Page 83 - JulyAugust Grocery
P. 83
Stock Description Size Whsl Disc Deal Sale UPC PAF GLU ORG KOS VEG HAL FTR Lang.
ID# Price Month Price NGM
645200 Whole&Soft Wild dried blueberry,SW ............................................................................8x85g 31.57 10% A 28.41 1 06 62166 51368 8 A G O K H B
645205 Dried Cranberries Sweetened......................................................................................8x142g 20.54 10% A 18.49 1 06 62166 51337 7 A G O N K V H B
645210 Whole&Juicy Dried Cranberries ..................................................................................8x113g 20.54 10% A 18.49 1 06 62166 51443 3 A G O N K V H B
645215 Org Fruit Blend(Bursting Blend)...................................................................................8x113g 25.62 10% A 23.06 1 06 62166 51559 9 A G O N K H B
645100 Chococrunch Milk chocolate & Chia .............................................................................8x95g 30.27 1 06 62166 53027 7 G O N B
645105 Chococrunch Dark Chocolate&Coconut .......................................................................8x95g 30.27 1 06 62166 53010 0 G O N B
645110 Chococrunch Dark Chocolate & Chai ............................................................................8x95g 30.27 1 06 62166 53034 4 G O N B
645115 Chococrunch Raspberry Bites ......................................................................................8x95g 30.27 1 06 62166 53072 2 G O N K B
645300 Whole & Juicy Dried Cranberries Cdy .........................................................................15x28g 12.78 10% A 11.50 2 06 62166 51228 8 A G O K B
645305 Whole&Soft Wild Dry Blueberry Cdy ...........................................................................15x28g 19.66 10% A 17.69 2 06 62166 51358 8 A G O K B
645310 Fruit Blend Classic Cdy ...............................................................................................15x28g 14.80 10% A 13.32 2 06 62166 51327 7 A G O K B
645600 Caddy Sea Salt & Pepper ............................................................................................12x35g 15.41 10% A 13.87 6 62166 55215 3 G O N K B
645605 Caddy Active Blend Tropical Delight ............................................................................12x35g 15.41 10% A 13.87 6 62166 55214 6 G O N K B
645610 Caddy Org Active Blend Moka Moments .....................................................................12x35g 15.41 10% A 13.87 6 62166 55213 9 G O N K B
645615 Org Active Blend Sea Salt & Pepper ............................................................................8x130g 30.27 10% A 27.24 1 06 62166 52099 9 G O N K B
645620 Organic Active Blend - Tropical Del .............................................................................8x130g 30.27 10% A 27.24 1 06 62166 52082 2 O N K B
645625 Organic Active Blend - Moka Moment ........................................................................8x130g 30.27 10% A 27.24 1 06 62166 52075 5 G O N K B
645400 Fruit d’Or Pure Cranberry Juice 3/1 ................................................................................6x1L 30.81 2 06 62166 01006 6 K B
645405 Org Pure Tart Cherry Juice .......................................................................................6x946ml 66.08 1 06 62166 22206 6 A G O N K B
645410 Org Pure Wild Blueberry Juice ..................................................................................6x946ml 57.32 1 06 62166 23302 2 A G O N K B
645415 Org Pure Cranberry Juice .........................................................................................6x946ml 44.03 1 06 62166 21100 0 O N K B
We are a family owned company that produces high quality micro-roasted coffees, and artisan teas that are responsibly sourced, and ethically produced. We are passionate about our family, community,
and sustainability, and are extremely proud to be a Canadian owned and operated company.
558100 Guatemalan ..............................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 2 08 83664 00074 4 B
558105 Peruvian ...................................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 2 08 83664 00104 4 B
558110 Equator Blend ...........................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 2 08 83664 00036 6 B
558115 Rainforest Espresso .................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 2 08 83664 00128 8 B
558120 Safari Blend ..............................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 8 83664 00000 1 B
558125 Sumatra Mandheling ................................................................................................6 x 400g 62.43 2 08 83664 00210 0 B
PERFORMA (800) 916-1146
Performa PerfectShaker has been supplying shaker cups and fitness accessories to the Canadian Specialty Stores for 10 years now! Check out our new Performa Activ Shaker and our new Performa Matrix
6 Meal and 3 Meal Cooler Bags. We sell the meal prep containers separately as well.
614300 Shaker Cup - Activ Black .............................................................................................800ML 5.99 6 72683 00283 3 A G
614305 Shaker Cup - Activ Blue ...............................................................................................800ML 5.99 6 72683 00282 6 A G E
614310 Shaker Cup - Activ Teal ................................................................................................800ML 5.99 6 72683 00281 9 A G E
614315 Shaker Cup - Activ Slate ..............................................................................................800ML 5.99 6 72683 00280 2 A G E
614320 Shaker Cup - Activ White .............................................................................................800ML 5.99 6 72683 00279 6 A G
614325 Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Black ......................................................................................500ML 5.39 6 72683 00339 7 A G E
614330 Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Blue .......................................................................................500ML 5.39 6 72683 00338 0 A G E
614335 Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Teal ........................................................................................500ML 5.39 6 72683 00337 3 A G E
614340 Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Slate ......................................................................................500ML 5.39 6 72683 00336 6 A G E
614345 Mini Shaker Cup - Acitv White .....................................................................................500ML 5.39 6 72683 00335 9 A G E
614350 Mini Shaker Cup - Captain Marvel ...............................................................................500ML 7.64 6 72683 00391 5 A G E
614360 Mini Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman ..............................................................................500ML 7.64 6 72683 00389 2 A G
614365 Mini Shaker Cup - Pink Batman ...................................................................................500ML 7.64 6 72683 00388 5 A G
614380 Shaker Cup - Pink Batman ...........................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00321 2 A G
614385 Shaker Cup - Supergirl ................................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00309 0 A G
614390 Shaker Cup - Spiderman .............................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00307 6 A G
614392 Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman .....................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00311 3 A G
614395 Shaker Cup - Black Panther .........................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00306 9 A G E
614355 Mini Shaker Cup Princess Leia ....................................................................................500ML 7.64 6 72683 00390 8 A G
614370 Shaker Cup - Never Tell Me the Odds ...........................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00374 8 A G E
614375 Shaker Cup - Princess Leia ..........................................................................................800ML 8.91 6 72683 00376 2 A G
PINK SOLUTION (800) 565-9972
Created in 1990, under new ownership since 2014, Pink Solution continues to be a family owned and operated business - creating quality products the old fashioned, small batch way – based on the north
shore of beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. We are proud to produce high quality, environmentally responsible cleaning products at prices that make sense.
643200 Clean - Unscented .........................................................................................................500 g 8.00 7 76875 00009 3 B
643300 Dish - Lavender & Citrus .............................................................................................500 ml 3.75 7 76875 00052 9 B
PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade
JULY - AUGUST 2020 81