Page 75 - May June Grocery
P. 75

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     531017  Dish Soap - Iowa Pine .................................................................................................473 ml   4.93   0 59200 00099 0  B
     531001  MultiSurface Cleaner - Mint ..........................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00114 0  B
     531002  MultiSurface Cleaner - Peony .......................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00113 3  B
     531003  MultiSurface Cleaner - Lilac ..........................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00112 6  B
     531004  Dish Soap -  Lilac .........................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00102 7  B
     531005  Dish Soap -  Mint .........................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00104 1  B
     531006  Dish Soap - Peony ........................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 00103 4  B
     531200  Hand Soap Refill - Lavender .........................................................................................975ml  9.55  0 59200 00125 6  B
     531205  Hand Soap Refill - Lemon Verbena ...............................................................................975ml  9.55  0 59200 00124 9  B
     531210  Hand Soap - Geranium .................................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 62300 00156 9  B
     531215  Hand Soap - Honeysuckle ............................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 70856 8  B
     531220  Hand Soap - Basil .........................................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 70860 5  B
     531225  Hand Soap - Lavender ..................................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 70866 7  B
     531230  Hand Soap - Lemon Verbena ........................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 70846 9  B
     531235  Hand Soap - Rosemary ................................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 00167 6  V  B
     531240  Hand Soap - Bluebell ....................................................................................................370ml  4.93  0 59200 00165 2  V  B
     531100  Dish Soap - Basil ..........................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70859 9  B
     531105  Dish Soap - Geranium ..................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 62300 00157 6  B
     531110  Dish Soap - Honeysuckle .............................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70855 1  B
     531115  Dish Soap - Lavender ...................................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70865 0  B
     531120  Dish Soap - Lemon Verbena .........................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70847 6  B
     531145  Auto Dish Cleaner - Lemon Verbena ..........................................................................20 pacs   8.27   0 59200 00169 0  V  B
     531500  MS Concentrate - Honeysuckle ....................................................................................946ml  9.86  0 59200 70853 7  B
     531505  MS Concentrate - Basil .................................................................................................946ml  9.86  0 59200 70857 5  B
     531510  MS Concentrate - Lavender ..........................................................................................946ml  9.86  0 59200 70863 6  B
     531515  MS Concentrate - Lemon Verbena ................................................................................946ml  9.86  0 59200 70849 0  B
     531520  MultiSurface Cleaner - Geranium ..................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 62300 00158 3  B
     531525  MultiSurface Cleaner - Honeysuckle .............................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70854 4  B
     531530  MultiSurface Cleaner - Basil .........................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70858 2  B
     531535  MultiSurface Cleaner - Lavender ...................................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70864 3  B
     531540  MultiSurface Cleaner -Lemon Verbena ..........................................................................473ml  4.93  0 59200 70848 3  B
     531400  Dryer Sheets - Lavender .................................................................................................80ea  9.86  0 59200 70861 2  B
     531405  Dryer Sheets - Lemon Verbena .......................................................................................80ea  9.86  0 59200 70851 3  B
     531410  Fabric Softener - Lavender ............................................................................................946ml  11.08  0 59200 00121 8  B
     531415  Fabric Softener - Lemon Verbena ..................................................................................946ml  11.08  0 59200 00120 1  B
     531420  Liquid Laundry Soap - Lavender ......................................................................................1.8L  18.11  0 59200 70862 9  B
     531425  Liquid Laundry - Lemon Verbena .....................................................................................1.8L  18.11  0 59200 70850 6  B
     531300  Tub & Tile Cleaner - Lemon Verbena .............................................................................946ml  5.95  0 62300 00159 0  B
     531305  Glass Cleaner - Lemon Verbena ....................................................................................708ml  5.95  0 62300 00160 6  B
     NATREVE                              (778) 656-2190
     Natreve is the first certified plastic neutral wellness company in the world, delivering premium wellness while providing economic value to the impoverished. Our mandate is to be socially responsible by
     demanding change in sustanability initiatives through ocean plastic clean-up while providing financial economic value to the impoverished. Eat right. Do good.*MAP Policy Applies*
     447200  Keto Fudge Brownie .......................................................................................................500 g   43.24      6 28831 00028 2      G  O  N  K      H      B
     447205  Keto French Vanilla Wafer Sundae ..................................................................................500 g   43.24      6 28831 00029 9      G  O  N  K      H      B
     NATURAL TRADITIONS                                   W

     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     690513  Keto C8 MCT Powder .....................................................................................................270g  20.48     6 27733 00074 1      G         K  V         B
     690505  Rice Bran & Germ Solubles ............................................................................................200g  8.45     6 27733 00310 0      G         K  V         B
     690511  Roasted Baru Seeds .......................................................................................................150g  8.99     6 27733 01870 8            N  K  V         B
     690512  Focus Fuel Coffee ...........................................................................................................140g  13.99     6 27733 00144 1      G      N  K  V         B
     NATURE CLEAN                                         W                            905-940-1107
     All Nature Clean products are non-toxic and biodegradable and are created from naturally derived ingredients. We follow strict guidelines from groups in the US and the European Union when choosing our
     ingredients to ensure that we avoid any possible suspected carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals).
     538102  Dish Liquid Fragrance Free ...........................................................................................740ml  4.10  0 58951 40374 6  B
     538103  Dishwashing Liquid Unscented ...................................................................................3.63 Ltr   13.11   0 58951 40336 4  B
     538109  Dishwashing Liquid Man/Grap ......................................................................................740ml  4.10  0 58951 18740 0  B
     538110  Dishwashing Rinse Agent ............................................................................................250 ml   3.83   0 58951 23250 6  B
     538111  Dish Liquid - Vanilla Pear .............................................................................................740 ml   4.10   0 58951 40376 0  B
     538112  Auto Dish Pacs ...............................................................................................................60 ct   16.76   0 58951 38020 7  B
     538113  Dishwashing Liquid - Unscented .....................................................................................1.5L  7.47  0 58951 40358 6  B
     538114  Dishwashing Liquid - Lavender/Tea T ..............................................................................1.5L  7.47  0 58951 19801 7  B

                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 16 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2021  73
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80