Page 113 - JulyAugust Grocery
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BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural (800) 226-3623
Our story begins in 1969 when Yogi Bhajan, an inspired teacher of holistic living, started teaching yoga in America. He shared the wisdom and knowledge of Ayurveda and healthy living that he had
mastered in India with his students while serving a specially spiced tea, which they affectionately named “Yogi Tea. Yogi has continued to expand and evolve our tea offerings to 21 in Canada which
address specific health needs by creating specialized herbal formulas, blended for both flavor and purpose.
394901 Best Sellers Yogi Tea Shipper ................................................................................... 1 Display 252.19 0076950205147 G N K V H M
Includes 48 total: Egyptian Licorice x 16 , Ginger x 8, Green Tea Kombucha x 16, and Lemon Ginger x 8.
394315 Chai Rooibos ........................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 61533 5 B
394125 Egyptian Licorice ..................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 61516 8 B
394145 Green Tea with Kombucha ....................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 65021 3 B
394130 Ginger Tea ............................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 65011 4 B
394185 Lemon Ginger .......................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 65017 6 B
394405 Restful Sleep Tea ..................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 20348 8 B
394410 Calming Tea .........................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 20347 1 B
394420 Lemon Detox Tea ..................................................................................................16 tea bags 5.26 0 76950 20346 4 B
ZING BARS (877) 600-9402
Created by nutritionists, a true nutrition bar is balanced for long lasting energy, weight control and steady blood sugar.
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
977110 Dark Chocolate Hazelnut ...........................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00217 3 B
977115 Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip ...................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00211 1 B
977120 Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter ...................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00207 4 B
977125 Chocolate Coconut ...................................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00212 8 B
977130 Coconut Cashew Crisp .............................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00215 9 B
977135 Dark Chocolate Mocha .............................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00223 4 B
977140 Dark Chocolate Mint .................................................................................................12 x 50g 27.52 8 55531 00213 5 G N K V B