Page 225 - March April 2021
P. 225

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     850585  Organic Pu-Erh Tea ....................................... 18 bags  12 000181   4.97  20%  B   3.98   948555  The Bamboo Bath Pouf .......................................1 un  144 990803   5.09         B
                                      upc 049606               EXFOLIATORS
     PREMIUM BULK TEA                                          948115  The Flat-Out Loofah ............................................1 un  144 113004   3.59         M
     850210  Premium Bulk Green Tea Jasmine .....................150 g   6 003213   9.00  20%  M   7.20   948165  The Get Glowing Glove - Exfoliating .................. 1 pair  144 413500   3.89         B
     850225  Premium Bulk Green Tea  .................................150 g   6 003275   9.00  20%  M   7.20   948318  The Serious Sisal Buffer .....................................1 un  144 114209   6.00         B
                                      upc 892241               948345  The Boucle Bath Mitt ..........................................1 un  144 115305   4.18         B
     850230  Premium Bulk Oolong Tea .................................150 g   6 000907   9.00  20%  M   7.20   948540  The Handy-Handle Back Scrubber ......................1 un  120 990957   7.19         B
     850235  Premium Bulk Gunpowder Green Tea ................150 g   6 000914   9.00  20%  M   7.20   948545  The Sudsing Soap Sleeve ...................................1 un  144 991008   3.59         B
                                      upc 049606               948550  The Body-Loving Bath Mitt - Bamboo .................1 un  144 991053   4.80         B
     BODY BALANCE DIETER TEAS                                  HANDS & FEET
     850275  Body Balance Original Dieter Tea .................. 30 bags  12 299340   5.87  20%  M   4.70   948125  Mani & Pedi Pack ...............................................1 un  144 120002   3.59         B
                                      upc 892241               948130  The Must-Have Moisturizing Gloves .................. 1 pair  144 413005   3.89         B
     850276  Body Balance Pomegranate Dieter Tea .......... 30 bags  12 000297   5.87  20%  M   4.70  B  948135  The Bedtime Booties......................................... 1 pair  144 616000   3.89         M
     850277  Body Balance Cranberry Dieter Tea ............... 30 bags  12 000280   5.87  20%  M   4.70  B  948175  The Heel-To-Toe Foot Brush ................................1 un  120 210000   3.59         M
                                      upc 049606               948180  The Love-That-Lave Pumice Stone .....................1 un  120 210208   2.39         B
     850280  Body Balance Cinnamon Dieter Tea .............. 30 bags  12 299333   5.87  20%  M   4.70   948185  The Basic Foot File .............................................1 un  180 210109   2.09         M
     850285  Body Balance Lemon Dieter Tea ................... 30 bags  12 299326   5.87  20%  M   4.70   948190  The Classic Nail Brush .......................................1 un  144 111208   3.59         M
                                      upc 892241               948365  The Best-Ever Foot Paddle ..................................1 un  180 992012   5.99         B
     WHOLE LEAF TEA                                            FACE & HEAD
     850400  Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea ..................... 18 bags  12 000716   5.70  20%  M   4.56   948150  The Feel Better Eye Mask ....................................1 un  96 618509   6.28         B
     850405  Whole Leaf, Organic Oolong Tea ................... 18 bags  12 000723   5.70  20%  M   4.56   upc 628338
     850410  Whole Leaf, Organic Japanese Sencha ......... 18 bags  12 000730   5.70  20%  M   4.56   948151  The Konjac Facial Sponge ...................................1 un  72 119302   6.28         B
     850415  Whole Leaf, Organic White Tea ..................... 18 bags  12 000747   5.70  20%  M   4.56   948152  The Wool Facial Brush ........................................1 un  144 119357   8.99         B
     850420  Whole Leaf, Organic Dragon Well Green Tea . 18 bags  12 000754   5.70  20%  M   4.56   upc 771590
     850425  Whole Leaf, Organic Green Tea with Jasmine 18 bags  12 000761   5.70  20%  M   4.56   948155  The Lovely Lavender Eye Pillow ..........................1 un  144 618004   10.78         B
     850435  Whole Leaf, Organic Ginseng Oolong Tea ..... 18 bags  12 000785   5.70  20%  M   4.56   948205  The Use-it-or-Lose-it Shower Cap ......................1 un  120 115206   3.89         B
                                      upc 049606               948230  The Fabulous Face Sea Sponges ...................... 4/pck  72 118009   5.99         B
     GREEN TEAS                                                948415  The Tough Nut Facial Buffer ................................1 un  144 119259   2.39         B
     850160  Jasmine Tea ................................................. 20 bags  12 299227   3.67  20%  M   2.94   948560  The Only Headband ............................................1 un  144 990858   4.80         B
     850170  Green Tea ..................................................... 20 bags  12 299265   3.67  20%  M   2.94   948565  The Savvy Sister Turban .....................................1 un  96 990902   8.99         B
     850185  Decafinated Green Tea .................................. 20 bags  12 207079   4.97  20%  M   3.98   upc 628338
     850195  Organic Green Tea ........................................ 20 bags  12 207086   4.97  20%  M   3.98   HAIR CARE
                                                               948600  Smooth & Shine Hair Serum ............................80 mL   6 512004   18.00         B
     URBAN SPA                                            W    948605  Hair Hero Repair Oil .......................................250 mL   6 512011   18.00         B

                                                                                                  6 511007
                                                               948610  Mission Condition Treatment .........................250 mL
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          948615  Moisture Magnet Conditioner .........................300 mL   6 510031   10.73         B
                                                                                                  6 510024
                                                               948620  Smooth Move Conditioner .............................300 mL                              (866) 877-1262  948625  Speaks Volumes Conditioner .........................300 mL   6 510017   10.73         B
      Beautiful, sustainable, quality products for body pampering. Urban Spa offers quality products at   948630  Moisture Magnet Shampoo ...........................300 mL   6 500032   10.73         B
     competitive pricing to allow retailers to fill a demand and help drive complimentary sales. Ask your   948635  Smooth Move Shampoo ................................300 mL   6 500025   10.73         B
     rep about merchandising options and floor displays        948640  Speaks Volumes Shampoo .............................300 ml   6 500018   10.73         B
                                      upc 806283               MEN
     DISPLAYS                                                  948455  Mens Foot File ....................................................1 un  180 710257   2.89  40%  B   1.73  B
     948920  Corrugate Floor Display ......................................1 un   1 000026  750.05         B  948460  Mens Body Buffer ...............................................1 un  144 710059   1.84  40%  B   1.10  B
                                      upc 007715                                                 upc 638338
     948925  Spinning Display .................................................1 un   1 990018 1,458.00         B  948470  Shower Mirror ....................................................1 un  72 710004   8.95  40%  B   5.37  B
                                      upc 806283                                                 upc 771590
     948930  Hair Care Floor Display 54pc ............................ 1 ppk   1 513052  710.28         B  LIFE CANDY
         Contains: 6x each: Hair Hero Repair, Mission Condition Treatment, Moisture Magnet   948320  Sleep Mask - Black .............................................1 un  48 012000   2.99         B
         Conditioner, Moisture Magnet Shampoo, Smooth & Shine Hair Serum, Smooth Move   948336  Sleep Masks - Assorted .....................................1 un  144 012055   3.59         B
         Conditioner, Smooth Move Shampoo, Speaks Volumes Conditioner, Speaks Volumes
         Shampoo                                               KITS & GIFTS
                                                               948240  Foot Therapy Kit with Slippers ............................ 1 kit  48 620007   10.78         B
     948935  Urban Spa Haircare Cntr Tray ......................1 display  46 513106  653.52         B  948315  Travel Kit ............................................................ 1 kit  120 011409   6.00         B
         Contains: 4x each: Speaks Volumes Shampoo, Speaks Volumes Conditioner, Smooth   948317  Get-a-Grip Trio ....................................................1 un  144 120507   6.58         B
         Move Shampoo, Smooth Move Conditioner, Moisture Magnet Conditioner, Moisture   948319  The Beautiful Brush Kit .......................................1 un  108 070406   11.99         B
         Magnet Shampoo: 6x each: Mission Condition Treatment, Hair Hero Repair, 10x:   BROCHURE
         Smooth & Shine Hair Serum - 46pc total                .948L02 Hair Care Brochure ENG .....................................1 un  50
                                      upc 771590
     948210  The This-is-Bliss Bath Pillow ..............................1 un  72 619001   7.19         B UTIVA
     948385  The Soap Caddy .................................................1 un  72 612002   5.09         B   (888) 622-3613
                                      upc 628338               Utiva is your Partner in Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Prevention. Utiva Control supplement is
     BRUSHES - BODY & HAIR                                     clinically proven, doctor recommended and has the standardized dose of PACs from cranberry that
     948101  The Body Therapy Brush ....................................1 un  72 111276   9.28         B  is tested to prevent UTIs. Utiva also carries a home-based test strip for patients to screen UTIs
     948102  The Take-a-Bow-Brow Duo.................................1 un  72 070450   7.78         M  before going to the Doctor.*MAP Policy Applies*
     948103  The Lovely Lid Duo ............................................. 1 ea  72 070443   7.78         M  DISPLAYS
     948104  The Fluffy Powder & Bronzer Brush ....................1 un  72 070436   9.89         M  615900E Utiva Countertop Empty...............................1 Display   1
     948106  The Perfect Foundation Brush .............................1 un  72 070429   7.78         M  upc 627843
     948107  The Made-You-Blush-Brush ................................1 un  72 070412   8.99         M  DIAGNOSTICS
                                      upc 771590
     948170  The Perfect Body Brush ......................................1 un  72 111000   7.49         M  615201  Urinary Tract Infection Test Strip .................... 3 strips  24 808138   9.59         B
     948195  The Smooth As Silk Hairbrush ............................1 un  120 610008   5.09         B  HEALTHCARE
     948200  The Massaging Hairbrush ...................................1 un  120 611005   5.09         B  615206  UTI Control Supplement ................................ 30 caps  24 808121   25.50         B
     948355  Bamboo Anti-Cellulite Body Brush ......................1 un  72 992005   9.59         B  615210  UTI Control Supplement ................................ 90 caps  24 808145   65.51         B
     948390  The Bamboo Bikini Brush ...................................1 un  72 111253   7.19         B  upc 851745
     BUFFERS & SPONGES                                         615215  Probiotic Power ............................................30 Caps  24 001032   22.30         B
     948120  The Loads of Lather Pouf....................................1 un  144 117002   2.09         M  615220  UTI Gummies - New .............................120 gummies  12 001056   35.76         B
                                      upc 628338               POS MATERIALS
     948121  All Over Body Buffer ...........................................1 un  72 072003   6.00         B  .615L01 Shelftalker ...............................................................1  1
     948122  The Brilliant Bath Mitt ..........................................1 un  144 115359   4.78         B  .615L02 Utiva DoubleSided Sell Sheet ...................................1  1
                                      upc 771590
     948235  The All-Natural Sea Sponge ................................1 un  48 119006   7.78         B
     948410  The Big Squeeze Body Sponge ...........................1 un  144 119211   6.28         B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2021  223
   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230