Page 15 - C:\Users\INFINIX\Documents\ANJAZ\TRIAL E-MODUL\
P. 15
A. With your pair, underline "adverb of sequence"
in the text of "a recipe of dadar gulung".
How to make Dadar Gulung
First, mix the flour, salt, and pandan juice until well
combined. Next, add the egg and stir until the batter is
smooth. Then, add the coconut milk and stir until well
combined. After that, heat a non-stick pan over medium
heat. Then, pour a ladleful of batter onto the pan and swirl
it around to form a thin layer. Next, cook the batter for
about 1 minute or until the edges start to curl up. Then, fold
the edges of the pancake towards the center to form a
roll. After that, transfer the pancake to a plate. Finally,
repeat the process with the remaining batter until all
pancakes are made.
B. Mention "adverb of sequence" in front of the