Page 63 - JanFebGrocery
P. 63
Stock Description Size Whsl Disc Deal Sale UPC PAF GLU ORG KOS VEG HAL FTR Lang.
ID# Price Month Price NGM
FRESH WAVE (800) 998-6367
Fresh Wave is a line of safe, natural and effective odor removing products made with plant oils and water - to remove odours completely. Traditional air fresheners use harsh chemicals and phony masking
fragrances to cover up odors; Fresh Wave works differently, because Fresh Wave actually works, by making odor molecules disappear
291100 Odor Removing Spray .....................................................................................................8 oz 5.37 40% B 3.22 8 16920 00331 7 A G B
291105 Odor Removing Gel Refill ...............................................................................................63 oz 21.46 40% B 12.88 8 16920 00333 1 A G B
291110 Odor Removing Packs ...................................................................................................102 g 5.37 40% B 3.22 8 16920 00335 5 A G B
291115 Odor Removing Gel .......................................................................................................15 oz 8.04 40% B 4.82 8 16920 00332 4 A G B
291120 Odor Removing Packs ...................................................................................................102 g 5.37 40% B 3.22 8 16920 00352 2 A G B
291125 Odor Removing Gel - Lavender ......................................................................................15 oz 8.04 40% B 4.82 8 16920 00350 8 A G B
291130 Odor Removing Spray - Lavender ....................................................................................8 oz 5.37 40% B 3.22 8 16920 00351 5 A G B
BROKERED BY Blume Natural Sales and Marketing (855) 424-2443
Gaga for Gluten-Free is a great tasting gluten-free brand of cookies, that is also an allergen friendly brand that’s low in sugar and low in sodium, making it a great choice for the whole family to enjoy. They
are made with so few ingredients that you can taste each ingredient!
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all Gorp Bars shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold cookies.
296100 Double Chocolate ...................................................................................................12 x 142g 49.05 1 06 28055 00039 9 A G N K V B
296105 Simply Shortbread..................................................................................................12 x 142g 49.05 1 06 28055 00015 5 A G N K V B
296110 Chocolate Chip .......................................................................................................12 x 142g 49.05 1 06 28055 00022 2 A G N K V B
296115 Salted Caramel .......................................................................................................12 x 142g 49.05 1 06 28055 00138 8 A G N V B
GALERIE AU CHOCOLAT W (888) 806-9840
Galerie au Chocolat is a Canadian owned and operated chocolate-maker that uses Fine Belgian Chocolate and other high quality ingredients for fillings and inclusions. All products are free of oils,
emulsifiers and preservatives. The chocolate factory is peanut-free and kosher. This may be the best chocolate you have ever tasted! Galerie au Chocolat is best known for Fair Trade and Organic
chocolates, as well as No Sugar Added items and delightful Seasonal treats and gifts! From first glance of the packages, to the last bite of chocolate, your customers will be absolutely delighted!
15% off on 30 cases or more.Not combined with any other offer.
293110 FairTrade Milk Chocolate Fondue..............................................................................12x200g 85.95 11% F 76.50 1 00 63783 77111 1 G N K F B
293115 FairTrade Dark Chocolate Fondue .............................................................................12x200g 85.95 11% F 76.50 1 00 63783 77128 8 N K V F B
293510 No Sugar Dark Chocolate Fondue .............................................................................12x200g 77.84 11% F 69.28 1 00 63783 94141 1 G N K V B
293515 No Sugar Milk Chocolate Fondue ..............................................................................12X200g 77.84 11% F 69.28 1 00 63783 94134 4 G N K B
293500 No Sugar Dark Chocolate Almond Bark .....................................................................12x150g 54.32 11% F 48.34 1 00 63783 46017 7 G N K V B
293505 No Sugar Milk Chocolate Almond Bark .....................................................................12x150g 54.32 11% F 48.34 1 00 63783 46000 0 G N K B
293300 FairTrade Milk Hot Chocolate ...................................................................................12x200g 85.95 11% F 76.50 1 00 63783 77135 5 G N K F B
293305 FairTrade Dark Hot Chocolate ....................................................................................12x200g 85.95 11% F 76.50 1 00 63783 77142 2 G N K V F B
293202 No Sugar Added Dark Chocolate Bar ..........................................................................8 X 80g 23.24 11% F 20.68 0 63783 58391 7 G N K B
293207 No Sugar Added Milk Chocolate Bar ...........................................................................8 X 80g 23.24 11% F 20.68 0 63783 58390 0 G N K B
293210 Fairtrade Dark Choc Cinnamon Bar ...........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10006 0 G O N K V F B
293215 Fairtrade Dark Choc Fire Bar .....................................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10003 9 G O N K V F B
293220 Fairtrade 72% Dark Chocolate Bar ...........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10001 5 G O N K V F B
293225 Fairtrade Milk Choc Cappuccino Bar .........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10009 1 G N K F B
293230 Fairtrade Dark Choc Mint Crisp Bar ...........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10020 6 G O N K V F B
293235 Fairtrade Dark Choc Almond Cran Bar ......................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10019 0 G N K V F B
293240 Fairtrade White Choc Green Tea Bar..........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10012 1 G N K F B
293245 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Crisped Rice Bar ........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10013 8 G N K F B
293250 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Maple Crunch Bar ......................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10010 7 G N K F B
293255 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Honey Nougat Bar ......................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10011 4 G N F B
293260 Fairtrade Milk Chocolate Bar .....................................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10008 4 G N K F B
293265 Fairtrade Dark Choc Cocoa Nibs Bar .........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10007 7 G N K V F B
293270 Fairtrade Dark Choc Earl Grey Bar.............................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10005 3 G O N K V F B
293275 Fairtrade Dark Sea Salt Choc Bar ..............................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10002 2 G O N K V F B
293280 Fairtrade Dark Choc Espresso Bar ............................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10004 6 G N K V F B
293285 Fairtrade Milk Pecan Caramel Crunch .......................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10023 7 G N K F B
293290 Fairtrade Milk Almond Sea Salt Bar ..........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10022 0 G N K F B
293295 Fairtrade Dark Choolate Coconut Bar ........................................................................8 x 100g 32.76 11% F 29.16 0 63783 10021 3 G O N K V F B
293910 FairTrade Holiday Bar Displayer ....................................................................................72 pc 273.37 0 63783 79101 9 G O N K F B
Includes 8x FTDark Chocolate Gingerbread Men Bars, 8x FTMilk Chocolate Gingerbread Men Bars, 8x FTWhite Chocolate Candy Cane Bars, 16x FT Dark Sea Salt, 8x FTCranberry Almond, 8xFT Honey Nougat, 8x FTGreenTea, 8x
Dark Chocolate 72%
293406 Fairtrade Chocolate Gift Box .....................................................................................6 x 200g 68.92 11% F 61.34 N K F B
293415 Fairtrade White Choc Candy Cane .............................................................................8x100 g 30.38 0 63783 10024 4 N K F B
PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade