Page 74 - March April 2021
P. 74
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
BACK 2 THE GARDEN 208975 Suncare Mini Shipper 34 Count ................... 34 count 0 900408 638.09
BROKERED BY Abundant by Design Inc. Shipper Contains (1 x 12ct SPF35 Clear Zinc Face Stick, 6 x SPF40 Sport Clear Zinc
Sunscreen, 3 x Aloe Vera Gel, 6 x SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Unscented, SPF30
Clear Zinc Sunscreen Lavender, 6 x SPF 30 Baby Sunscreen, 6 x SPF40 Clear Zinc Kids (613) 847-5617 Sunscreen, 1 Display, 1 Merchandise Kit. Comes in 3 boxes.
Back 2 the Garden Inc. is committed to bringing organic, gluten free, dried sprouted superseed DISPLAYS
products to market. Sprouted seeds, grains, and pulses are one of the best natural bioavailable
food products on the market. Recommended by Naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians. 208957E Lip Balm Caddy - empty ..........................................1 1
Our seeds, grains, and pulses are soaked until sprouted, then dried at a low temperature, halting BODYCARE
germination. Sprouting stabilizes the fatty acids, resulting in a shelf stable product. 208102 Badger Balm........................................................56g 96 028010 9.26 E
6 - 11 cases mix and match = 10% Off12 - 15 cases mix and match = 15% Off 16+ cases mix and 208105 Badger Balm........................................................21g 108 021127 6.49
match = 20% OffNot to be combined with any promotions 208107 Tattoo Balm .........................................................56g 24 133004 9.26
upc 106278 208180 Cuticle Care .........................................................21g 108 331707 6.49
ORGANIC, GLUTEN FREE, SPROUTED 208195 Foot Balm ...........................................................56g 96 025019 9.26 E
127100 Sprouted Quinoa .......................................... 6 x 341g 159015 48.47 40% B 29.08 B 208200 Foot Balm ............................................................21g 108 310016 6.49
127105 Sprouted Buckwheat ................................... 6 x 200g 158971 20.03 40% B 12.02 B 208215 Badger Balm Unscented ......................................56g 96 330335 9.26 E
127110 Sprouted Blackbeans ................................... 6 x 200g 158995 20.03 40% B 12.02 B 208361 Aloe Vera Gel ...................................................118ml 24 470000 7.40
127116 Sprouted Chickpeas .................................... 6 x 200g 6 159053 22.45 40% B 13.47 B HAIR CARE
127125 Sprouted Brown Rice................................... 6 x 341g 159022 25.30 40% B 15.18 B
208700 Hair Oil - argan ...............................................59.1ml 24 310016 17.57 E
208705 Hair Oil - seabuckthorn ...................................59.1ml 24 310030 17.57 E
BACK TO EARTH 208710 Hair Oil - jojoba ..............................................59.1ml 24 310023 17.57 E
208715 Shampoo Bar ...................................................... 3oz 24 130386
BROKERED BY Alpine Marketing FACE CARE - DAMASCUS ROSE (250) 550-6789 208600 Rose Face Oil (Delicate Skin) ............................... 1oz 24 300604 15.71
A modern-day apothecary offering handcrafted, all natural, herbal & medicinal, personal & home 208602 Rose Cleansing Milk ........................................118ml 36 270136 18.50
care products. Made from 100% pure essential oils, herbs and ethically wild-crafted flowers - 208605 Rose Beauty Balm (Delicate Skin) ........................ 1oz 36 270020 15.71
ingredients are locally sourced throughout British Columbia 208616 Rose Balancing Mist ........................................118ml 36 270150 15.71 E
upc 805427 208650 Rose Cleansing Oil (Delicate Skin) ..................59.1ml 24 270037 18.50
213900 Pain Be Gone Display ................................ 12 x 60ml 12 003128 93.24 B 208652 Unscented Face Oil (Sens. Skin) .....................29.5ml 24 270112 13.87 E
Contains: 12 x Pain Be Gone 60ml. 208653 Unscent Cleansing Oil (Sens. Skin) .................59.1ml 24 270105 14.79 E
213905 Pure Hand Sanitizer Display ....................... 12 x 60ml 12 003111 74.64 B 208655 Seabuckthorn Face Oil (Dry Skin) ...................29.5ml 24 270082 15.71 E
208656 Seabuck Cleansing Oil (Dry Skin) ...................59.1ml 24 270075
Contains: 12 x Pure Hand Sanitizer 208658 Argan Face Oil (All Skin) .................................29.5ml 24 270051 15.71 E
HAND SANITIZERS 208659 Argan Cleansing Oil (All Skin) ........................59.1ml 24 270044 18.50 E
213600 Pure Hand Sanitizer ...........................................60ml 48 002046 6.22 B BABY & KIDS
upc 181063 208122 Night Night Balm ................................................56g 96 160017 9.26 E
PAIN RELIEF 208126 Night Night Balm 21g ..........................................21g 108 162011 6.49
213100 Pain Be Gone .....................................................60ml 48 000722 7.77 B 208190 Baby Balm ...........................................................21g 108 331844 6.49
upc 805427 208192 Baby Balm ...........................................................56g 96 028010 9.26 E
213105 Pain Be Gone ...................................................200ml 24 000400 16.55 B 208400 Badger Baby Oil ...............................................118ml 20 284010 15.71
213500 Bee Fresh Deodorant w/Kisameet Clay ..............50ml 12 002121 14.19 B 208450 Shave Soap ......................................................89.3g 24 130201 11.10 E
SKIN CARE 208451 After Shave Face Oil ........................................118ml 24 130249 16.66 E
213200 Ice Age Bar Soap w/Kisameet Clay .....................90gr 24 002084 7.77 B 208452 After Shave Face Tonic ....................................118ml 24 130164 16.66 E
208453 Pre-Shave Oil .................................................59.1ml 24 130126
213205 Rare Earth Kisameet Facial Mask .......................60ml 48 002039 18.38 B 208454 Beard Conditioning Oil ....................................29.6ml 24 130089 14.79 E
upc 181063
213300 Kisameet Clay Sweet Pea Cream .....................120ml 24 000432 16.55 B 208455 Hair Pomade .......................................................56g 24 130041 14.79 E
208456 Mustache Wax.....................................................21g 24 130003
213305 Goodbye Eczema & Psoriasis Cream ..............120ml 24 000159 16.55 B 208458 Beard Balm .........................................................56g 24 130300 14.79 E
213350 Heaven Sent Body Butter .................................240ml 12 000258 18.38 B
213400 Bliss Body Lotion ............................................240ml 12 000296 17.23 B MOM CARE
208750 Pregnant Belly Oil ............................................118ml 24 320022 18.50 E
BADGER BALMS - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER 208755 Belly Butter ..........................................................56g 24 320060 9.26 E
208760 Nursing Balm.......................................................21g 24 320046
BROKERED BY Global Health Brokerage, Momentum Natural Brands upc 206340
LIP BALMS 603-357-2958 upc 634084
Badger is the best stuff for your skin. We are also a healing line. Healing as in: fresh air, sunlight, a 208224 Pink Grapefruit Lip Balm Display ................ 18 x 4.2g 144 225587 58.44 E
cooling breeze and the kind thoughts of a good friend. Those are simple ways of restoring balance. 208229 Vanilla Madagascar Lip Balm Display ......... 18 x 4.2g 144 225594 58.44 E
And that’s the way our products work. Simple blends that safely and gently restore balance by 208231 Tangerine Breeze Lip Balm Display ............ 18 x 4.2g 144 225532 58.44 E
supporting your body’s innate ability to heal itself. Three things you should know about Badger 208236 Highland Mint Lip Balm Display ................. 18 x 4.2g 144 225525 58.44 E
products: We are 100% Natural. We are committed to being chemical-free, 100% natural and USDA 208247 Unscented Lip Balm Display ...................... 18 x 4.2g 144 225501 58.44 E
Certified Organic, and almost all of our products now bear the official USDA Organic seal. Our
ingredients are always naturally processed. LIP TINTS
208956E Suncare Counter Display ...................................20 ct 0 208961 Garnet Lip Tint Display .............................. 16 x 4.2g 128 128819 81.54
Counter Display holds 20 tubes of sunscreen or aloe vera, 5 skus wide x 4 deep. Shelf friendly displays contains 16 of our garnet mineral lip tints
208958E Suncare Counter Display (Empty) ..................... 1 unit 1 208962 Opal Shimmer Lip Tint Display ................... 16 x 4.2g 128 128826 81.54 E
Merchandise 5 of your favourite Badger Sunscreen. Holds 20 tubes in total. 208963 Red Jasper Lip Tint Display ....................... 16 x 4.2g 128 128833 81.54 E
208959E Suncare Mini Shipper EMPTY (34ct) ................. 1 unit 0 208964 Rose Lip Tint Display ................................. 16 x 4.2g 128 128840 81.54 E
208966 Lip Tint Mixed Display - 4 ea - .................... 16 x 4.2g 128 128802
New Mini Suncare shipper - fill as you see fit with Badger’s new lineup of clear zinc
sunscreens. Contains 4 of each of our lip tints and shimmers (Copper, Garnet, Rose and Red
upc 634084
208965 Suncare 82ct Shipper + Merch Kit .....................84ct 1 900071 1,469.43 LIP BALM - COCOA BUTTER
1 Empty Shipper, 82 Units of Suncare Products (10 x SPF30 Clear Unscented, 10 x upc 634084
SPF30 Lavender Clear, 10 x SPF30 Baby, 15 x SPF40 Kids Clear, 5 x SPF 35 Sport, 208212 Tea Tree & Lemon Lip Balm Display ............... 18 x 7g 144 125917 83.23 E
20 x SPF 35 Sport Clear, 1 x 12ct Face Sticks, 1 x 12ct Kids Face Sticks, 10 Aloe Vera 208248 Creamy Cocoa Lip Balm Display.................... 18 x 7g 144 125900 83.23 E
Gel), Merchandising Kit. Comes in 3 boxes: Box 1 is empty Shipper Display 46.5 x 208259 Vanilla Bean Lip Balm Display ....................... 18 x 7g 144 125979 83.23 E
13.5 x 3” @ 9, Box 2 is Contents for Shipper Display, Box 3 is Merchandising Kit 208269 Sweet Orange Lip Balm Display .................... 18 x 7g 144 125931 83.23 E
208970 Suncare Counter Display 20 Count ..............20 Count 0 900385 329.20 208274 Cool Mint Lip Balm Display - ......................... 18 x 7g 144 125924 83.23 E
Counter Display Containing 4x SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Lavender, SPF30 Clear 208277 Poetic Pomegranate Lip Balm Display ........... 18 x 7g 144 125962 83.23
Zinc Sunscreen, 4 x SPF30 Baby Sunscreen, 4 x SPF40 Kids Clear Zinc Sunscreen, 4 x
SPF40 Sport Clear Zinc Sunscreen AROMATHERAPY
208110 Sleep Balm ..........................................................56g 96 135800 9.26 E
208114 Sleep Balm ..........................................................21g 108 026122 6.49
208557 Cheerful Mind Balm (stick) ..................................17g 54 480450 7.40 E