Page 160 - March April 2021
P. 160

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     NATURES PLUS                                              432318  Animal Parade SF Multi Ch Grape .........90 chew tabs   upc 807205  21.46  10%  A  19.31  B
                                                                                                  0 299122
     BROKERED BY  Don Kashin & Associates                      432319  Animal Parade Child Multi, Asst ............90 chew tabs   0 100777   17.16  10%  A  15.44  B
                                                                                                 upc 097467                              (800) 645-9500  432320  Animal Parade SF Multi Ch, Asst ...........90 chew tabs   0 299184   21.46  10%  A  19.31  B
     Since 1972, NaturesPlus has been the natural product industry leader, not only with outstanding and   upc 807205
     effective nutritional products, but with our overwhelming commitment to support our customers,   432321  Animal Parade Child Multi, Asst ..........180 chew tabs   0 100784   32.34  10%  A  29.11  B
     our retail partners, and the natural product industry through education, training and a passionate   upc 097467
     commitment to science and research, to produce superior-quality supplements that deliver only
     exceptional results while never compromising our standards.  BABY PLEX
                                                               432200  BabyPlex Multivit Liq Drops, Org ........................60ml   0 299887   14.99  10%  A  13.49  B
             SAVE 10%  LINE DRIVE APR                          SOURCE OF LIFE
                                                               432100  SOL Garden Calcium 1000mg ..............120 veg caps   0 307315   61.25  10%  A  55.13  B
                                      upc 807205               432105  SOL Garden Vit K2, 120mcg...................60 veg caps   0 307377   19.59  10%  A  17.63  B
     432300  Animal Parade Child Chew Vit. C ..........90 chew tabs   0 107783   9.76  10%  A   8.78  B  NATURE’S SCIENCE
                                      upc 097467
     432301  Animal Parade Child Ch SFree Vit. C .....90 chew tabs   0 299221   12.21  10%  A  10.99  B
                                      upc 807205               Our brand connects Nature and Science to produce a line of natural, high-quality, weight-
     432302  Animal Parade Vit D3, Blk Chy ..............90 chew tabs   0 107844   8.00  10%  A   7.20  B  management, functional, supportive supplements that are scientifically formulated for better
                                      upc 097467               efficacy! Nature’s Science has made it easy for consumers to follow a Ketogenic diet by developing
     432303  Animal Parade SFree Vit D3, Blk Chy ....90 chew tabs   0 299238   9.97  10%  A   8.97  B  a keto series of supplements that include: pills, strips and meal replacement shakes that follows
                                      upc 807205               exactly what keto dieters are looking for: 75% of calories from good fats, 20% of calories from
     432304  Animal Parade Kids Imm Bst, Trop. .......90 chew tabs   0 108353   11.78  10%  A  10.60  B  protein and only 5% net carbs, with high MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Best of all, our quick
     432305  Animal Parade Child Chew Calcium ......90 chew tabs   0 108056   10.96  10%  A   9.86  B  and easy keto strips allow consumers to know immediately if their body has entered into a state of
                                      upc 097467
     432306  Animal Parade Child Chew SF Calcium .90 chew tabs   0 299214   13.68  10%  A  12.31  B  upc 821138
                                      upc 807205               KETO PROTEIN
     432307  Animal Parade Zinc Lozenges, Tang ......90 chew tabs   0 107554   15.81  10%  A  14.23  B  910700  KETO Greens Vanilla ..........................................404g   6 006456   29.19  40%  B  17.51  B
     432308  Animal Parade KidGreenz Trop ..............90 chew tabs   0 107851   12.63  10%  A  11.37  B  910702  KETO Meal Vanilla .............................................680g   6 006425   36.49  40%  B  21.89  B
                                      upc 097467               NATURAL HEALTH
     432309  Animal Parade Mag Kidz Pwd, Chy ....................171g   0 299436   15.04  10%  A  13.54  B  910707  Nature’s Science Vegan Omega ..........................84ct  12 004261   17.53  40%  B  10.52  B
     432310  Animal Parade Mag. Kidz Ch Chy, .........90 chew tabs   0 299429   11.60  10%  A  10.44  B
                                      upc 807205
     432311  Animal Parade Child Liq Multi ..........................900ml   0 098357   30.24  10%  A  27.22  B
     432312  Animal Parade Child Liq Multi, Trop .................240ml   0 098364   9.87  10%  A   8.88  B
                                      upc 097467
     432313  Animal Parade Childs Multis, Orng ........90 chew tabs   0 299740   17.16  10%  A  15.44  B
     432314  Animal Parade SF Multi Ch Orng ...........90 chew tabs   0 299146   21.46  10%  A  19.31  B
     432315  Animal Parade Child Multi, Cherry ........90 chew tabs   0 299702   17.16  10%  A  15.44  B
     432316  Animal Parade SF Multivit, Cherry .........90 chew tabs   0 299108   21.46  10%  A  19.31  B
     432317  Animal Parade Child Multi, Grape ..........90 chew tabs   0 299849   17.16  10%  A  15.44  B

                                                   keto friendly recipe

                                                      Delicious Rich Flavor

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      Grill Smart with Healthsmart !
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