Page 31 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 31
Stock Description Size Whsl Disc Deal Sale UPC PAF GLU ORG KOS VEG HAL FTR Lang.
ID# Price Month Price NGM
192046 Collagen Creamer - New .................................................................................................182g 21.69 6 26712 11002 0
192047 Bovine Collagen Powder - New .......................................................................................250g 20.25 6 26712 11003 7 B
192503 Marine Collagen - New ...................................................................................................250g 25.32 6 26712 11503 2
464100 Ghost Pepper - New ..............................................................................................12 x 5 fl oz 108.58 20% A 86.86 1 08 50010 72154 4 G O N K V M
464105 Trinidad Scorpion - New ........................................................................................12 x 5 fl oz 108.58 20% A 86.86 1 08 50010 72116 6 G O N K V M
464110 Carolina Reaper - New ...........................................................................................12 x 5 fl oz 108.58 20% A 86.86 1 08 50010 72130 0 G O N K V M
464115 Original Hot Sauce - New.......................................................................................12 x 5 fl oz 108.58 20% A 86.86 1 08 50010 72109 9 G O N K V E
520140 Chewy Nutty Peanut Chocolatey - New .....................................................................12 x 40g 23.03 11% J 20.50 8 40659 00078 1 K B
520145 Chewy Nutty Drk.Choc.SeaSalt Almond - New ..........................................................12 x 40g 23.03 11% J 20.50 8 40659 00073 6 K B
520150 Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel - New ..........................................................................12 x 40g 23.03 11% J 20.50 8 40659 00068 2 K B
520260 Chewy Nutty Peanut Chocolatey - New .......................................................................4 x 40g 7.68 17% J 6.37 8 40659 00080 4 K B
520265 Chewy Nutty Drk.Choc.SeaSalt Almond - New ............................................................4 x 40g 7.68 17% J 6.37 K B
520270 Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel - New ............................................................................4 x 40g 7.68 17% J 6.37 8 40659 00070 5 K B
520954 Half Pallet - 9 flavours - New ................................................................................1 half pallet 2,487.24 11% J 2,213.64 8 40659 00095 8 E
Half Pallet - 12x39g each, 108 Caddies: 12 x PB Choc (520100) , 12 x Coconut Choc Chip (520105), 12 x Mint Choc Chip (520115), 12 x Cookie Dough (520120), 12 x Lemon (520135), 12 x Rich Choc Almond (520110), 12 x
Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel (520150), 12 x Chewy Nutty Dark Choc Sea Salt (520145), 12 x Chewy Nutty PB (520140)
520955 Full Pallet - New .....................................................................................................1 full pallet 4,974.48 11% J 4,427.29 8 40659 00096 5 E
Full Pallet - Peanut butter Chocolatey x 24, Coconut chocolate chip x 24, Mint Chocolate Chip x 24, Cookie Dough x 24, Lemon x 24, Cookies & Cream x 24, Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel x 24, Chewy Nutty Dark Choc Sea Salt x
24, Chewy Nutty Peanut Chocolatey x 24
520960 Counter Stand - Chewy Nutty - New ...............................................................1 counter stand 46.06 11% J 40.99 8 40659 00097 2 B
Contains: 1 caddie - Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel, 1 caddie - Chewy Nutty Dark Chocolate Sea salt
520965 Floorstand 16ct Innovation Chewy - New ..................................................................1 display 368.48 11% J 327.95 8 40659 00094 1 B
Contains: 12x40g each: 6 x Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel 520150), 6 x Chewy Nutty Dark Chocolatey Sea Salt (520145), 4 x Chewy Nutty Peanut Butter (520140)
596980 Half Pallet 310ct - bars and minis - New .................................................................. 1/2 pallet 1,048.73 1 06 87456 65473 3 A G O N K V
Flavour and total Units: (596215) Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 100, (596210) Mixed Berry Granola Bars 50, (596125) Chocolate Banana Granola Minis 80, (596135) Chocolate Chip Granola Minis 80
596981 Half Pallet 280ct cookies & squares - New .............................................................. 1/2 pallet 946.68 1 06 87456 65480 0 A G O N K V E
Flavour and Total Units: (596555) Chocolate Chip Cookies 80, (596560) Double Chocolate Cookies 40, (596350) Vanilla Crispy Squares 80, (596355) Chocolate Chip Crispy Squares 40, (596370) Strawberry Crispy Squares 40
596982 Half Pallet 350ct bars - 3 variety - New .................................................................... 1/2 pallet 1,184.05 1 06 87456 65466 6 A G O N K V E
Flavours and Total Units: (596215) Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 150, (596210) Mixed Berry Granola Bars 100, (596200) Chocolate Banana Granola Bars 100
596102 Cookies & Creme Minis - New ....................................................................................6x100g 20.30 1 06 87456 24371 1 A G O N K V B
596117 Cookies & Creme Minis - New .................................................................................. 6x4x24g 20.30 1 06 87456 23411 1 A G O N K V B
349901 ½ Pallet Hemp Heart Displayer - New ...................................................................... 1/2 pallet 1,379.84 6 97658 69185 0 A G N K V E
Contains: 224x Natural Hemp Hearts 227g
607100 Honey Substitute - New ...........................................................................................12x396 g 87.57 15% J 74.43 7 06 98556 00704 4 G N V B
607400 HealthSmart® Mountain Berry Jam - New ............................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 6 98556 70054 5 G N V B
607405 HealthSmart® Peach Jam - New ...........................................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 7 06 98556 00513 3 G N V B
607410 HealthSmart® Strawberry Jam - New ...................................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 7 06 98556 00537 7 G N V B
607415 HealthSmart® Blueberry Jam - New .....................................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 7 06 98556 00551 1 G N V B
607420 HealthSmart® Raspberry Jam - New ....................................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 7 06 98556 00506 6 G N V B
607425 HealthSmart® Apricot Jam - New .........................................................................6x295 mL 34.44 15% J 29.27 7 06 98556 00520 0 A G N V B
607300 HealthSmart® Ketchup - New ................................................................................6x355 mL 32.11 15% J 27.29 7 06 98556 00582 2 G N V B
607305 HealthSmart® Hickory Maple BBQSauce - New .....................................................6x355 mL 32.11 15% J 27.29 7 06 98556 00605 5 G N V B
607310 HealthSmart® Honey Mustard BBQSauce - New ...................................................6x355 mL 32.11 15% J 27.29 7 06 98556 00612 2 G N V B
607200 Maple Flavoured Syrup - New ..................................................................................6x294 ml 32.11 15% J 27.29 7 06 98556 00568 8 G N V B
607205 Raspberry Flavoured Syrup - New ...........................................................................6x294 ml 32.11 15% J 27.29 7 06 98556 00575 5 G N V B
JULY - AUGUST 2020 29