Page 79 - JanFebGrocery
P. 79

Stock   Description                              Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal  Sale   UPC       PAF  GLU  ORG  KOS  VEG  HAL    FTR  Lang.
     ID#                                                        Price     Month  Price                     NGM

     520240  Lemon Mousse ..........................................................................................................4 x 39g   7.68   6%  F  7.22   8 40659 00015 6      G  O  N               B
     520245  Cookies & Cream .......................................................................................................4 x 39g   7.68   6%  F  7.22  8 40659 00009 5  O  N  B
     520100  Peanut butter choc snack bar .....................................................................................12x39g  23.03  11%  J  20.50   6 28055 99704 7      G         K            B
     520105  Coconut choc chip snack bar .....................................................................................12x39g  23.03  11%  J  20.50   6 28055 99701 6      G         K            B
     520110  Rich chocolatey almond snack bar .............................................................................12x39g  23.03  11%  J  20.50   6 28055 99709 2      G         K            B
     520115  Mint chocolate chip snack bar ....................................................................................12x39g  23.03  11%  J  20.50   6 28055 99712 2      G         K            B
     520120  Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ..................................................................................12 x 39g   23.03   11%  J  20.50  6 28055 99733 7  B
     520130  Cookies & Cream .....................................................................................................12 x 39g   23.03   11%  J  20.50  8 40659 00006 4  K  B
     520135  Lemon Mousse ........................................................................................................12 x 39g   23.03   11%  J  20.50  8 40659 00012 5  K  B
     520260  Chewy Nutty Peanut Chocolatey .................................................................................4 x 40g   6.92   6%  F  6.50  8 40659 00080 4  K  B
     520265  Chewy Nutty Drk.Choc.SeaSalt Almond ......................................................................4 x 40g   6.92   6%  F  6.50  K  B
     520270  Chewy Nutty Salted Caramel ......................................................................................4 x 40g   6.92   6%  F  6.50  8 40659 00070 5  K  B
     520900  FloorStand Shipper-10 pc .........................................................................................1 display   227.50   1 06 28055 97068 8  B
         Includes 5 peanut butter caddies (code 520100) and 5 coconut chocolate chip caddies (code 520105)
     520901E PDQ Display - Empty ..............................................................................................................  1 08 40659 00863 3
         Display can hold 36 x 4packs or 10 x 12packs.
     520905  FloorStand Shipper-16 pc .........................................................................................1 display   368.48   1 06 28055 97174 4  B
     520905E Empty Floorstand - 16pc ........................................................................................................  0  E
         Required fill: 4 boxes of each 4 flavours.
     520915  Half Pallet Display .....................................................................................................1 display   2,487.24   11%  J  2,213.64  1 06 28055 97198 8  B
     520920  4pk PDQ display .......................................................................................................1 display   183.84   1 06 28055 97761 1  B
         Includes 24 bx:   6 x Mint (520215), 6 x Almond (520210),  6 x Coconut (520205), 6 x Peanut Butter Choc (520200)
     520925  4pk PDQ Display Plant Based Bars ...........................................................................1 display   184.30   1 06 28055 97075 5  B
         includes 24bx :  12 x Choc Chip Cookie Dough (520225)  , 12 x P.B. Jam (520220)
     520930  FloorStand - 16pc Innovation ....................................................................................1 display   368.48   1 08 40659 00375 5  B
         Includes: 4 x Chewy-Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520235), 4 x Cookies and Cream (520130), 4 x Chewy-Nutty Coconut Macadamia (520230),  4 x Lemon Mousse (520135).
     520935  Shakes Floorstand ....................................................................................................1 display   389.16   0
     520940  Half Pallet Display - Innovation..................................................................................1 display   2,487.24   1 08 40659 00412 2  B
         Half pallet 108 bx Contains: 12 x Chewy-Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520235), 12 x Chewy-Nutty Coconut Macadamia (520230), 12 x Cookies and Cream (520130), 12 x Lemon Mousse (520135), 12 x Peanut Butter Chocolatey
         (520100), 12 x Coconut Chocolate Chip (520105), 12 x Mint Chocolate Chip (520115), 12 x Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (520120), 12 x Rich Chocolatey Almond (520210).
     520945  4pk PDQ Display - Innovation ...................................................................................1 display   184.32   1 08 40659 00382 2  B
         Includes: 6 x Chewy Nutty Chocolatey Almond (520250), 6 x Chewy Nutty  Coconut Macadamia (520255), 6 x Cookies and Cream (520245), 6 x Lemon Mousse (520240).
     520960  Counter Stand - Chewy Nutty .........................................................................1 counter stand   46.06   8 40659 00097 2  B
     520965  Floorstand 16ct Innovation Chewy ............................................................................1 display   332.16   8 40659 00094 1  B
     LYNQ                                                 W
     BROKERED BY  Atlas Brand Management                             (514) 824-9977
     LYNQ is juicing on the go. At LYNQ our goal is to infuse high-quality, all-natural fruits and veggies into your lifestyle - to make these delicious ingredients accessible, affordable, convenient and portable.
     LYNQ functional superpowders are vegan, free of nuts, gluten, soy and dairy.
         SAVE UP TO 20%   LINE DRIVE JAN & FEB
     505900E Floor Display ..........................................................................................................................  0  A  G  E
         Required Fill:  18x each: Beaute, Empowdered, Genius and Invincible
     505100  Empowdered ............................................................................................................6 x 110g   58.38   20%  B  46.70   1 06 27843 24350 0   A  G      N      V         B
     505105  Beaute ......................................................................................................................6 x 110g   58.38   20%  B  46.70   1 06 27843 24374 4   A  G      N      V         B
     505110  Genius ......................................................................................................................6 x 110g   58.38   20%  B  46.70   1 06 27843 24367 7   A  G      N      V         B
     505115  Invincible ..................................................................................................................6 x 110g   58.38   20%  B  46.70   1 06 27843 24343 3   A  G      N      V         B
     MADE WITH LOCAL                                      W                            (902) 809-1322
     LOVE. NOURISH. COMMUNITY. These are the guiding lights of Made with Local! Our mission is to continue nourishing our local community through local suppliers and social enterprises; and to be the voice
     of intuitive, mindful nourishment in your grocery stores’ snack aisle.
              SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE JAN

     561100  Coconut Dark Choco Granola Bar Mix .......................................................................12x300g  81.08  10%  J  72.97   6 27843 35630 1         O  N      V      F   B
     561105  Cranberry Chocolate Granola Bar Mix .......................................................................12x300g  81.08  10%  J  72.97   6 28055 50765 9         O  N      V      F   B
     561110  Original Goodness Granola Bar Mix...........................................................................12x300g  81.08  10%  J  72.97   6 28055 50761 1         O  N      V      F   B
     561200  Real Food Bar - Sticky Squirrel ...................................................................................12x53g  29.73  10%  J  26.76  6 28055 50705 5  O  F  B
     561205  Real Food Bar - Blueberry Grunt .................................................................................12x53g  29.73  10%  J  26.76  6 28055 50703 1  O  F  B
     561210  Real Food - Bar Peanut Butter Blondie .........................................................................12x53g  29.73  10%  J  26.76  6 28055 50704 8  O  F  B
     561215  Real Food Bar - Coconut in the Dark ...........................................................................12x53g  29.73  10%  J  26.76  6 28055 50719 2  O  F  B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 14 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                           JANUARY - FEBRUARY  2021   77
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84