Page 47 - March April 2021
P. 47

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F   Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     POO POURRI                                                SUKIN

     TOILET SPRAY                                              HAIR CARE
     572100  Lavender Vanilla - New .....................................59 ml  12 005043   8.55  10%  M   7.70  B  749385  Natural Balance Scalp Scrub - New ................200 ml  24 009433   10.19         B
     572105  Vanilla Mint - New ............................................59 ml  12 005142   8.55  10%  M   7.70  B  749387  Volumizing Thickening Spritz - New .................125ml  48 009419   7.19         B
     572110  Original Citrus - New ........................................59 ml  12 005012   8.55  10%  M   7.70  B  749390  Sensitive Micellar Scalp Masque - New ..........200 ml  24 009426   10.19         B
                                                               749392  Natural Balance LeaveIn Conditioner - New .....250 ml  24 009402   7.19         B
     PURESSENTIEL                                              SWEET LEILANI COSMETICS

     691705  Purifying Lotion Spray - New ...........................250ml  12 201971   9.91         B  DISPLAY
                                                               720905  Wall Display - New ..................................... 126 units   0 000158 1,539.00
     RAWCOLOGY                                                      Filled display includes: 26 testers + 100 unitsPrep/Prime/Powder Fdn - 4 units of
                                                                    each (6 skus) (720400, 720402, 720405, 720410, 720415, 720420) Skin Care Cover
                                                                    Fdn - 4 units of each (5 skus) (720440, 720445, 720450, 720455, 720100)Tinted
     GRANOLA                                                        Moisturizer - 4 units of each (4 skus) (720425, 720427, 720430, 720435) Mineral Fin-
     660200  Blueberry Grain Free Granola - New .......... 12 x 200 g  12 873032   81.08  15%  A  68.92  B  ishing Powder - 4 units of each (5 skus) (720200, 720205, 720210, 720215, 720220)
                                                                    Mudshark Mascara - 4 units (1 sku) (720460) Island Nights Blemish, Bags & More - 4
     660205  Lemon Ginger Grain Free Granola - New ... 12 x 200 g  12 873025   81.08  15%  A  68.92  B  units (1 sku) (720300) Island Paradise Perfecting Primer - 4 units (1 sku) (720305)
     660210  Banana Grain Free Granola - New ............. 12 x 200 g  12 873018   81.08  15%  A  68.92  B  Hawaiian Cleanse - 4 units (1 sku) (720315) Island Moisture 4 units (1 sku) (720310)
     660215  Chocolate Grain Free Granola - New ......... 12 x 200 g  12 873001   81.08  15%  A  68.92  B
     660100  Matcha Latte Coconut Chips - New ............ 12 x 70 g  12 873346   45.08         B SWEET NUTRITION    W
     660105  Chocolate Coconut Chips - New ................. 12 x 70 g  12 873339   45.08         B
     660110  Rockin' Ranch Coconut Chips - New .......... 12 x 70 g  12 873322   45.08         B  COOKIES
     660115  Smoky Cheeze Coconut Chips - New ......... 12 x 70 g  12 873315   45.08         B  728100  Soft Baked Double Chocolate Cookies - New 12 x 68g  12 143994   49.78  10%  B  44.80  B
                                                               728105  Soft Baked Snickerdoodle Cookies - New .... 12 x 68g  12 143987   49.78  10%  B  44.80  B
     REBELS REFINERY                                           728110  Soft Baked Peanut Butter Cookies - New ..... 12 x 68g  12 143970   49.78  10%  B  44.80  B
                                                                                                         49.78  10%  B  44.80  B
                                                               728115  Soft Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies - New... 12 x 68g  12 143963
     752102  Vanilla Skull Lip Balm White - New......................5.5g  96 699286   2.41         B THE BIG BOTTLE CO INC.
     752107  Cake Cactus Lip Balm Pink - New ..........................7g  72 699965   2.41         B
     752112  Raspberry Lip Balm Blue - New .............................7g  96 699460   2.41         B  HYDRATION EXTRAS
     752117  Citrus Cactus Lip Balm Teal - New .........................7g  72 699934   2.41         B  754400  The Big Blush Straw - New ............................1 Straw  50 026312   3.00         B
     752900  Maximum Lip Love 25pc Display - New ............. .9kg   4 699699   60.14         B  754405  The Big Grey Straw - New .............................1 Straw  50 026510   3.00         B
          This Lip Balm Displayer contains 25 of the of the Rebels Refinery natural lip balms.   754410  The Big Mint Straw - New ..............................1 Straw  50 026503   3.00         B
          They are 5 each of the Pink Pineapple Straw/Mango, Teal Pineapple Key Lime, Pink   754415  The Big Brush - New .....................................1 Brush  32 026664   7.19         B
          Cactus Birthday Cake, 5 Teal Cactus Summer Citrus, and 5 Blue Ice Crm Sour Blue   754420  The Big Straw Collection - New ........................1 Box  150 026336   7.19         B
          Raspberry.                                                Pack of 3 straws, Mint, Blush, and Grey
     752901  6pc Grab n Go Lip Balm Display - New ................42g   6 699460   14.43         B  754425  Royal Chill Ice Tray - New ................................ 1 Tray  100 026633   7.19         B
          This Lip Balm Displayer contains 6 lip balms, one each of the Black Skull Mint flavor,   754430  Blush Chill Ice Tray - New ................................ 1 Tray  100 026619   7.19         B
          White Skull Vanilla, 1 Pink Pineapple Strawberry Mango, 1 Teal Pineapple Key Lime, 1
          Pink Cactus Birthday Cake and 1 Teal Cactus Summer Citrus.
                                                               THREE FARMERS                                         W
     SMARTSWEETS                                           W  HEALTHY SNACKS
     521135  Sourmelon Bites - New ................................ 12 x 50g  72 100818   32.04         B  816380  Roasted Lentils - BBQ Snack Packs - New... 12 x 40g   4 200551   15.62         B
                                                               816382  Roasted Lentils - Sea Salt Snack Packs - New 12 x 40g  4 000540   15.62         B
                                                               816385  Roasted Peas - Ketchup Snk Packs - New ... 12 x 40g   4 200537   15.62         B
     SMARTYPANTS                                               816387  Roasted Peas - Dill Pickle Snk Packs - New . 12 x 40g   4 200520   15.62         B
                                                               816390  Roasted Chickpeas - Turmeric Snk Packs - New 12 x 40g 4 200513   15.62         B
     ADULT                                                     816392  Roasted Chickpeas - Salt & Lime Snk Packs
     746160  Organic Women's Formula - New ......................90 ct  12 022695   23.14  25%  A  17.36  B  - New .......................................................... 12 x 40g   4 200506   15.62         B
     746165  Organic Women's Formula - New .....................120ct  12 022701   29.62  25%  A  22.22  B
     PRENATAL                                                  THUNDERBIRD
     746127  Organic Prenatal Formula - New ........................90 ct  12 022671   25.46  25%  A  19.10  B
     746202  Organic Prenatal Formula - New ......................120 ct  12 022688   30.08  25%  A  22.56  B  REAL FOOD BARS
                                                               833754  Chocolate Raspberry Espresso - New ........... 15x48g  120 005380   35.81
     SNACK CONSCIOUS                                       W

     ENERGY BITES                                              TRACE MINERALS RESEARCH
     697200  Chocolate Brownie Bites - New ................... 12 x 45g   8 001926   29.51         B  MOUTH RINSE
     697205  PB Chocolate Chip Bites - New .................... 12 x 45g   8 001988   29.51         B  803800  Mineral Mouth Rinse - New .............................473ml   6 029441   9.31         B
     697210  Peanut Butter and Jam Bites - New .............. 12 x 45g   8 001957   29.51         B
     697215  Peanut Butter and Jam Bites - New ............ 12 x 150g   1 001944   85.72         B
     697220  PB Chocolate Chip Bites - New .................. 12 x 150g   1 001975   85.72         B  UTIVA
     697225  Chocolate Brownie Bites - New ................. 12 x 150g   1 001913   85.72         B
     SPOKES                                                    615220  UTI Gummies - New .............................120 gummies  12 001056   35.76         B

     MULTI-PACK                                                WHISPS
     792305  Variety Pack (4x4x24g) - New ..................... 16 x 24g  16 808804   16.22         B
          Puffed Potatoes Variety Pack, 4 x 24g of each- Sea Salt, Mango Habanero, Sea Salt &   SNACKS
          Vinegar, Barbecue
                                                               962115  Asiago Pepper Cheese Crisps - New .............. 12x60g  12 723127   54.32         E

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