Page 234 - March April 2021
P. 234
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management (877) 600-9402 (800) 897-4803 Created by nutritionists, a true nutrition bar is balanced for long lasting energy, weight control and
steady blood sugar.
Zak Organics is a healthy snack foods company that specializes in plant-based snacks made with
premium organic ingredients sourced directly from the Zak family’s century-old farm in southern Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
Saskatchewan. All products are free of artificial flavours, colours, additives or preservatives, and months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
produced in a nut, gluten, and dairy-free production facility. upc 855531
Buy 6-14+ cases Mix & Match receive 10% off,Buy 15+ cases Mix & Match receive 20% off NUTRITION BARS
upc 106284 977110 Dark Chocolate Hazelnut .............................. 12 x 50g 12 002173 27.52 B
SNACKS 977115 Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip ...................... 12 x 50g 12 002111 27.52 B
975100 Crunchy Peas - Mango Habanero .............. 12 x 112g 12 911064 49.95 B 977120 Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter ...................... 12 x 50g 12 002074 27.52 B
975105 Crunchy Peas - Smoky BBQ ...................... 12 x 112g 12 911057 49.95 B 977125 Chocolate Coconut ...................................... 12 x 50g 12 002128 27.52 B
975110 Crunchy Peas - Sea Salt & Lime ................ 12 x 112g 12 911040 49.95 B 977130 Coconut Cashew Crisp ................................ 12 x 50g 12 002159 27.52 B
975115 Crunchy Peas - Garden Herb ..................... 12 x 112g 12 911033 49.95 B 977135 Dark Chocolate Mocha ................................ 12 x 50g 12 002234 27.52 B
977140 Dark Chocolate Mint .................................... 12 x 50g 12 002135 27.52 B
Zimt Chocolates creates vegan, organic, fair trade craft chocolate, packaged in compostable
materials- we prioritize supporting vital social causes.
upc 628055
974200 The White Stuff, vegan white ........................ 12x40 g 96 532453 54.49 B
974205 The Milkless Way, vegan milk ....................... 12x40 g 96 532460 54.49 B
974210 Coconut Crisp, 80%, Coconut Sugar ............ 12x40 g 96 532118 54.49 B
974215 Maple Smoked Salt + Rosemary ................. 12x40 g 96 532170 54.49 B
974220 Kaffee Chocolate Coffee, 80% Dark .............. 12x40 g 96 532163 54.49 B
974225 Sweet Orange Nib’d with Cocoa Nibs ........... 12x40 g 96 532156 54.49 M
974230 Peppermint Nib’d with Cocoa Nibs ............... 12x40 g 96 532132 54.49 M
974235 Salt of the Earth 80% Coconut Sugar ............ 12x40 g 96 532125 54.49 M
974240 Chocolate Nib’d Coconut Sugar .................... 12x40 g 96 532149 54.49 M
974245 Chocolate 80% Coconut Sugar Sweet .......... 12x40 g 96 532101 54.49 B
974100 Salted Vanilla Caramel Macaroons .................. 9x70 g 36 532194 40.86 B
974105 Double Chocolate Macaroons, Coconut .......... 9x70 g 36 532187 40.86 B