Page 6 - MoM:54th Gov Body & 31st Gen Body of VP
P. 6
MoM of 54th Governing Body Meeting & 31st General Body Meeting of Vigyan Prasar
Comments/Action Items
Suggested By
The attention span of viewers is getting smaller. India Science should focus on producing more short films 5-8 minutes duration.
India Science has already begun the process of producing films in three formats: a. less than five minutes (approx. 50%) b. 5-10 minutes (approx. 30%) c. 11- 24 minutes (20%)
Chairman, Governing Body
1. Work commenced and in-progress
2. On-going
IndiaScience should not try to do everything in-house. Professionals from other institutes should be engaged as and when required. IndiaScience should define what can be done in-house and what should be outsourced.
IndiaScience will collaborate with other film and research institutions to produce the content. Vigyan Prasar has identified the experts from FTII Pune, IIT Guwahati, Punjab Central University and will continue to identify many more in the country.
Chairman, Governing Body
1. Work commenced and in-progress
2. On-going
VP should resolve various technical issues related to India Science OTT platform as per user’s experience. Extensive campaigns and interaction programmes with education institutes for the promotion of India Science is required. Analytics of India science should periodically monitor the progress of it.
Work on fixing the buffering related issue with required improvement in User interface have commenced.
The tender has already been floated to revamp the OTT platform.
Engage with the science platform will also be integrated into this updated version.
Chairman, Governing Body
Award of work for revamping the OTT platform will be completed in April 2021, Improved UI/UX to be completed by July 2021.
Agenda for 54th Governing Body & 31st General Body 6