Page 37 - Dream 2047 June 2020
P. 37
COVID-19 articles
The articles of your May issue came at the right time. The article on the structure of SARS-CoV-2 has been really informative.
The article is written in such an interesting way that it was easy to explain the working of the virus
to young children. Once we know why we should not touch our eyes, nose or mouth often, it becomes easy to follow the instruction.
It is rightly said, “Knowledge is power. True knowledge sets you free.” Looking forward to more such useful information on this extremely contagious virus.
Shewta Bhonsle, Pune
Vaccine and COVID-19
Dear Dream 2047 Team,
Thanks for bringing out a special issue on COVID-19. Each and every article was very informa- tive. The one on vaccine devel- opment was particularly inform- ative as I came to know why development of a vaccine is a long process. Also, the article on fact checks should be widely publi- cized so that more people become aware of the misinformation
on the pandemic. Sharing the trustworthy web resources and also the ones for online courses etc. was also quite helpful.
Kaushik Das, Bolpur
The Pandemic Threat
Along with scientific articles, the article on impact of the pandemic on Indian agricul- ture and economy were also informative. To be self-reliant we all should focus on strength- ening our agricultural system, on growing and consuming locally to reduce carbon foot- print due to transportation. If you can publish some articles on urban and organic agricul- ture, hydroponics, permacul- ture and vermicompost that would be of great help to people like us, staying at cities.
Shatadru Mishra, Bhubaneswer
Request to the author
Science writers, scientists, science communicators, doctors, journalists, teachers and researchers interested in popular science writing are requested to send their articles for publication in Dream 2047 in 1500 to 2000 words in English or Hindi language. Also, send high resolution images relevant to the article that can be published. Your articles can be based on the latest research in the field of science and technology, history of science, health and medicine, agriculture, energy, water, interviews with eminent scientists and working of science laboratories. Suggestions, feedback and letters from authors and readers are welcome. You can contact us by email:
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