Page 154 - MayJunReg2020
P. 154

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description             Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     MARPHYL MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON                         W    595403  CALC PHOS 6X TABS ...............................125 tablets   6 001453   7.91         B

                                                                                                  6 001460
                                                               595405  CALC SULPH 6X TABS .............................125 tablets
     BROKERED BY  D.Pearce Brand Management                    595407  FERR PHOS 6X TABS ...............................125 tablets   6 001477   7.91         B
                                                               595409  KALI MUR 6X TABS ..................................125 tablets   6 001484   7.91         B                              (604) 715-3185  595411  KALI PHOS 6X TABS ................................125 tablets   6 001491   7.91         B
     Dedicated to providing a 100% natural and wildlife superfood that optimizes health.  Also to   595413  KALI SULPH 6X TABS ...............................125 tablets   6 001507   7.91         B
     providing a 100% organic soil enhancer that is non-toxic, runoff safe, has no preservatives and is   595415  MAG PHOS 6X TABS ................................125 tablets   6 001514   7.91         B
     pesticide and fungicide free. Also used as a plant food and fertilizer.  595417  NAT MUR 6X TABS ...................................125 tablets   6 001521   7.91         B
                                                               595419  NAT PHOS 6X TABS .................................125 tablets   6 001538   7.91         B
        SAVE UP TO 13%   SELECT ITEMS MAY                      595421  NAT SULPH 6X TABS................................125 tablets   6 001545   7.91         B
                                                               595423  SILICA 6X TABS .......................................125 tablets   6 001552   7.91         B
                                      upc 627843               595501  Comb A (6X) Insomnia .............................125 tablets   6 001569   7.91         B
     NATURAL SUPPLEMENT                                        595503  Comb B (6X) General Debility ...................125 tablets   6 001576   7.91         B
     541100  Marphyl Natural Supplement ...................30 capsules  12 783107   23.41  11%  M  20.83  B  595505  Comb C (6X) Acidity .................................125 tablets   6 001583   7.91         B

                                                               595507  Comb D (6X) Skin Disorders.....................125 tablets
                                                                                                  6 001590
     ORGANIC LIQUID SOIL ENHANCER                              595509  Comb E (6X) Indigestion ...........................125 tablets   6 001606   7.91         B
     541200  Organic Soil Enhancer ...........................................4L   6 783190   51.49         B  595511  Comb F (6X) Fatigue .................................125 tablets   6 001613   7.91         B
     541205  Organic Soil Enhancer ...........................................1L   9 783121   12.99  12%  M  11.43  B  595513  Comb G (6X) Lumbago ............................... 125 tabs   6 001620   7.91         B
                                      upc 106278               595515  COMB H (6X) Hayfever .............................125 tablets   0 001637   7.91         B
     541210  Organic Soil Enhancer ............................. 12 x 500ml  12 783111   87.24  10%  M  78.52  B  595517  COMB I (6X) Fibrositis ..............................125 tablets   0 001644   7.91         B
     SALT                                                      595519  Comb J (6X) Congestion ..........................125 tablets   0 001651   7.91         B
     541300  Natural Sea Salt - Liquid .......................... 12 x 118ml  12 783180   47.68  13%  M  41.48  B  595521  Comb K (6X) Weak Nails ..........................125 tablets   0 001668   7.91         B
     541305  Natural Sea Salt Lime & Cayenne ................ 6 x 150g   6 783166   31.22  10%  M  28.10  B  595523  Comb L (6X) Circulatory Disorders ...........125 tablets   0 001675   7.91         B
     541310  Sea Salt w/Marine Phytoplankton ................ 6 x 150g   6 783142   31.22  10%  M  28.10  B  595525  Comb M (6X) Rheumatism .......................125 tablets   0 001682   7.91         B
     541315  Natural Sea Salt with Rosemary ................... 6 x 150g   6 783159   31.22  10%  M  28.10  B  595527  Comb N (6X) Menstrual Pain ....................125 tablets   0 001699   7.91         B
     541320  Natural Sea Salt - Turmeric .......................... 6 x 150g   6 783173   31.22  10%  M  28.10  B  595529  Comb P (6X) Poor Circulation ...................125 tablets   0 001705   7.91         B
     541325  Natural Sea Salt - White ............................... 6 x 150g   6 783135   31.22  10%  M  28.10  B  595531  Comb Q (6X) Sinus ..................................125 tablets   0 001712   7.91         B
                                                               595533  Comb R (6X) Painful Teeth ........................125 tablets   0 001729   7.91         B
     MARTIN & PLEASANCE                                        595535  Comb S (6X) Stomach Upset ...................125 tablets   0 001736   7.91         B
                                                                                                  0 001743

                                                               595537  Comb T (6X) 1st Stage of Illness ..............125 tablets
                                                  (855) 674-6676  595539  Comb U (6X) Calcium Absorption .............125 tablets   0 001750   7.91         B
     Martin & Pleasance has provided an extensive range of natural remedies and medicines based on   595541  Comb 5 (6X) Nerve Tonic .........................125 tablets   6 001767   7.91         B
     a commitment to integriety, quality and innovation for more than 150 years. We remain loyal to   595543  Comb 12 (6X) General Tonic ....................125 tablets   6 001774   7.91         B
     traditional preparation techniques that have proven their value and effectiveness over time. M&P   upc 932158
     also prides itself on pioneering new and emerging products without compromising standards of   IMMUNE HEALTH
     performance, while continuing to strengthen our traditional brands which have built the company’s
     foundation.                                               595700  Ki Hayfever .................................................60 tablets   6 001690   27.03         B
     Ki (mix & match)36 units – 5% off,96 units – 10% off      595705  Ki Hayfever .................................................30 tablets   6 001348   16.89         B
     Harmony (mix and match)36 units – 5% off,96 units – 10% off                                 upc 932429
     Zen (mix and match)24 units – 10% off                     595710  Ki Cold & Flu Attack ....................................30 tablets   6 001873   13.18         B
     Schuessler and Homeopathic (mix and match)24 units - 5% off,48 units - 10% off              upc 932812
     Can not be combined with any other promotions             595715  Ki Immune Defence & Vitality .....................60 tablets   6 000043   27.03         B
                                                               595720  Ki Immune Defence & Vitality .....................30 tablets   6 000050   19.59         B
                                                                                                 upc 932158
                                                               595725  Ki Kids Cough & Cold Liquid ............................200ml   6 002062   13.18         B
                                                               595730  Ki Cold & Flu Day/Night Formula ...................30 tablet   6 002987   14.19         B
                                                                                                 upc 932429
                                                               PAIN RELIEF
                                                               595750  Zen Gel Tube ....................................................40gm   0 001866   8.78         B
                                                                                                 upc 932812
                                                               595765  Zen Herbal Liniment .........................................100ml   0 000036   13.51         B
                                                                                                 upc 932429
                                                               595785  Arnica Natural Herbal Cream ..........................100gm   6 000173   9.12         B
                                                                                                 upc 932158
                                                               595795  Zen Sports Spray ............................................125ml   6 002178   16.89         B
                                                               HERBAL CREAM
                                      upc 932429               595326  Trauma Relief Natural Herbal Cream ...............100gm   6 001089   13.51         B
     HOMEOPATHIC                                               595802  Calendula Natural Herbal Cream .....................100gm   6 001294   9.12         B
     595115  Spray - HCR Allergy Relief .................................25ml   6 001187   9.59         B  595805  Schuessler Mag Phos Cream ............................100g   6 002673   9.12         B
     595116  Spray - HCR Restless Legs Relief ......................25ml   6 001439   9.59         B  WOMEN’S HEALTH
     595120  Spray - HCR Heartburn & Reflux .......................25ml   6 001125   9.59         B  595168  Harmony Menopause Day & Night .............45 Tablets   6 002895   19.59         B
     595130  Spray - HCR Craving Control .............................25ml   6 001101   9.59         B  595169  Harmony Menopause Day & Night .............90 Tablets   6 002901   27.03         B
     595135  Spray - HCR Sleep Relief ...................................25ml   6 001255   9.59         B  595170  Harmony Restore 60 tabs ...........................60 tablets   6 000532   29.78         B
     595320  Fresh Start Pack ..............................................1 pack   6 001989   28.38          595171  Harmony Menopause Max ..........................60 tablets   6 001157   23.31         B
                                      upc 932158
     595321  Spray - HCR Receding Gums Relief ...................25ml   6 000112   9.59         B  595172  Harmony Balance .......................................60 tablets   upc 932429  19.59         B
                                                                                                  6 001316
                                      upc 932429
     595322  Spray - HCR IBS Relief ......................................25ml   6 001859   9.59         B  595174  Harmony Natural Beauty - New ...........................80g   upc 932158  35.14         B
                                                                                                  1 003274
     595323  Spray - HCR Nausea Relief ................................25ml   6 001200   9.59         B  upc 932812
     595324  Spray - HCR Headache Relief ............................25ml   6 001194   9.59         B  595175  Harmony Menopause .................................60 tablets   6 000029   19.59         B
     595325  Spray - HCR Bladder Relief ................................25ml   6 001286   9.59         B  upc 932429
     SCHEUSSLER MINERALS                                       595176  Harmony Menopause ...............................120 tablets   6 000142   27.03         B
     595215  Spray - CALC FLUOR ........................................30ml   0 000999   7.91         M  MEN’S HEALTH
     595220  Spray - CALC PHOS ..........................................30ml   0 001040   7.91         M
     595225  Spray - CALC SULPH ........................................30ml   0 001088   7.91         M  595850  He Men’s Midlife Formula ...........................45 tablets   6 001910   19.59         B
     595230  Spray - FERR PHOS ..........................................30ml   0 000944   7.91         M  KID’S HEALTH
     595235  Spray - KALI MUR .............................................30ml   0 001033   7.91         M  595140  KIDZ MINERALS - Be Calm .......................100 tablets   0 001392   7.57         B
     595240  Spray - KALI PHOS ............................................30ml   0 000951   7.91         M  595145  KIDZ MINERALS -Strong Bones & Teeth ...100 tablets   0 001354   7.57         B
     595245  Spray - KALI SULPH ..........................................30ml   0 001071   7.91         M  upc 932158
     595250  Spray - MAG PHOS ...........................................30ml   0 000968   7.91         M  595146  Ki Kids Chesty Roll On .........................................50g   0 002581   9.46         B
     595255  Spray - NAT MUR ..............................................30ml   0 000982   7.91         M  SUPER FOODS
     595260  Spray - NAT PHOS .............................................30ml   0 001057   7.91         M  595605  Organic Vital Just Greens...................................200g   6 002697   20.27         B
     595265  Spray - NAT SULPH ...........................................30ml   0 001064   7.91         M
     595270  Spray - SILICA ...................................................30ml   0 000975   7.91         M
     595275  Spray - COMB D ................................................30ml   0 001026   7.91         M
     595280  Spray - COMB 5 ................................................30ml   0 001002   7.91         M
     595285  Spray - COMB 12 ..............................................30ml   0 001019   7.91         M
     595401  CALC FLUOR 6X TABS .............................125 tablets   6 001446   7.91         B
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159