Page 101 - March April 2021
P. 101

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     313807  Bl. Glass Bottle 50ml + wht. Spay ............1 un/50ml   6 810511   1.80         B  200160  Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap .... 16oz / 473ml  12 765166   10.13         B
     313808  Bl. Glass Bottle 30ml + wht. Spray ...........1 un/30ml  180 810320   1.68         B  200165  Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap .... 32oz / 946ml  12 775325   16.57         M
     313809  Bl. Glass Bottle 30ml + Gl. Dropper ..........1 un/30ml  180 810313   1.73         B  200170  Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap .......1 Gal / 3.8L   4 765654   58.88         M
     313810  Bl. Glass Bottle 30ml + Black Cap ............1 un/30ml  180 810306   1.38         B  200172  Tea Tree Pure-Castile Liquid Soap .......... 8oz / 237 ml  24 776087   6.16         B
     313811  Bl. Glass Bottle 15ml + wht. Spray ...........1 un/15ml  120 810221   1.56         B  200175  Tea Tree Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ......... 16oz / 473ml  12 769164   10.13         B
     313812  Bl. Glass Bottle 15ml + Gl. Dropper ..........1 un/15ml  120 810214   1.38         B  200180  Tea Tree Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ......... 32oz / 946ml  12 776322   16.57         B
     313813  Bl. Glass Bottle 15ml + Black Cap ............1 un/15ml  120 810207   1.01         B  200185  Tea Tree Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............1 Gal / 3.8L   4 769652   58.88         M
     313814  Bl. Glass Bottle 5ml + Black Cap ................1 un/5ml  270 810108   0.90         B  200190  Rose Pure-Castile Liquid Soap............... 8oz / 237 ml  24 778081   6.16         M
     313815  Bl. Glass Bottle 50ml + Black Cap ...........1 un/ 50ml   6 810504   1.68         B  200191  Rose Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.............. 16oz / 473ml  12 778166   10.13         B
     POINT OF SALE                                             200192  Rose Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.............. 32oz / 946ml  12 778326   16.57         B
     .313FL02Guide de Reference en Français ................................  0  200193  Rose Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.................1 Gal / 3.8L   4 778654   58.88         B

                                                               200195  Citrus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............. 8oz / 237 ml  24 777084
     .313FL13Dépliant Remèdes Prêt-à-l’Emploi ...............25 unités   0   200196  Citrus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............ 16oz / 473ml  12 777169   10.13         B
     .313FL15Depliant Soins De Beaute Français ............................  25   200197  Citrus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............ 32oz / 946ml  12 777329   16.57         B
     .313L02 Reference Guide (NPN) ......................................1 un  25   200198  Citrus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ...............1 Gal / 3.8L   4 777657   58.88         B
     .313L11 Perfume Guide .................................................25 un   0
     .313L12 Brochure Holder ............................................... 1 unit   1   ORGANIC PURE CASTILE BAR SOAPS
     .313L13 Ready-to-use Remedies Brochure .....................25 ct   0   200200  Almond  Bar Soap .............................................140g  72 781050   4.30         M
     .313L15 Beauty Guide English .........................................25 ct   0   200205  Baby-Unscented Bar Soap ................................140 g  72 782057   4.30         B
                                                               200210  Eucalyptus Bar Soap ........................................140 g  72 783054   4.30         B
     DOMO TEA                                             W    200215  Lavender Bar Soap ...........................................140 g  72 784051   4.30         B

                                                               200220  Citrus Orange Bar Soap ....................................140 g  72 787052
                                                               200225  Peppermint Bar Soap ........................................140 g  72 785058   4.30         B                                           200230  Rose Bar Soap .................................................140 g  72 788059   4.30         B
     Domo is an independent, Canadian-owned and operated business based in Vancouver. We   200235  Tea Tree Bar Soap.............................................140 g  72 786055   4.30         B
     manufacture an entire line of stone-ground tea that tastes great and is good for you. Stone-ground
     tea is made from tea leaves that are stone-ground to a fine powder, dissolves instantly in hot   SAL SUDS ALL PURPOSE CLEANSER LIQUID
     water, and contains up to 200 times more antioxidants than regular steeped tea because you are   200300  Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner ........... 16oz / 473ml  12 766316   9.93         M
     consuming the entire tea leaf.                            200305  Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner ........... 32oz / 946ml  12 766323   14.90         B
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2   200310  Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner ............128oz / 3.8L   4 766651   46.67         M
     months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products  ORGANIC BODY CARE
                                      upc 108175               200605  Lavender Sugar Pump Soap ................. 24oz / 710ml  12 960011   17.87         M
     378100  Elixo Stone-Ground Tea ................................ 6 x120g  15 000229   37.95  40%  B  22.77  M  200610  Lemongrass Lime Sugar Pump Soap Org 24oz / 710ml  12 960059   17.87         B
     378105  Sweet Dreams Tea ........................................ 6 x120g  15 000335   37.95  40%  B  22.77  M  200615  Peppermint Sugar Pump Soap Org ....... 24oz / 710ml  12 960028   17.87         B
     378110  London Fog Stone-Gr. Tea ............................ 6 x120g  15 000328   37.95  40%  B  22.77  M  200620  Tea Tree Sugar Pump Soap ................... 24oz / 710ml  12 960035   17.87         M
                                                               200625  Citrus Hair Conditioning Rinse ........................236 ml  24 970010   8.94         B
     DR. BRONNER’S MAGIC SOAP - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER   200630  Lavender Sugar Pump Soaps Soap ...... 12oz / 355ml  12 950012   9.83  20%  A   7.86  B
                                                                                                          9.83  20%  A
                                                               200635  Lemongrass Lime Sugar Pump Soap ... 12oz / 355ml  12 950050
                                                                                                                    7.86  B
     BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management           200640  Baby-Unscented Sugar Pump Soap ...... 12oz / 355ml  12 950043   9.83  20%  A   7.86  B
                                                               200645  Peppermint Sugar Pump Soap Org ....... 12oz / 355ml  12 950029   9.83  20%  A   7.86  B                             760- 743-2211  200650  Tea Tree Sugar Pump Soap ................... 12oz / 355ml  12 950036   9.83  20%  A   7.86  B
     The Bronner family continues to responsibly produce the fine ecological soaps you have loved   200690  Baby-Unscented Sugar Pump Soap ...... 24oz / 710ml  12 960042   17.87         B
     and lathered with for over 50 years, now made with organic oils and certified to USDA’s National   ORGANIC CASTILE SOAP TRIAL SIZE
     Organic Program standards.
                                                               200500  Almond Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............. 2oz / 59ml  72 771020   2.86         B
        SAVE UP TO 20%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR                200505  Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid ......... 2oz / 59ml  72 772027   2.86         B

                                                               200510  Eucalyptus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ......... 2oz / 59ml  72 773024
                                                               200515  Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ........... 2oz / 59ml  72 774021   2.86         B
                                      upc 018787               200520  Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ........ 2oz / 59ml  72 775028   2.86         B
     DISPLAY                                                   200525  Tea Tree Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............. 2oz / 59ml  72 776025   2.86         B
     200900  Organic Lip Balm Counter Display ...............1 Display  48 110102  149.62         M  200530  Rose Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.................. 2oz / 59ml  72 778029   2.86         B
         Contains 48 lip balms total: 12 each of Orange Ginger, Peppermint, Lemon Lime and   200535  Citrus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ................ 2oz / 59ml  72 777022   2.86         B
         Naked lip balms                                       ORGANIC LOTION
     200910  DRB Mixed Soap Display .............................1 Display  144 110119  745.29  40%  B  447.17   200440  Orange Lavender Organic Lotion ............. 8oz / 237ml  24 930014   8.94         B
         Contains:  6 x 236ml bottles of (Peppermint, Citrus, Almond, Lavender, Unscented,   200445  Peppermint Organic Lotion ..................... 8oz / 237ml  24 930021   8.94         B
         Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Rose Castille Liquid Soaps) and 12 x 140g bars of   200450  Patchouli Lime Organic Lotion ................ 8oz / 237ml  24 930038   8.94         B
         (Peppermint, Citrus, Almond, Lavender, Unscented, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Rose   200455  Lavender Coconut Organic Lotion ........... 8oz / 237ml  24 930045   8.94         B
         soap bars)                                                                              upc 100187
     200920  Toothpaste Mixed Display ............................1 Display   1 506196  780.01  40%  B  468.01   ORGANIC BODY BALMS
         Contains 128 units total: 32 Anise, 32 Cinnamon, 64 Peppermint.
     200925  Pure-Castile Soap Display ...........................1 Display   6 506158  899.67  15%  B  764.72  M  200602  Organic Magic Balm Unscented .............6 x 2oz / 57g  36 500917   53.61         B

                                                               200607  Organic Magic Balm Arnica Menthol ......6 x 2oz / 57g  36 500924
         Contains: 144 units of Pure-Castile Soap 16oz Mixed                                     upc 018787
     200930  SHIPPER Liquid Soap 16oz (4SKUs) .............. 1x32ct   1 800058  324.03  15%  B  275.43   LIP BALMS
         Floor Display Liquid Soap 32 x 16 oz  (8 xAlmond, 8 xBaby Unscented, 8 xLavender,
         8 xPeppermint)                                        200420  Orange Ginger Lip Balm ........................... 12 X .15 oz   6 830215   37.41         M
     200935  Display Toothpaste 3 Flavor .......................... 1 x 60ct   1 500835  348.00  15%  B  295.80   200425  Peppermint Lip Balm ................................12 x .15 oz  72 830222   37.41         M
                                                               200430  Lemon Lime Lip Balm ..................................... 12x4g  72 830239

         Display Toothpaste 3 Flavors: 15 x Cinnamon, 15 x Spearmint, 30 x Peppermint  200435  Naked Lip Balm ............................................... 12x4g  72 830246   37.41         M
     HAND SANITIZER                                            SHAVING GEL
     200695  Hand Sanitizer Lavender ....................................59ml  72 111116   4.46         B  200665  Lavender Shaving Gel ......................................207ml  24 940013   8.94         B
     200750  Hand Sanitzer Peppermint ........................ 2oz / 59ml  72 506110   4.46         B  200670  Lemongrass Lime Shaving Gel ........................207ml  24 940051   8.94         B
     BIODEGRADABLE ORGANIC PURE CASTILE LIQUID SOAPS           200675  Unscented Shaving Gel ....................................207ml  24 940044   8.94         B
     200100  Almond Pure-Castile Liquid Soap .......... 16 oz/473ml  12 761168   10.13         M  200680  Spearmint Peppermint Shaving Gel ..................207ml  24 940020   8.94         B
     200102  Almond Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ........... 8oz / 237ml  24 771082   6.16         B  200685  Tea Tree Shaving Gel .......................................207ml  24 940037   8.94         B
     200105  Almond Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ......... 32oz / 946ml  12 771327   16.57         M  ORGANIC VIRGIN COCONUT OIL
     200110  Almond Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ............1 Gal / 3.8L   4 761656   58.88         M  200350  Whole Kernal Virgin Coconut Oil .....................414 ml  12 505014   13.22         B
     200112  Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid ....... 8oz / 237ml  24 772089   6.16         B  200355  White Virgin Coconut Oil .................................414 ml  12 505021   13.22         B
     200115  Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid ..... 16oz / 473ml  12 762165   10.13         B  200360  Whole Kernel Virgin Coconut Oil .....................30 fl oz  12 505038   24.25         B
     200120  Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid ..... 32oz / 946ml  12 772324   16.57         B  HAIR CARE
     200125  Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid ........1 Gal / 3.8L   4 762653   58.88         M
     200128  Eucalyptus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ....... 8oz / 237ml  24 773086   6.16         B  200626  Peppermint Hair Cond&Style Creme ................177ml  24 980026   7.14         B
     200130  Eucalyptus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ..... 16oz / 473ml  12 763162   10.13         B  200627  Lavender Hair Cond & Style Creme ..................177ml  24 980019   7.14         B
     200135  Eucalyptus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ..... 32oz / 946ml  12 773321   16.57         B  ORAL CARE
     200140  Eucalyptus Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ........1 Gal / 3.8L   4 763650   58.88         M  200250  Peppermint ALL-ONE Toothpaste .......................140g  252 500712   5.80  20%  A   4.64  B
     200142  Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ......... 8oz / 237ml  24 774083   6.16         B  200255  Anise ALL-ONE Toothpaste ...............................140 g  252 500767   5.80  20%  A   4.64  B
     200145  Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ....... 16oz / 473ml  12 764169   10.13         M  200260  Cinnamon All-One Toothpaste ............................140g  252 500729   5.80  20%  A   4.64  B
     200150  Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ....... 32oz / 946ml  12 774328   16.57         B  200265  Spearmint ALL-ONE Toothpaste .........................140g  12 500828   5.80  20%  A   4.64  B
     200155  Lavender Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ..........1 Gal / 3.8L   4 764657   58.88         M
     200158  Peppermint Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ...... 8oz / 237ml  24 775080   6.16         B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2021   99
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106