Page 100 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 100

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price

     757235  Dried organic elderflowers .......................................................................................... 56.7 gr   5.99      7 93573 32026 1   A  G  O         V         B
     757240  Freeze dried organic elderberries ....................................................................................50 gr   7.19      7 93573 32028 5   A  G  O  N      V         B
     SWEETSMITH CANDY CO.                                 W
     BROKERED BY  Brand 365                        (587) 889-2567
     Classic sweets, and candies you have never heard of! All of Sweet’s products are gluten free, and many are vegan (dairy free) and soy free as well!
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     839900E Sweetsmith Floor Display .......................................................................................................  6 28110 24899 2  A  G  E
          Required fill: 9 flavours (12x9 = 108 bars)
     839107  Dark Chocolate Birthday Cake ....................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48333 3      G            V         B
     839112  Sugar Free (KETO) Coconut Brittle ..............................................................................12x50g  40.38  1 06 28110 48326 6  G  B
     839125  Smokey Bacon Peanut Brittle ......................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48272 2  G  B
     839130  Canadian Maple Peanut Brittle ....................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48258 8      G            V         B
     839135  Jalapeno Peanut Brittle ...............................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48128 8      G            V         B
     839140  Coconut Brittle ............................................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48081 1      G            V         B
     839145  Aztec Cocoa Peanut Brittle ..........................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48043 3      G            V         B
     839150  Sea Salt Toffee Caramel ..............................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48036 6  G  B
     839155  Sea Salt Chocolate Peanut Brittle ................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48029 9      G            V         B
     839160  Sugar Free (KETO) SeaSalt ChoToffee .........................................................................12x50G  40.38  1 06 28110 48319 9  G  B
     839165  Sugar Free (KETO) Peanut Britlle .................................................................................12x50G  40.38  1 06 28110 48302 2  G  B
     839170  Birthday Cake Brittle ...................................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48357 7  G  B
     839175  English Toffee Caramel ...............................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48012 2  G  B
     839180  Traditional Peanut Brittle .............................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48005 5      G            V         B
     839185  Chai Latte Peanut Brittle ..............................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48067 7      G            V         B
     839195  Espresso Brittle ..........................................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48098 8   A  G            V         B
     *While quantities last
     839100  Groggnog Brittle .........................................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48487 7  G  B
     839105  Candycane Chocolate Peanut Brittle............................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48456 6      G            V         B
     839120  Gingerbread Peanut Brittle ..........................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48470 0  G  B
     839205  Pumpkin Pie Peanut Brittle ..........................................................................................12x56g  40.38  1 06 28110 48494 4  G  B
     *While quantities last
     839102  Bananas Foster ...........................................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48050 0      G            V         B
     839110  Strawberry Shortcake Brittle .......................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48395 5  G  B
     839115  Carrot Cake Brittle ......................................................................................................12x56G  40.38  1 06 28110 48364 4  G  B
     839190  Lavender Green Tea ....................................................................................................12x56G  40.38     1 06 28110 48104 4   A  G            V         B
     839200  Herbes de Provence Peanut Brittle ..............................................................................12x56g  40.38     1 06 28110 48111 1      G            V         B
     TAZA CHOCOLATE                            (617) 623-0804
     At Taza Chocolate we make stone ground chocolate. Cacao is so complex in flavor that we want to let it shout loud and proud. That is why we do less to bring you more. We stone grind organic cacao beans
     into perfectly unrefined, minimally processed chocolate with bold flavor and texture, unlike anything you have ever tasted.
     817100  Wicked Dark 95% ....................................................................................................10 x 70 g   40.86      1 08 56072 04562 2      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817105  Wicked Dark 95% with Toasted Quinoa ....................................................................10 x 70 g   40.86      1 08 56072 04807 7      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817110  Wicked Dark 95% with Coconut...............................................................................10 x 70 g   40.86      1 08 56072 04791 1      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817115  Wicked Dark 95% with Ginger .................................................................................10 x 70 g   40.86      1 08 56072 04784 4      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817200  Guajillo Chile Disc ....................................................................................................12 x 77 g   49.04      1 08 98456 01248 8      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817205  Super Dark Disc ......................................................................................................12 x 77 g   49.04      1 08 56072 04548 8      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817210  Cacao Puro Disc .....................................................................................................12 x 77 g   49.04      1 08 98456 01392 2      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817215  Salted Almond Disc .................................................................................................12 x 77 g   49.04      1 08 98456 01200 0      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817220  Vanilla Disc ..............................................................................................................12 x 77 g   49.04      1 08 98456 01217 7      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817300  Almond Milk Chocolate Quinoa Crunch .....................................................................10 x 70g   63.05      1 08 98456 01606 6      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817305  Almond Milk Choc Crunchy Cashew.........................................................................10 x 70g   63.05      1 08 98456 01620 0      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817310  Almond Milk Chocolate Classic ................................................................................10 x 70g   63.05      1 08 98456 01644 4      G  O  N  K  V         M


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105