Page 209 - March April 2021
P. 209

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     709854  Astragalus .......................................................50 mL   6 000234   12.35         B  709657  Coconut Oil and Organic Ghee ...........................800g   6 009139   26.12         B
     709855  Ashwaganda .................................................100 mL   6 000210   20.17         B  709658  Coconut Oil and Organic Ghee ...........................370g   6 009122   15.26         B
     709856  Ashwaganda ...................................................50 mL   6 000203   12.35         B  709659  Coconut Oil & MCT Oil ..................................1000 ml   6 002055   18.29         B
     709857  Yarrow Tincture ................................................50 ml   6 007196   12.35         B  709660  Coconut Oil & MCT Oil ....................................500 ml   6 002048   11.22         B
     709858  Wild Yam Tincture ............................................50 ml   6 001781   13.46         B  709661  Coconut Oil .......................................................800g   6 009115   18.97         B
     709859  Shepherd’s Purse Tincture ................................50 ml   6 005994   13.46         B  709662  Coconut Oil .......................................................370g   6 009108   11.87         B
     709860  Rosemary Tincture ...........................................50 ml   6 005697   12.35         B
     709862  Red Raspberry Leaf Tincture ............................50 ml   6 005451   12.35         B
                                                             B STICKLING’S BAKERY
     709863  Peppermint Tincture .......................................100 ml   6 005192   20.17                    W
     709864  Osha Tincture ...................................................50 ml   6 001842   14.58         B  BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.
     709865  Maca Root Tincture ..........................................50 ml   6 004768   13.46         B
     709866  Horsetail Tincture ...........................................100 ml   6 003945   20.17         B
     709867  Horsetail Tincture .............................................50 ml   6 003938   12.35         B  For 80 years Stickling’s Bakery has been known for its rustic, organic sourdough breads which are
     709868  Gymnema Tincture ...........................................50 ml   6 003303   12.35         B  baked according to traditional family recipes that have been passed down from one generation to
     709869  Green Tea Tincture ..........................................100 ml   6 003822   20.17         B  the next.
     709870  Gotu Kola Tincture ............................................50 ml   6 003693   13.46         B  Mix & Match – Dry/Shelf Stable products:
     709871  Globe Artichoke Tincture ..................................50 ml   6 000173   12.35         B  During Deal Periods; 12+ cases = additional 5% off.
     709872  Feverfew Tincture .............................................50 ml   6 003396   12.35         B  During Non-Deal Periods; 6+ cases = 5% off, 12+ cases = 10% off.
     709873  Fenugreek Tincture .........................................100 ml   6 003464   20.17         B  upc 107759
     709874  Dong Quai Tincture ...........................................50 ml   6 003211   12.35         B  BAKERY
     709875  Cleavers Tincture ..............................................50 ml   6 001514   12.35         B  718100  Gluten-Free Rice Bread Crumbs................... 6 x 500g   6 002015   42.19         B
     709876  Chinese Ginseng Tincture .................................50 ml   6 003600   16.97         B  718105  Gluten Free Pizza Crust - Wht Rice .............. 6 x 300g   6 001100   37.01         B
     709877  Celery Seed Tincture ........................................50 ml   6 001453   12.35         B  718110  Gluten-Free Croutons ................................... 6 x 175g   6 002039   29.43         B
     709878  Blessed Thistle Tincture ....................................50 ml   6 000708   12.35         B  SEASONAL ITEMS
     709879  Black Walnut Hulls Tincture ...........................100 mL   6 000661   20.17         B
     709880  Barberry Tincture..............................................50 ml   6 000357   13.46         B  718115  Marzipan Stollen ............................................ 8x450g   8 007041  104.65         B
     709881  Andrographis Tincture ....................................100 ml   6 000142   20.17         B  718120  Spelt Fruit & Nut Cake ................................... 8x450g   8 007010  104.65         B
     709882  American Ginseng Tincture ...............................50 ml   6 003570   14.58         B  718125  Stollen ........................................................... 8x450g   8 007003  104.65         E
     709883  Hops Tincture ...................................................50 ml   6 003877   13.46         B
     709884  Green Tea Tincture ............................................50 ml   6 003815   12.35         B  STIX BRANDS INC.   W
     709724  Echinaseal .....................................................100 mL   6 008988   22.29         B
     709742  Echinacea Goldenseal .....................................50 mL   6 008094   13.46         B   Stix Brands Natural Portable Hand & Body Sprays include the SoapStix Hand Wash, SkinStix Hand
                                      upc 817695               & Body Lotion and the SunStix SPF30 Sunscreen Lotion. These innovative travel size sprays are
     HERBAL CAPSULES                                           designed to help people stay healthier when on-the go!   upc 813533
     709500  Curcumin Plus Capsules .............................. 90 caps   6 005018   25.49         B  DISPLAY
     709501  Black Walnut (5:1 Powder Extract) ................ 60 caps   6 000969   21.33         B
     709504  Rhodiola (5:1 Powder Extract) ...................... 60 caps   6 000938   18.56         B  759900  Stix Super Pack Display - 10ml ....................... 30 pcs   1 000000   89.59         B
     709507  Milk Thistle (5:1 Powder Extract) .................. 60 caps   6 000914   18.56         B  Display contains: 6 each of  SoapStix Hand Wash Canadian Maple Soap 10ml,
     709510  Ashwagandha (12:1 Powder Extract) ............ 60 caps   6 000167   17.82         B  SoapStix Hand Wash  Pink Grapefruit Spray 10ml,  SoapStix Hand Wash  Lavender
                                                                    Spray 10ml, SkinStix Hand & Body Lotion Orange Spray 10ml, SunStix SPF 30 Spray
     709511  Ginger (5:1 Powder Extract).......................... 60 caps   6 000129   16.97  40%  B  10.18  B  10ml.  With 5 changeable header cards included for seasonal marketing program.
     709512  Dandelion (5:1 Powder Extract) .................... 60 caps   6 000112   18.56         B
     709514  Hepato DR® (5:1 Powder Extract) ............... 90 caps   6 000068   25.49  40%  B  15.29  B  SOAPSTIX HAND SANITIZER
     709515  Astragalus (5:1 Powder Extract) ................... 60 caps   6 000051   18.56         B  759200  SoapStix Hand Sanitizer ............................. 6 x 10 mL   5 000726   17.92         B
     709516  Strest®  (5:1 Powder Extract) ...................... 90 caps   6 000037   25.49         B  SOAPSTIX HAND WASH
     709518  Fenugreek/Blessed Thistle (5:1 PE) .............. 60 caps   6 000013   19.68         B  759100  SoapStix Pink Grapefruit Pump .... 500 mL / 16.9 fl.oz   6 000115   7.22
     709519  Deep Immune® (5:1 Powder Extract) ........... 90 caps   6 000006   25.49         B  759110  Canadian Maple Soap Pump ........ 500 mL / 16.9 fl.oz   6 000900   7.22         B
     GOAT PRODUCTS                                             759115  SoapStix Pink Grapefruit ................ 500 mL + 10 mL   6 000122   8.45         B
     709350  Mineral Matrix Goat Whey ..................................720g   6 008255   39.32  40%  B  23.59  B  759120  SoapStix Lavender ......................... 500 mL + 10 mL   6 000108   8.45         B
     709351  Mineral Matrix Goat Whey ..................................360g   6 008248   23.36  40%  B  14.02  B  759125  SoapStix Lavender Pump ............. 500 mL / 16.9 fl.oz   6 000009   7.22         B
     709352  Go Pro Matrix Protein Powder ............................. 1 kg   6 008095   70.18  40%  B  42.11  B  759145  Canadian Maple Soap Spray ....................... 6 x 10 ml   5 000863   17.91         B
     709353  Go Pro Matrix Protein Powder ............................460g   6 008231   39.32  40%  B  23.59  B  759150  SoapStix Pink Grapefruit Spray ................... 6 x 10 ml   5 000887   17.91         B
     TOPICAL OILS                                              759155  SoapStix Lavender Spray ............................ 6 x 10 ml   5 000832   17.91         B
     709400  Tea Tree Oil ......................................................30 mL   6 005834   8.46         B  759160  SoapStix Unscented Pump .......... 500 mL / 16.9 fl.oz   6 001037   7.22         B
     709401  Marula Oil ........................................................50 mL   6 004875   22.29         B  759165  SoapStix Unscented Spray ......................... 6 x 10 ml   5 000696   17.92         B
     709402  Pomegranate Oil ..............................................50 mL   6 004868   20.17         B  SKINSTIX HAND & BODY LOTION
     709403  Rose Hip Oil ....................................................50 mL   6 004851   22.29         B  759105  SkinStix Orange Pump ................. 250 mL / 8.45 fl.oz  24 000184   7.35         B
     709404  Night Oil ..........................................................50 mL   6 004844   26.55         B  759135  SkinStix Orange ................................250 mL / 10 mL   6 000177   8.80         B
     709405  Golden Jojoba Oil ............................................50 mL   6 004837   21.23         B  759140  SkinStix Orange Spray ................................ 6 x 10 ml   5 000849   17.92         B
     709406  Argan Oil .........................................................50 mL   6 004820   16.97         B  SUNSTIX SPF 30 SUNCREEN LOTION
     709407  St. John’s Wort Oil ..........................................50 mL   6 004349   16.97         B  759130  SunStix SPF30 Spray.................................. 6 x 10 ml   5 000856   17.92         B
     709408  Ear Oil .............................................................30 mL   6 004240   12.24         B
     709409  Calendula Oil ...................................................50 mL   6 004172   18.04         B
     709410  Castor Oil ......................................................500 mL   6 004103   16.97         B  STOKED OATS
     709411  Castor Oil ......................................................250 mL   6 004097   9.52         B
     709412  Arnica Oil ........................................................50 mL   6 004073   19.10         B  BROKERED BY  Connect Brand Management
     CREAMS AND SALVES                               
     709301  Calendula W/ Vitamin E ...................................60 mL   6 006107   19.10         B  A Canadian company that produces High Protein, Gluten Free , Vegan , Quick Oats Blends.
     709302  Red Clover Plus Salve......................................60 mL   6 004936   13.78         B  upc 108185
     709303  Calendula Salve ...............................................60 mL   6 004813   11.65         B  HOT CEREAL
     VITAMINS                                                  703100  Stoked Oats Aphrodisi ................................. 8 x 500g   8 000062   51.89         B
     709600  Vitamin D for All 25 mcg (1000 IU)..................30 mL   6 003137   13.78         B  703105  Stoked Oats Stone Age ................................ 8 x 500g   8 000055   51.89         B
     OREGANO OIL                                               703110  Stoked Oats Bucking-Eh .............................. 8 x 500g   8 000048   51.89         B
     709413  Oréganum Plus® 1:3 ......................................30 mL   6 004547   15.91         B  703116  Stoked Oats Red Line ...............................8 x 500gm   8 000079   51.89         B
     709414  Oréganum Plus® 1:3 ......................................15 mL   6 004530   10.59         B  703120  Stoked Oats Maple Mountain ....................... 8 x 500g   8 000086   51.89         B
     709415  Oréganum Plus® Gel Caps ......................60 softgels   6 004523   14.84         B  DISPLAYS
     709416  Oréganum Plus® 1:1 .......................................30 ml   6 004516   20.16         B  703900E Empty Stoked Oats Shipper .........................1 display   1
     709417  Oréganum Plus® 1:1 ......................................15 mL   6 004509   13.78         B  Required Fill: 1 case per flavour (4 cases total, 32 bags total).
     52 FIELDS
     709651  Ghee & MCT Oil ..............................................500 ml   6 008934   17.55         B
     709652  MCT Oil ..........................................................500 ml   6 004141   15.17         B
     709653  Organic Ghee ....................................................370g   6 009085   22.37         B
     709654  Ghee .................................................................370g   6 009146   13.45         B
     709655  Coconut Oil & Ghee ...........................................800g   6 002079   18.91         B
     709656  Coconut Oil & Ghee ...........................................370g   6 002062   11.09         B

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