Page 141 - March April 2021
P. 141

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     514150  Peace Doves Infuser ........................................420ml  24 302059   17.39  40%  B  10.43  B  LILO & CO.   W
     514125  MatchaGo Shaker(Black) .................................260ml  24 000078   14.99         E  BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management
     514130  Garden Dance Glass Infuser (Pink) ..................260ml  24 000030   14.99         B
     514135  Classic  Glass Infuser (Silver) ..........................260ml  24 000016   14.99  40%  B   8.99  B  Delicious chocolate clusters.
                                                               Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
     LIFE CHOICE®                                         W    months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.                               (866) 226-1722     SAVE UP TO 15%   ALL ITEMS MAR
     In 1986, our founder, Eldon Dahl, Doctorate of Natural Medicine, established the nutraceutical line
     named Your Choice, which a few years later, evolved into Life Choice®. Life Choice® was founded
     with a commitment to provide the natural health industry and its clientele with supplements of the   April: 20-49 cs: 5% off,50-79 cs: 8% off,80+ cs: 10% off
     finest quality. Life Choice® considers the local health food store to be the very core of the natural   upc 627843
     health industry, and affirms our support by making our products exclusively available to health food   CLUSTERS
     stores and naturopathic doctors. Together, we assure the health-conscious public the best possible   475300  Clusters Dark Chocolate .............................. 12x125g  12 433385   55.14  10%  M  49.63
     access to the health care they want and deserve.                                            upc 628250
                                      upc 853378               475301  Clusters Dark Chocolate .............................. 12x125g  12 394719   55.14  10%  M  49.63
     AMINO ACIDS                                                                                 upc 627843
     507350  L-Glycine 750 mg ....................................... 90 Vcaps  12 002837   23.20         B  475305  Clusters Cookies & Cream ........................... 12x125g  12 433361   55.14  10%  M  49.63
                                      upc 853589                                                 upc 628250
     PAIN RELIEF                                               475306  Clusters Cookies & Cream ........................... 12x125g  12 394672   55.14  10%  M  49.63  E
     507850  DL-Phenylalanine 500 mg ........................... 60 Vcaps  12 005849   16.43         B  upc 627843
                                      upc 853378               475310  Clusters Milk Choc Peanut Butter ................. 12x125g  12 433378   55.14  10%  M  49.63
     507855  DMSO Liquid ..................................................118 ml  28 002950   23.09         B  upc 628250
     507860  DMSO Gel ........................................................100 g  12 002639   23.39         B  475311  Clusters Milk Choc Peanut Butter ................. 12x125g  12 394696   55.14  10%  M  49.63  E
     507865  Sweet Relief MSM Cream .................................113 g  80 002820   28.86         B  upc 627843
     MINERALS                                                  CUPS
     507100  Opti-Cal/Mag w/K2  662 mg ....................... 90 Vcaps  12 002073   26.68         B  475315  Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups .................. 6x96g   6 433156   30.41  15%  M  25.85  B
     507105  Zinc Picolinate 50 mg ................................. 90 Vcaps  12 002363   14.64         B  upc 628250
                                                                                                  6 394641
     GLANDULARS                                                475316  Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups .................. 6x96g   upc 627843  30.41  15%  M  25.85  B
     507210  Adrenal Gland ............................................. 90 Vcaps  12 002882   30.04         B  475320  Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups ................. 6x96g   6 433170   30.41  15%  M  25.85  B
                                      upc 853589                                                 upc 628250
     507212  Thyrodine ® ............................................... 60 Vcaps  12 005788   26.55         B  475321  Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups ................. 6x96g   6 394627   30.41  15%  M  25.85  B
                                      upc 853378
     507217  Thyrodine®  Thyromoto ......................................60V  84 002332   27.97         B
     507220  Thymus Gland ............................................ 60 Vcaps  12 002899   26.55         B  LILY OF THE DESERT - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
     HOMEOPATHIC GLANDULARS                                    BROKERED BY  Don Kashin & Associates
     507205  HgH+ Homeopathic .........................................60 ml  12 002134   49.95         B
                                      upc 890415                             800-229-5459
     HOMEOPATHICS                                              All products contains 100% pure certified organic Aloe Vera.
     507225  Colloidal Silver Oral Spray .................................50 ml  12 002702   18.05         B
                                      upc 853378                   SAVE UP TO 19%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR
     507235  Lithium ..............................................................60ml  22 002219   20.95
     STRESS RELIEF                                                                               upc 026395
     507300  KAVA KAVA Liquid..........................................110 ml  48 002226   34.66         B
                                      upc 853589               DISPLAY
     507305  KAVA KAVA 400mg .................................... 60 Vcaps  12 005597   38.89         B  346112  Aloe Herbal Stomach Shot  Display ...............12x 2oz  12 108848   27.47         B
                                      upc 853378                    Aloe Herbal Stomach Shot 12 x 2oz
     507310  GABA 500 mg ............................................ 60 Vcaps  12 002455   20.03         B  PRESERVATIVE FREE JUICES
     507315  L-Tryptophan 220+50mg B-6 .................... 60 Vcaps  12 002387   22.59         B  346164  Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf - Gls ........... 16 oz/473ml  12 840168   6.77  12%  M   5.96  B
     FEMALE HORMONE BALANCE                                    346210  Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet ...................... 16oz/473ml  12 830169   6.77  12%  M   5.96  B
     507555  Progest Liposome Cream ...................................56 g  36 002028   34.12         B  346215  Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet - Gls ......................946 ml  12 830329   10.84  12%  M   9.54  B
     MALE HORMONE BALANCE                                      346220  Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf - Gls ....................946 ml  12 840328   10.84  12%  M   9.54  B
     507500  Fiery Male .................................................. 90 Vcaps  12 002752   34.15         B  346260  Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet -Plstc .............128oz/3.8L   4 831289   27.24  12%  M  23.97  B
                                                                                                  4 841288
                                                               346270  Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf -Plstc ......................3.8L
                                                                                                         27.24  12%  M  23.97  B
     BRAIN HEALTH                                              WHOLE LEAF PRODUCTS
     507700  DMAE-Lights On! ........................................ 60 Vcaps  12 002929   14.49         B  346155  Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf -Plstc .......... 32oz/946ml  12 300327   9.59  15%  A   8.15  B
     507705  Neurotransmitter Support ........................... 90 Vcaps  12 002653   55.07         B  346160  Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf -Plstc ...........128oz/3.8L   4 301287   28.16         B
                                      upc 853589               346165  Aloe Vera Gel Whole Leaf - Plastic ..................946 ml  12 200320   9.59  15%  A   8.15  B
     WEIGHT LOSS                                               346170  Aloe Vera Gel Whole Leaf - Plastic .................. 128 oz   4 201280   28.16         B
     507400  Thydracut ................................................... 90 Vcaps  12 005696   31.42         B  ORGANIC ALOECEUTICALS
     HEALTHY DIGESTION                                         346100  Aloe Detoxifying Formula - Plastic ..................960 ml  12 401321   18.59  19%  A  15.06  B
     507650  Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme ................. 60 Vcaps  12 005566   26.66         B  346105  Aloe Gel Stomach Formula - Plastic ................946 ml  12 400324   18.59  19%  A  15.06  B
                                      upc 851218
     507655  Laktokhan Probiotic Complex ..................... 60 Vcaps  12 740017   26.24         B  ORIGINAL ALOE PRODUCTS
                                      upc 853589               346125  Aloe Vera Gel - BPA Free Plastic ............. 16oz/473ml  12 100163   5.02         B
                                                                                                          9.59  15%  A
     DAILY PRODUCTS                                            346130  Aloe Vera Gel - Plastic ............................ 33oz/946ml  12 100323   28.16       8.15  B
                                                                                                  4 101283
                                                               346135  Aloe Vera Gel - Plastic .............................128oz/3.8L
     507750  Next Generation B Complex ........................ 60 Vcaps  12 005702   28.30         B  346140  Aloe Vera Juice - Plastic ..........................3.8L/128oz   4 001286   28.16         B
                                      upc 853378               346145  Aloe Vera Juice -Plstc ......................... 16.5 oz/473ml  12 000166   5.02         B
     507755  Earth Pure Hand Sanitizer ................................170ml  15 002141   19.16          346150  Aloe Vera Juice - Plastic ......................... 32oz/946ml  12 000326   9.59  15%  A   8.15  B
                                      upc 853589               OUTDOOR TOPICALS
     507775  Nature’s 4 Play ................................................177ml  15 005634   20.20         B  346176  Aloe Vera Gelly 99% Cert Organic ...................... 12oz  12 000128   9.20  19%  A   7.45  B
                                      upc 535890
     507780  Earth Pure Hand Sanitizer ..................................60ml  20 005382   6.92         B  346181  Aloe Vera Gelly 99% ........................................... 4 oz  12 000043   4.56  19%  A   3.69
                                                                                                                    4.85  E
                                                                                                          5.99  19%  A
                                                               346183  Aloe Vera Gelly 99%Cert. Organic ....................... 8 oz  12 101085
                                      upc 853378
     SLEEP PRODUCTS                                            POINT OF PURCHASE
     507800  Liquid Melapure Melatonin ................................60 ml  12 002394   18.69         B  .346L02 Aloe Vera Fold up Brochure........................................
     507805  Melapure Melatonin 3 mg ........................... 60 Vcaps  12 002356   9.59         B
     507600  DMAE Restorative Cream ...................................59 g  12 002400   41.95         B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2021  139
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