Page 218 - March April 2021
P. 218

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     754215  Commando Rose ......................................... 1.5 Litre  24 026602   14.39         B  267140  Spicy Ginger Teriyaki Sauce ....................... 12x375ml  12 901398   75.58         B
     754220  Blush Rose ................................................... 1.5 Litre  24 026404   14.39  40%  B   8.63  B  267145  Sweet Ginger Chili Sauce ........................... 12x375ml  12 901374   75.58         B
     754225  Black Rose .................................................. 1.5 Liitre  24 026640   14.39         B  267150  Ginger Peanut Sauce ................................. 12x375ml  12 901343   75.58         B
     THE FUTURE IS BAMBOO                                      THE GOOD BEAN                        BROKERED BY  Natural Specialty Sales
     Family owned and operated, we at The future is bamboo aim to make eco-friendly bamboo products
     available and affordable to everyone.  Billions of plastic items such as toothbrushes, straws,   510 452 7523
     utensils and cotton swabs end up in our oceans and landfills every year. Our mission is to help   The Good Bean launched in September 2010 with a line of first-to-market All-Natural Roasted
     people choose a biodegradable bamboo option over a plastic one - and we want YOU to be part of it!   Chickpea Snacks. The Good Bean is an excellent alternative to standard snacks because they are
                                      upc 687672               gluten free, nut-free, high protein, high fiber and low fat.
     DISPLAY                                                   Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
     259900  Tfib Display ..............................1 display x 108 items   0 000363  473.41         B  months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
         TRAVEL SIZE - various colors) 6 BAMBOO CHARCOAL FACIAL ROUNDS STARTER                   upc 856651
                                      upc 859722               201125  Smoked Chili Lime Chick Pea Snack ............ 6 x 170g   6 002159   24.43  11%  A  21.74  B
                                                                                                  0 002722
     LIFESTYLE ACCESSORIES                                     201130  Sea Salt Chick Pea Snack ............................ 6 x 170g   upc 008566  24.43  11%  A  21.74  B
     259100  Reusable Bamboo Utensil Kit ...........................12 kits  72 001976   99.08         B  201402  Sweet Sriracha Chickpeas ........................... 6 x 170g   6 007321   24.43  11%  A  21.74  B
         Each kit contains: Fork, Knife, Spoon, Straw + Cleaning brush  201415  Classic Hummus Chickpeas ........................ 6 x 170g   6 002258   24.43  11%  A  21.74  B
     259300  Bamboo Straws ........................................12 x 6pack  120 001266   58.20         B  upc 856651
                                      upc 687672               201420  Sweet Sriracha Grab & Go ........................... 10 x 40g   5 007598   13.99         B
     ORAL CARE                                                 201425  Classic Hummus Grab & Go ........................ 10 x 40g   5 007260   13.99         B
     259400  Unicorn Kids Bamboo Toothbrush ........... 12 brushes  360 000066   30.00         B  201430  Sea Salt Grab & Go Chickpeas .................... 10 x 40g   5 002524   13.99         B
     259405  Charcoal Bamboo Toothbrush ................. 12 brushes  360 000059   35.51         B  upc 008566
     259410  Adult Soft Bamboo Toothbrush ................ 12 brushes  360 000042   35.51         B  BEAN CHIPS
     259415  Superhero Kids Bamboo Toothbrush ....... 12 brushes  360 000073   30.00         B  201300  Cheesy Nacho Bean Chips ........................ 12 x 142g   0 007833   38.23  40%  B  22.94  B
     259420  Rainbow Adult Soft Toothbrush ............... 12 brushes  360 000318   35.51         B  201305  Jalapeno Cheddar Bean Chips ................... 12 x 142g   0 007840   38.23  40%  B  22.94  B
     259425  Rainbow Kids Bamboo Toothbrush .......... 12 brushes  360 000332   30.00         B  201310  Sweet Chili Bean Chips .............................. 12 x 142g   0 007857   38.23  40%  B  22.94  B
                                      upc 859722               FAVAS & PEAS
     PERSONAL CARE                                             201400  Habanero Citrus - Favas+Peas ................... 6 x 170g   0 007567   22.56  12%  A  19.85  B
     259200  Bamboo Cotton Swabs .....................12 x 100 swabs  180 001310   19.20         B  201405  Balsamic Herb - Favas+Peas ...................... 6 x 170g   0 007574   22.56  12%  A  19.85  B
     259205  Starter Kit - facial rounds ............................6 x 14pcs  36 001297  111.00         B  201410  Sea Salt Favas+Peas .................................. 6 x 170g   0 007581   22.56  12%  A  19.85  B
     259210  Refill - Facial Rounds ..................................6 x 14pcs  36 001754   66.00         B  upc 856651
                                      upc 687672               201915  Favas + Green Peas Display ............................ 1 unit   1 002494  146.56  11%  A  130.44  B
     259215  Bamboo cotton swabs .......................6 x 400 swabs  24 000356   19.20         B  Contains: Sea Salt x 18, Balsamic Herb x 12, Habanero Citrus x 6

     THE GINGER PEOPLE                                         THE LAST STRAW                                        W
     BROKERED BY  Natural Specialty Sales                                      (877) 982-5455                             (800) 551-5284  The Last Straw is all about reducing single use plastic and packaging to the consumer while filling a
     Life is better with ginger! As North America’s largest ginger company, we are proud to have the   sustainable need in the world. Reusable straws are the hottest item on the zero waste market right
     largest selection of ginger products available. Our products are all-natural, with clean ingredient   now; Canadians are seeking them out for their homes and businesses.
     lists, and make it simple to add ginger everyday to any lifestyle.                          upc 671371
     Case Stack Discount Outside Of Promotions:Mix & Match within the same category:   RETAIL DISPLAYS
     15 - 29 Cases - 5% off, 30 - 49 Cases - 10% off, 50 + Cases - 15% off.  905905E Retail Spinner for Straw Packs .....................1 spinner   1 045879
                                      upc 107340
     GINGER CANDY                                              BAMBOO STRAWS                             25.00          E
                                                               905826  Bamboo Straws ..........................................10 straws  24 099278
     267135  Gin GIn Crystallized Ginger Candy ............... 12x100g  12 905013   38.49         B
     267300  Gin Gins Dble Strength Hard Ginger ............. 12x128g  12 901589   64.32         B  REGULAR STAINLESS STRAWS
     267305  Gin Gins Spr Strength Ginger Candy .............. 24x31g  24 902036   41.78         B  905804  Blue SS Straw - 8.5 ....................................12 straws  24 099056   30.00
     267310  Gin Gins Spicy Apple Chewy Ginger .............. 12x84g  12 905037   38.49         B  905805  Rainbow SS Straw - 8.5 .............................12 straws  24 099070   30.00
     267315  Gin Gins Ginger Spice Drops ....................... 12x100g  12 905082   52.47         B  905806  Purple SS Straw - 8.5 .................................12 straws  24 099063   30.00
     267320  Gin Gins Double Strength Hard Ginge ............ 12x84g  12 905051   38.49         B  905807  Silver SS Straw - 8.5 ..................................12 straws  24 099025   24.00
     267325  Gin Gins Peanut Chewy Ginger Candy ........... 12x84g  12 905044   38.49         B  905808  Black SS Straw - 8.5 ..................................12 straws  24 099049   30.00
     267330  Gin Gins Orignal Chewy Ginger Cdy ............... 12x84g  12 905020   38.49         B  905809  Rose Gold SS Straw - 8.5...........................12 straws  24 099032   30.00
     267345  Gin Gins Super Strength Ginger Cara ............. 12x84g  12 905075   38.49         B  905817  Stainless Steel Shortie Bent Straw ..............12 straws  24 099186   21.00
     267350  Gin Gins Original Chewy Ginger Cdy ............ 12x128g  12 901558   64.32         B  905819  Stainless Steel Shortie Straight Straw .........12 straws  24 099193   21.00
     267355  Gin Gins Super Strength Ginger Cdy ............ 12x128g  12 901541   64.32         B  SMOOTHIE STAINLESS STEEL STRAWS
     267360  Gin Gins Org Chwy Ginger Cndy Trvl ............. 24x45g  24 902050   41.78         B  905800  Rainbow Smoothie Straw, Straight ..............12 straws  24 099148   33.00
     267365  Gin Gin Spicy Turmeric Ginger Chews ......... 12x150g  12 905150   55.23         B  905801  Rose Gold Smoothie Straw, Straight ...........12 straws  24 099124   33.00
     267370  Gin-Gin Uncrystallized Bare Cdy .................. 12x100g  12 905594   49.47          905802  Black  SS Smoothie Straw, Straight ............12 straws  24 099131   33.00
     GINGER BEVERAGES                                          905803  Silver SS Smoothie Straw, Straight .............12 straws  24 099117   33.00
     267200  Ginger Soother ......................................... 24x354 ml  24 995014   62.76         B  YERBA MATE / TEA STAINLESS STEEL
     267220  Ginger Soother Turmeric ............................ 24x360ml  24 995052   62.76         B  905811  Yerba Mate / Tea Straw - Silver .....................6 straws  24 099087   30.00
     GINGER JUICE                                              905812  Yerba Mate / Tea Straw - Black .....................6 straws  24 099100   30.00
     267205  Turmeric Juice ........................................... 12x946ml  12 505077  367.78         M  905813  Yerba Mate / Tea Straw - Rose Gold ..............6 straws  24 099094   30.00
     267210  Ginger Juice .............................................. 12x946ml  12 504100  292.47         B  SILICONE STRAWS
     267215  Organic Ginger Juice ................................. 12x946ml  12 504070  342.61         M  905814  Silicone Straws - Assorted .........................16 straws   9 099155   44.00
     GINGER PANTRY BAKING                                      905815  Silicone Straws - Bold ................................16 straws   9 099179   44.00
     267110  Organic Ginger Spread................................. 12x240g  12 904092   48.61         B  905816  Silicone Straws - Pastel ..............................16 straws   9 099162   44.00
     267120  Organic Ginger Syrup ................................ 12x237ml  12 904702   58.46         B  RETAIL STRAW PACKS
     267125  Organic Pickled Sushi Ginger ....................... 12x190g  12 904078   42.18         B  905818  2 Stainless Steel Straws w/brush ..................... 1 unit   9 099247   5.76         E
     267130  Organic Crystallized Ginger Dice .................. 12x112g  12 920511   64.53         B  Pack contains two 6 mm bent stainless steel straws (215 mm long) with straw
     267335  Crystallized Ginger Chips ............................. 12x198g  12 901411   90.58         B  cleaning brush.
     267340  Crystallized Ginger Slices ............................ 12x159g  12 920023   90.58         B  905820  Stainless Straw Duo: Silver w/brush ................. 1 unit   9 099209   6.50         E
     GINGER PANTRY COOKING                                          Pack contains one 6 mm bent + one 8 mm straight straw (215 mm long each) with
     267100  Ginger Sesame Sauce ............................... 12x375ml  12 901367   75.58         B  straw cleaning brush.
     267105  Organic Ginger Juice ................................. 12x147ml  12 901602   60.77         B  905821  3 Smoothie Straws: Silver w/brush ................... 1 unit   9 099254   9.76         E
     267115  Organic Minced Ginger ................................ 12x190g  12 904061   42.18         B  905822  Stainless Straw Duo: Black w/brush ................. 1 unit   9 099223   7.00         E

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