Page 114 - JanFebGrocery
P. 114

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price

     817115  Wicked Dark 95% with Ginger .................................................................................10 x 70 g   38.88      1 08 56072 04784 4      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817200  Guajillo Chile Disc ....................................................................................................12 x 77 g   46.65      1 08 98456 01248 8      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817205  Super Dark Disc ......................................................................................................12 x 77 g   46.65      1 08 56072 04548 8      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817210  Cacao Puro Disc .....................................................................................................12 x 77 g   46.65      1 08 98456 01392 2      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817215  Salted Almond Disc .................................................................................................12 x 77 g   46.65      1 08 98456 01200 0      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817220  Vanilla Disc ..............................................................................................................12 x 77 g   46.65      1 08 98456 01217 7      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817300  Almond Milk Chocolate Quinoa Crunch .....................................................................10 x 70g   59.99      1 08 98456 01606 6      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817305  Almond Milk Choc Crunchy Cashew.........................................................................10 x 70g   59.99      1 08 98456 01620 0      G  O  N  K  V         M
     817310  Almond Milk Chocolate Classic ................................................................................10 x 70g   59.99      1 08 98456 01644 4      G  O  N  K  V         M
     TEA REBELLION - NEW                                  W                            (647) 338-9009
     At Tea Rebellion we have re-imagined tea sourcing by working directly with organic & transparent tea gardens and cooperatives. This helps us to foster community impact and lasting partnerships. We
     credit all our teas to our partner farmers & tea masters. Finally, tea lovers can find award winning, unique teas in the grocery aisle. Try our bold, pure and united tea that is good and does good..
              SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE JAN

     799100  White Prakash | White Tea - New ...............................................................................8 x 16g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02241 1         O  N      V         M
     799105  Medium Roast Oolong | Oolong Tea - New ................................................................8 x 22g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02296 6         O  N      V         M
     799110  Kathmandu Cosmos | Black Chai Tea - New ..............................................................8 x 16g   60.54   10%  J  54.49  1 06 28250 02265 5  V  M
     799115  Red Hibiscus| Herbal Tea - New.................................................................................8 x 18g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02326 6         O  N      V         M
     799120  Lemon Verbena | Herbal Tea - New ............................................................................8 x 18g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02319 9         O  N      V         M
     799125  Organic Lemongrass| Herbal Tea - New .....................................................................8 x 18g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02302 2         O  N      V         M
     799130  Green Long Form | Green Tea - New ..........................................................................8 x 20g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02289 9         O  N      V         M
     799135  Purple Leaf Tea | Purple Tea - New.............................................................................8 x 20g   60.54   10%  J  54.49  1 06 28250 02272 2  V  M
     799140  Kanchanjangha Noir | Black Tea - New ......................................................................8 x 20g   60.54   10%  J  54.49   1 06 28250 02258 8         O  N      V         M
     BROKERED BY  Natural Specialty Sales                                 (800) 498-3434
     A roasted, caffeine-free blend of herbs, grains, fruits and/or nuts that brews like coffee or steeps like tea.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products
     532200  Dandelion Turmeric Chicory Tea .....................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43330 8      G  O      K            B
     532205  Dandelion Dark Roast Chicory Tea ..................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43110 6      G  O      K            B
     532210  Dandelion Red Chai Chicory Tea .....................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43320 9      G  O      K            B
     532215  Dandelion Mocha Mint Chicory Tea ................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43310 0      G  O      K            B
     532220  Dandelion Caramel Nut Chicory Tea ................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43220 2      G  O      K            B
     532225  Dandelion Coconut Chicory Tea ......................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   34.99   14%  J  30.09   7 95239 43340 7      G  O      K            B
     532300  French Roast Herbal Tea .................................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   28.69   14%  J  24.67   7 95239 40110 9         O      K            M
     532310  Hazelnut Flavour Herbal Tea ............................................................................6 x 10 tea bags   28.69   14%  J  24.67  7 95239 40060 7  K  B
     532315  Vanilla Nut Herbal Tea ......................................................................................6 x 10 teabags   28.69   14%  J  24.67  7 95239 40010 2  K  B
     532101  French Roast Chicory Herbal Coffee .........................................................................6 x 300g   62.28   14%  F  53.56  1 07 95239 01119 9  O  B
     532105  Mocha Herbal Coffee ................................................................................................6 x 225g   47.12   14%  F  40.52  7 95239 20080 1  K  B
     532106  Mocha Chicory Herbal Coffee ...................................................................................6 x 300g   62.28   14%  F  53.56  1 07 95239 00815 5  O  B
     532110  Java Herbal Coffee ...................................................................................................6 x 225g   47.12   14%  F  40.52  7 95239 20070 2  K  B
     532115  Hazelnut Herbal Coffee .............................................................................................6 x 225g   47.12   14%  F  40.52  7 95239 20060 3  K  B
     532116  Hazelnut Chicory Herbal Coffee ................................................................................6 x 300g   62.28   14%  F  53.56  1 07 95239 00617 7  O  B
     532120  Vanilla Nut Herbal Coffee ..........................................................................................6 x 225g   47.12   14%  F  40.52  7 95239 20010 8  K  B
     532121  Vanilla Nut Chicory Herbal Coffee .............................................................................6 x 300g   62.28   14%  F  53.56  1 07 95239 00112 2  O  B


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119