Page 65 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 65

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM
     Kapok Naturals was created to help share the abundance of Peru and support others along the path of healthy living. We are a Canadian, Peruvian and American Family who have come together to bring
     you some of the most powerful, organic, plant-based nutrition from the Andean Mountains & Amazon.   We understand the importance of properly fueling a healthy lifestyle. We use our Superfoods to
     stay healthy and active as Triathletes, Cyclists, Yogi’s & Runners. Enjoy our social media feeds for tips on healthy living & the benefits of Superfoods like Maca, Camu Camu, Cacao, Lucuma, Cacao Tea &
     Quinoa Flour.  We’re always coming up with new recipes for you to enjoy these nutritious boosters - Enjoy!
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
     502305  Organic Quinoa Pop ..........................................................................................................90g  7.97     8 51326 00727 9   A  G  O  N      V      F   B
     502125  Organic Maca Powder ....................................................................................................227g  11.64     8 51326 00701 9   A  G  O  N      V      F   B
     502130  Organic Camu Camu Powder............................................................................................85g  13.08     8 51326 00704 0   A  G  O  N      V      F   B
     502140  Organic Cacao Powder ...................................................................................................227g  10.14     8 51326 00708 8   A  G  O  N      V      F   B
     502145  Organic Maca Powder ....................................................................................................454g  15.53     8 51326 00703 3   A  G  O  N      V      F   B
     502355  Organic Quinoa Flour ......................................................................................................340g  9.05     8 51326 00705 7   A  G  O  N      V      F   B

     KATO MATCHA                                          W
     BROKERED BY  LBN Brand Management                            416) 890-5495
     Kato Matcha is the top selling product line from Genuine Tea Inc. Kato Matcha is Ontario’s only Japanese Matcha brand and the preferred Ceremonial Grade Matcha served at leading cafes, espresso bars
     and restaurants across Ontario. Genuine Tea Inc. was Voted Best Tea in Toronto in 2017 & 2018. Genuine Tea also appeared on Dragons’ Den in 2019 and partnered with Arlene Dickinson.
     453100  Kato Matcha Summer .................................................................................................6 x 40g   97.30      1 08 54335 01006 6   A  G         K  V  H      B
     453105  Kato Matcha - Spring Harvest .....................................................................................6 x 30g   116.84      1 08 54335 01013 3   A  G         K  V  H      M
     453110  Kato Matcha- Spring Harvest Organic .........................................................................6 x 30g   136.31      1 08 54335 01020 0   A  G         K  V  H      M
     KEWAZA                                               W                          (877) 246-4815
     Fuel your day with Kewaza healthy bites made with certified organic ingredients. Kewaza is soy free, gluten free, dairy free, non-gmo and comes in six mouth watering flavours.
     Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Kewaza Products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
     475500  Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ..................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 27843 43395 8      G  O  N      V         B
     475505  Dark Chocolate Almond ............................................................................................10 x 34g   17.03      6 28110 25211 1      G  O  N               B
     475510  Dark Chocolate Coconut ...........................................................................................10 x 34g   17.03      6 27843 43392 7      G  O  N               B
     475515  Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter ...................................................................................10 x 34g   17.03      6 27843 43396 5      G  O  N               B
     475520  Peanut Butter Cookie Dough .....................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 27843 43391 0      G  O  N      V         B
     475525  Banana Chocolate Chip ............................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 28110 25210 4      G  O  N      V
     475530  Kewaza Indulge Pistachio .........................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 27843 43324 8      G  O  N               B
     475535  Kewaza Indulge Hazelnut ..........................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 27843 43326 2      G  O  N      V         M
     475540  Kewaza Indulge Pecan ..............................................................................................10 x 40g   17.03      6 27843 43325 5      G  O  N      V         M

     KOUKLA DELIGHTS                                      W
     BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management                       (438) 333-7444
     Koukla Delights are nutritious and delicious macaroons and cookies that are organic, gluten-free, vegan and paleo.  Our treats are sweetened exclusively with organic maple syrup and are free from all
     dairy, soy and agave.  Available in 2 formats, Koukla Delights are the perfect blend of taste and nutrition!
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.

     CASE STACK DURING NON DEAL PERIODS ONLY Mix & Match 150g Sku’s (5 sku’s) 10 -14 cases 5% discount per case
     15+ cases 10% discount per case
     Mix & Match 30 g (4 SKU’S) 8-16 cases 5% discount per case 17+ cases 10% discount per case
     477900  Koukla Favourites Shipper ............................................................................................48 pcs   363.90   15%  A  309.32   6 28451 18127 9      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477200  Vanilla Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37   7%  J  21.73   6 28451 18108 8      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477205  Cacao Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37   7%  J  21.73   6 28451 18109 5   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     477210  Matcha Coconut Bites .............................................................................................12 x 30 g   23.37   7%  J  21.73   6 28451 18110 1   A  G  O  N  K  V         B
     477100  Matcha Coconut Bites .............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81139 9      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477105  Matcha Macaroons with Cacao Nibs .......................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81146 6      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477110  Cacao Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81016 6      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477115  Cranberry Maple Granola Cookies ...........................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81054 4      G  O  N  K  V         B
     477120  Vanilla Coconut Bites ...............................................................................................8 x 150 g   60.65      1 06 28451 81009 9      G  O  N  K  V         B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2020  63
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70