Page 120 - March April 2021
P. 120

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     428982  Sunscreen Display 48 pcs .............................. 48 pcs   0     702.12         B  428481  Foaming Hand Wash Lavender REFILL ...........770 ml   6 002063   10.14         B
         Contains: 12 units Adult SPF 40, 12 units Kids SPF 40, 6 units Adult SPF 27, 6 units    upc 108346
         Kids SPF 27, 6 units SPF 35 Baby, 6 units SPF 25 Face  LIP BALM
     DISPLAYS                                                  428253  Cilantro Mint Lip balm .................................... 6x4.5g.   6 002398   15.20         B
     428912  Naturapeutic Toothpaste Display ....................... 1 unit   0 000899  260.45         B  upc 834639
         Contains: Extra Whitening x12, Enamel Protect x12, Sensitive x12, Kids Bubblegum x6,   ALL PURPOSE CASTILLE SOAP
         Kids Strawberry x6                                    428730  All Purpose Castille Soap Lavender .................495 ml  12 009611   10.13         B
                                      upc 834639               428731  All Purpose Castille Soap Unscented ..............495 ml  12 009598   10.13         B
     DRY SKIN THERAPY                                          428733  All Purpose Soap Frosty Mint ..........................495 ml  12 009550   10.13         B
     428350  Extra Dry Skin Face Cream ...............................40 ml   6 001011   12.13         B  428735  All Purpose Castille Soap Lavender .................990 ml   6 009840   14.62         B
     428355  Extra Dry Skin Body Lotion .............................240 ml   6 001004   11.13         B  428736  All Purpose Castille Soap Lavender ...................3.78L   1 009925   52.00         B
                                      upc 108346               428737  All Purpose Castille Soap Unscented ..............990 ml   6 009826   14.62         B
     428937  Lip Balm Ultra Moisturizing Display ............ 12 x 10ml   1 001292   37.79         B  428738  All Purpose Castille Soap Unscented ................3.78L   1 009901   52.00         B
                                      upc 834639               428739  All Purpose Soap Frosty Mint ..........................990 ml   6 009802   14.62         B
     ANTIPERSPIRANT                                            428740  All Purpose Soap Frosty Mint ............................3.78L   1 009888   52.00         B
                                                               428741  All Purpose Castille Soap Orange ....................990 ml

                                                                                                  6 009789
     428750  Antiperspirant Verve ...........................................50 g  12 003497   7.93         B  428742  All Purpose Castille Soap Orange ......................3.78L   1 009864   52.00         B
     428751  Antiperspirant Escape .........................................50 g  12 003510   7.93         B
     428752  Antiperspirant Bliss .............................................50 g  12 003534   7.93         B  POINT OF PURCHASE
     428753  Antiperspirant Freedom .......................................60 g  12 003558   8.52         B  .428FL28 ..........................................Post card Francais – x 20      100
     428754  Antiperspirant Voyage .........................................60 g  12 003572   8.52         B  .428L22 Dangler - Baby Fragrance Free ...........................1 UN   0
     428755  Antiperspirant Fragrance Free .............................50 g  12 003701   7.93         B  .428L23 Dangler - Baby Lavender ...................................1 UN   0
                                      upc 108346               .428L24 GB Baby and SPF POP Cube ............................ 1 box   0
     428911  Antiperspirant Display ........................................72 ct   0 003593  581.58         B  .428L25 GB Hair Care and Deodorant POP Cube ............ 1 box   0
         Antiperspirant Display contains: 18 Verve, 18 Bliss, 18 Escape, 12 Freedom, 6 Voyage  .428L27 AP Post Card Holder  - x 20 ................................1 un   0
     428913  Natural Dri Antiperspirant Display 48pcs ........... 1 unit   0 003722  387.72         B  .428L28 Post Card AP English  x 20 ...............................20 un   0
         Contains: Bliss x12, Verve x12, Escape x12, Freedom x6, Voyage x6
                                      upc 834639               GREEN CRICKET                                         W
     DEODORANTS                                                                     (877) 476-2758
     428200  Lavender Deodorant Stick ...................................50 g  12 000243   5.29         M
     428205  Citrus Deodorant Stick ........................................50 g  12 000250   5.29         M  Green Cricket is a Canadian company focused on creating innovative, human healthy and
                                                               environmentally responsible products that really work, feel great and never contain ingredients that
     428210  Tea Tree Deodorant Stick ....................................50 g  12 000267   5.29         M  are known health risks.  Choose from Fragrance Free or products scented with essential oils - no
     428225  Unscented Deodorant  Stick ...............................50 g  12 000236   5.29         M  artificial fragrances or colours
     428236  Wild Rose Deodorant Stick .................................50 g  12 000212   5.29         B  upc 872050
     428241  Citrus Deodorant Spray ..................................105 ml  12 000519   5.05         B  DISPLAYS
     428242  Lavender Deodorant Spray .............................105 ml  12 000496   5.05         B  410360  Lotion Travel Set ......................................... 4 x 80 ml   1 000718   13.42         B
     FACIAL CARE                                                    Contains: 4 x 80 ml tubes citrus, french lavender, coconut &  fragrance free
     428300  Sensitive Aloe Gel Cleanser ............................120 ml   6 000601   12.52         B  410910  Everything Lite - Merchandiser ....................... 62 pcs   9     459.12         B
     428305  Sensitive Aloe Day Cream...............................120 ml   6 000403   14.39         B  Includes: Foam Hand Wash - 6x each Sky, Citrus Grove, 4x each Summer, Beach
     428310  Sensitive Aloe Exfoliant .....................................60 ml   6 000618   11.46         B  and Lavender Fields; Hand & Body Lotion - 3x each Coconut, Citrus and Lavender,
     428390  Sensitive Aloe Makeup Remover .....................120 ml  12 000663   12.52         M  Fragrance Free Hand & Body Wash, 4 Fragrance Free; 2x each Coconut, Lavender
     TOOTHPASTE NATURAPEUTIC                                        Shampoo - 3x each Fragrance Free & Coconut Conditioner - 3x each Fragrance Free &
     428620  Enamel Protect - Fresh Mint ...............................100g  12 002247   5.43         B  Coconut Natural Evaporating Cleanser 6 ea
     428621  Extra Whitening - Fresh Mint ..............................100g  12 002162   5.43         B  410920  Foam Wash Counter Display Lite .................... 35 pcs   9     292.50         B
     428622  Kids Toothpaste - Bubblegum ............................100g  12 002209   5.43         B  Includes: 4x each Fragrance Free - Sky, Lavender Fields, Beach, Citrus and Summer
     428623  Sensitive Toothpaste - Fresh Mint ......................100g  12 002186   5.43         B  foaming hand soap, 3x each Fragrance Free - Sky, Lavender Fields, Beach, Citrus and
     428624  Kids Toothpaste - Strawberry ............................100g  12 000175   5.43         B  Summer 500 ml concentrate refill bottles.
     TOOTHPASTE FLUORIDE FREE                                  410930  Travel Size Lotion Display .........................80 ml X 24   1 000749   80.50         B
                                                                    Contains: 6 each 80 ml tubes of Fragrance Free, Coconut, Citrus and Lavender Hand &
     428100  Frosty Mint Toothpaste .....................................75 ml  12 000038   4.33         B  Body Lotions PLUS Testers - 1 of each fragrance
     428105  Zesty Orange Toothpaste ..................................75 ml  12 000014   4.33         B  upc 870500
     428110  Green Apple Toothpaste ....................................75 ml  12 000021   4.33         B  410965  Foam Hand Wash Wilderness Display ............. 40 pcs   1 002033  279.19         B
     428115  Star Anise Toothpaste .......................................75 ml  12 000052   4.33         B  Display Contains: 300 ml  6 - WIlderness FHW, 4 Sky, 4 Summer, 4 Lavender, 4 Beach
     428120  Cilantro Mint Toothpaste ...................................75 ml  12 000069   4.33         B  & 4 Citrus & 500 ml  - 4 Wilderness, 2, Sky, 2 Summer, 2 Lavender 2 Beach and 2
     428140  Cinnamon Toothpaste .......................................75 ml  12 000151   4.33         B  Citrus
     428145  Spearmint Toothpaste .......................................75 ml  12 000137   4.33         B  upc 872050
     428150  Sensitive Toothpaste .........................................75 ml  12 000199   4.75         B
     HAIR CARE                                                 DISPLAYS - SUNCARE - AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND
     428518  Shampoo Volumizing Lavender .......................240 ml   6 007310   7.63         B  410950  SPF30 Unscented Lip Balm Display .............1 Display  24 002002   72.00         B
                                                                    Includes: 24 x SPF 30 Unscented Lip Balm tube .15oz
     428519  Conditioner Volumizing Lavender ....................240 ml   6 007372   7.63         B
     428523  Shampoo Invigorating Tea tree ........................240 ml   6 007334   7.63         B  410955  SPF30 Natural Sunscreen Baby Disp ...........1 Display   1 002057  287.84         B
     428524  Conditioner Invigorating Tea Tree ....................240 ml   6 007396   7.63         B  Includes: 24 x SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen Baby 80ml plus 1 Tester.
     428528  Shampoo Moisturizing Coconut ......................240 ml   6 007358   7.63         B  410960  SPF30 Natural Sunscreen Face Disp ............1 Display   1 002040  287.84         B
     428529  Conditioner Moisturizing Coconut ...................240 ml   6 007419   7.63         B  Includes: 24 x SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen Face 80ml plus 1 Tester.
     BODY LOTIONS                                              SUNCARE - AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND
     428612  Lavender Body Lotion .....................................240 ml   6 007433   8.21         B  410550  SPF 30 Unscented Lip Balm tube..................... .15 oz  48 000978   3.00         B
     428613  Coconut Body Lotion ......................................240 ml   6 007457   8.21         B  410600  SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen Baby .......................80 ml   6 002033   12.00         B
     GREEN BEAVER JR.                                          410605  SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen Face ........................80 ml   6 002026   12.00         B
     428800  Kids Natural Shampoo Boreal Berries .............240 ml   6 002506   6.33         B  410610  SPF 30 Sunscreen for Body ............................180 ml   1 020952   27.03         B
     428815  Kids Natural Bubble Bath ................................240 ml   6 002537   5.70         B  FOAM HAND WASH
     428820  Kids Natural Conditioning Detangler ................250 ml   6 002544   6.33         B  410100  Sky Fragrance Free Foam Hand Wash .............300 ml  12 000404   4.19         B
     BABY CARE                                                 410101  Foaming Hand Wash 1 L cartridge FF ...................1 L     000763   11.90         B
     428420  Baby Diaper Cream Fragrance Free ...................90 ml   6 002841   7.20         B  410105  Citrus Grove Foam Hand Wash .......................300 ml  12 000411   4.19         B
     428425  Baby Lotion Fragrance Free ............................240 ml   6 002827   7.81         B  410107  Wilderness Foam Hand Wash .........................300 ml  18 002064   4.19         B
     428430  Baby Lotion Calming Lavender .......................240 ml   6 002803   7.81         B  410110  Beach Foam Hand Wash ................................300 ml  12 000428   4.19         B
     428435  Baby Wash Fragrance Free .............................240 ml   6 002780   6.62         B  410115  Summer Foam Hand Wash .............................300 ml  12 000435   4.19         B
     428440  Baby Wash Calming Lavender ........................240 ml   6 002766   6.62         B  410120  Lavender Fields Foam Hand Wash ..................300 ml  12 000626   4.19         B
     FOAMING HAND WASH                                         FOAM HAND WASH REFILL PUMP CONCENTRATED 5X
     428451  Foaming Hand Wash Fresh Mint .....................250 ml   6 002100   5.07         B  410125  Sky Foam Hand Wash refill .............................474 ml   9 000466   12.16         B
     428456  Foaming Hand Wash Cranberry ......................250 ml   6 002124   5.07         B  410130  Citrus Grove Foam Hand Wash refill ...............474 ml   9 000473   12.16         B
     428461  Foaming Hand Wash Lavender .......................250 ml   6 002148   5.07         B  410135  Beach Foam Hand Wash Refill ........................474 ml   9 000480   12.16         B
     428471  Foaming Hand Wash Fresh Mint REFILL .........770 ml   6 002049   10.14         B  410140  Summer Foam Hand Wash Refill ....................474 ml   9 000497   12.16         B
     428476  Foaming Hand Wash Cranberry REFILL ..........770 ml   6 002056   10.14         B  410145  Lavender Fields Foam Wash Refill ...................474 ml   9 000633   12.16         B
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