Page 120 - MayJunReg2020
P. 120
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
296105 Simply Shortbread..................................... 12 x 142g 12 500015 49.05 10% M 44.15 B 812747 Raw Organic Protein - Chocolate .......................664g 6 120500 38.99 B
296110 Chocolate Chip .......................................... 12 x 142g 12 500022 49.05 10% M 44.15 B 812750 Raw Organic Fit - Chocolate ..............................461g 1 120562 31.04 B
296115 Salted Caramel .......................................... 12 x 142g 12 500138 49.05 10% M 44.15 B upc 886866
812707 Raw Org. Protein&Greens Tray-Van............. 10x27.5g 12 000053 812712 Raw Org. Protein&Greens - Chocolate ...............610g 6 000022 34.98 B
Galenic Health markets natural health care products focused on detox, cleanse and maintenance 812717 Raw Org. Protein & Greens - Vanilla ...................550g 6 000039 34.98 B
related to specific health conditions and ailments. Its products are formulated for maximum effect upc 628055
using the highest quality ingredients backed by science. All products are manufactured in a GMP SPORT
facility with purity and potentcy guaranteed. Trust in Galenic Health products to address your 812755 Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Van ....................806g 6 928621 42.21 B
customers’ health issues. 812757 Sport Org Plant Base Protein - Choc ..................806g 6 928638 42.21 B
upc 628451 upc 886866
344115 Charred Ginger Capsules (Charcoal) .......90 Capsules 12 637035 10.20 B 812760 Energy + Focus - Blackberry ............................432g 12 000091 25.85 B
DETOX/CLEANSE 812762 Energy + Focus - Blkbrry Sugar Free ................231g 12 000107 25.85 B
344105 Bent Ginger Liquid (Bentonite) .......................495 mL 6 637011 10.20 B 812765 Recovery - Blackberry Lemonade ......................446g 12 000114 29.85 B
344110 Bent Ginger Capsules (Bentonite) ...........30 Capsules 12 637028 10.80 B upc 628055
344120 Bentonite Clay Powder .......................................300g 6 637042 13.20 B 812850 Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey Choc ......................672g 6 928652 42.21 B
344125 GSE Ginger Liquid (Grapefruit Seed) ..................50ml 12 637059 13.20 B 812852 Sport Cert Grass Fed Whey - Van ......................652g 6 928645 42.21 B
upc 658010
812500 Raw Prenatal ................................................ 90 caps 6 113922 33.49 (888) 806-9840 812505 Raw One Women Next Generation ................ 75 caps 6 114301 33.13 E
Galerie au Chocolat is a Canadian owned and operated chocolate-maker that uses Fine Belgian 812510 Raw ONE Men Next Generation..................... 75 caps 6 114295 33.13 B
Chocolate and other high quality ingredients for fillings and inclusions. All products are free of oils,
emulsifiers and preservatives. The chocolate factory is peanut-free and kosher. This may be the 812515 Women 50+ Next Generation....................... 60 caps 6 114271 31.80 E
best chocolate you have ever tasted! Galerie au Chocolat is best known for Fair Trade and Organic 812520 Men 50+ Next Generation ............................ 60 caps 6 114264 31.81 E
chocolates, as well as No Sugar Added items and delightful Seasonal treats and gifts! From first 812525 Vitamin Code- Women Next Generation ........ 60 caps 6 114257 30.50 B
glance of the packages, to the last bite of chocolate, your customers will be absolutely delighted! 812530 Vitamin Code Men Next Generation ............... 60 caps 6 114240 30.50 B
812535 Raw CoQ10 ................................................ 60 Vcaps 6 116008 25.49
SAVE 11% SELECT ITEMS MAY 812540 Raw D3 ...................................................... 60 Vcaps 6 116015 14.99
812545 Raw Iron ...................................................... 30 caps 6 115759 14.99
812550 Raw B-Complex ........................................... 60 caps 6 115773 19.99
upc 100637 812555 Raw B-12 ..................................................... 30 caps 6 115766 14.03 E
293110 FairTrade Milk Chocolate Fondue................. 12x200g 12 577111 77.84 11% M 69.28 B COCONUT OIL
293115 FairTrade Dark Chocolate Fondue ................ 12x200g 12 577128 77.84 11% M 69.28 B 812111 Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ...........................414ml 6 928980 11.31 B
293500 No Sugar Dark Chocolate Almond Bark ........ 12x150g 246017 54.32 11% M 48.34 B upc 658010
293505 No Sugar Milk Chocolate Almond Bark ........ 12x150g 12 246000 54.32 11% M 48.34 B
293510 No Sugar Dark Chocolate Fondue ................ 12x200g 194141 77.84 11% M 69.28 B DIGESTIVE HEALTH
293515 No Sugar Milk Chocolate Fondue .................12X200g 194134 77.84 11% M 69.28 B 812100 Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil ...................236ml 6 114486 16.07 E
HOT CHOCOLATE 812805 Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 60 caps 6 115742 52.20 E
293300 FairTrade Milk Hot Chocolate ...................... 12x200g 577135 76.70 11% M 68.26 B 812810 Raw Primal Defense Ultra ............................. 30 caps 6 115735 29.75 E
293305 FairTrade Dark Hot Chocolate ....................... 12x200g 577142 76.70 11% M 68.26 B NUTRITIONAL SHAKES
upc 063783 812355 Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Vanilla .....................969g 6 120449 46.99 B
CONFECTIONERY 812360 Raw All-In-One Nutr. Shake Chocolat ...............1017g 6 120432 46.99 B
293202 No Sugar Added Dark Chocolate Bar .............8 X 80g 24 583917 23.24 11% M 20.68 B 812365 All in One Shake lightly sweetened ...................1038g upc 628055 46.99 B
6 928423
293207 No Sugar Added Milk Chocolate Bar ..............8 X 80g 24 583900 23.24 11% M 20.68 B upc 658010
293210 Fairtrade Dark Choc Cinnamon Bar .............. 8 x 100g 3 100060 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812450 Raw Fit - natural ................................................396g 6 161411 31.04
293215 Fairtrade Dark Choc Fire Bar ........................ 8 x 100g 3 100039 30.37 11% M 27.03 B
293220 Fairtrade 72% Dark Chocolate Bar .............. 8 x 100g 3 100015 32.43 11% M 28.86 B DR. FORMULATED PROBIOTICS
293225 Fairtrade Milk Choc Cappuccino Bar ............ 8 x 100g 3 100091 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812250 Once Daily Ultra 90 Billions.........................30 VCaps 6 120180 36.99 B
293230 Fairtrade Dark Choc Mint Crisp Bar .............. 8 x 100g 3 100206 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812252 Mood+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ........................ 60 Vcaps 0 120395 31.99
293235 Fairtrade Dark Choc Almond Cran Bar ......... 8 x 100g 3 100190 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812255 Organic Digest+ ................................. 90 chewables 0 120159 28.75 B
293240 Fairtrade White Choc Green Tea Bar............. 8 x 100g 24 100121 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812257 Urinary Tract+ Vcaps Shelf Stable ............. 60 Vcaps 0 120388 33.45 E
293245 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Crisped Rice Bar ........... 8 x 100g 24 100138 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812260 Once Daily 30 Billions ................................. 30 Vcaps 0 120173 22.99 B
293250 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Maple Crunch Bar ......... 8 x 100g 24 100107 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812265 Mood+ 50 Billion ....................................... 60 Vcaps 0 120166 31.99 B
293255 Fairtrade Mlk Choc Honey Nougat Bar ......... 8 x 100g 24 100114 30.37 11% M 27.03 B upc 628055
293260 Fairtrade Milk Chocolate Bar ........................ 8 x 100g 24 100084 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812271 Organic Kids chewable probiotic..................30 Vtabs 6 928829 16.22 E
293265 Fairtrade Dark Choc Cocoa Nibs Bar ............ 8 x 100g 3 100077 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812272 Once Daily 30 Bil Shelf Stable ....................... 30 caps 6 928669 22.99
293270 Fairtrade Dark Choc Earl Grey Bar................ 8 x 100g 3 100053 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812277 Once daily Prenatal shelf stable .................... 30 caps 6 928614 20.18 E
293275 Fairtrade Dark Sea Salt Choc Bar ................. 8 x 100g 3 100022 30.37 11% M 27.03 B upc 658010
293280 Fairtrade Dark Choc Espresso Bar ............... 8 x 100g 3 100046 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812280 Once Daily Women’s Vegetarian Vcaps ...... 30 Vcaps 0 120241 29.42 E
293285 Fairtrade Milk Pecan Caramel Crunch .......... 8 x 100g 24 100237 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812290 Once Daily Men’s Vcaps Shelf Stable ......... 30 Vcaps 6 120203 29.42 E
293290 Fairtrade Milk Almond Sea Salt Bar ............. 8 x 100g 3 100220 32.43 11% M 28.86 B upc 628055
293295 Fairtrade Dark Choolate Coconut Bar ........... 8 x 100g 3 100213 30.37 11% M 27.03 B 812292 Organic Kids shelf stable probiotic ......... 30 chewable 6 928591 16.70 B
GIFTS upc 658010
293410 Fairtrade Snowmen 3-Pack ........................... 16x50g 16 38.92 B 812295 Prostate+ Vcaps Shelf Stable .................... 60 Vcaps 0 120371 33.45 E
upc 628055
GARDEN OF LIFE MY KIND ORGANICS (800) 361-0324 812650 mykind Organics - Vitamin B-12 Orga ..............58 ml 24 928294 12.05 E
812651 mykind Organics - Vit C Spray Cherry/Tang ......58 ml 24 928379
Distributor for Garden of Life and Wobenzym in Canada. 812652 mykind Organics - Vit C Spray Orange/Tang .....58 ml 24 928362 8.67 E
upc 886866 812653 mykind Organics Men’s Multi 40+ ..............60 Vtabs 6 928355 36.78 E
MAGNESIUM 812654 mykind Organic Men’s Once Daily ...............30 Vtabs 6 928348 24.45 B
812875 Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Rasp/Lemon 421.5 g 6 000817 32.97 B 812655 mykind Organics Women’s Multi 40+ .........60 Vtabs 6 928331 36.78 E
812656 mykind- Multivitamin - Womens once..........30 Vtabs
6 928324
812876 Dr.Formulated Whole Food Mag Orange ..........419.5g 6 000800 32.97 B 812657 mykind Organics - Organic Plant Cal............90 Vtabs 6 928317 29.49 B
MCT OIL 812658 mykind Organics -Vitamin D3 Organic ..............58 ml 24 928300 10.71 B
812301 Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................946ml 6 000640 31.48 B upc 886866
812302 Dr Formulated Organic MCT Oil .......................473ml 12 000657 19.90 B 812659 mykind Orgs. Plant Collagen Builder ............60 Vtabs 6 000077 25.99
upc 628055 812660 mykind Organics B-Complex .......................30 Vtabs 6 000060 21.99
RAW ORGANIC 812661 mykind Organics Prenatal Once Daily ..........30 Vtabs 6 000084 31.29 B
812702 Raw Organic Protein Unflavoured .....................568 g 6 928430 38.99 B
upc 658010
812740 Raw Fit Vanilla ...................................................457g 1 120579 31.04
812742 Raw Organic Protein Vanilla Tray ................... 10x31g 6 120487 36.03 B
812745 Raw Organic Protein - Vanilla .............................624g 6 120517 38.99 B