          Salsa: I don't agree with you, sorry. My reason is that next month is
                 the rainy season. Camping in the mountains during the rainy
                 season is very troublesome.

          Elijah: I agree with you about the rainy season. But our teacher has
                 prepared a homestay for us.

          From the sentences in bold in the above dialog, we know that Salsa disagree with what the teacher has decided
          about going to the mountains next month on their study tour. Then, she gives her opinion why she disagrees.

          While, the underlines sentences, Elijah stated his agreement about what the teacher has decided. He stated
          his opinion that study tour to the mountain could train their scout skills. Then, he gave his agreement on
          Salsa’s opinion, but he, then, stated his opinion why he agreed with the teacher.

          Text 2

          Haikal : Hi, guys! Have you heard about the new rules in our school? What do you think?

                                     Dirga              : Yeah. Personally I think that arriving at school before 6.30 is
                                                     too early. We don’t have time to have breakfast.

                                        Jerry       : I don’t think it’s bad. We can wake up and go to school earlier.

                                      Haikal        : Yeah, I see your point, Jerry. But, it will extend our school
                                                    hours. In my point of view, studying in such a long hours is

                                       Dirga        : Yeah, I heard that some student council members would talk to
                                                    the teachers so that they could reconsider that point.

                                      Jerry         : Uhmm.. I see. (Ooh, begitu).

          Analyse the bold and underlined sentences!

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