Page 180 - MayJunReg2020
P. 180
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management (800) 359-3912 (888) 868-0127 Organic Harvest Foods pepper sauce is hand made with 100% organic peppers grown in the sunny
Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. In this bottle, you get a pepper sauce with a thick, rich, zestful
100% certified organic cotton biodegradable feminine care products. Healthier for women and the flavor that includes organic purity.
environment. They are preferred by women with sensitive skin. They help to prevent and alleviate
skin irritations and rashes that can be caused by products made of paper, plastic, wood pulp and
super-absorbent powders. Chlorine bleach free. SAVE 15% LINE DRIVE MAY
Pads, Liners, Wash, Wipes, Beauty* & Baby SKUs15 cases mix & match for 20% off
All Tampons15 cases mix & match 10% off
upc 801686
611300 Tampons Digital - Regular ..................................16 ct 12 009928 4.88 15% M 4.15 B
611305 Tampons Digital - Super ....................................16 ct 12 009911 5.48 15% M 4.66 B
611310 Tampons W/applicator - Regular ........................16 ct 6 008976 6.09 15% M 5.18 B
611315 Tampons W/applicator - Super ..........................14 ct 6 008969 6.09 15% M 5.18 B
611700 Tampons - Super Plus .......................................16 ct 12 007399 6.71 15% M 5.70 B
611705 Tampons - Super ..............................................16 ct 12 007382 6.71 15% M 5.70 B upc 100273
611710 Tampons - Regular ............................................16 ct 12 007375 6.71 15% M 5.70 B CONDIMENTS AND SAUCES
PADS 622100 Chipotle Habanero Pepper Sauce - New .......12 x 5oz 12 120545 50.80 15% M 43.18 B
611505 Pads - Heavy Flow w/Wings Folded ...................10 ct 12 009935 5.20 25% M 3.90 B 622105 Habanero Pepper Sauce - New .....................12 x 5oz 12 120293 50.80 15% M 43.18 B
611510 Pads - Moderate Flow w/Wings Folded ..............10 ct 12 009942 4.88 25% M 3.66 B 622110 Jalapeño Pepper Sauce - New ......................12 x 5oz 12 120040 50.80 15% M 43.18 B
611400 Flat Liners - Light Flow ......................................24 ct 12 008945 4.88 25% M 3.66 B
611405 Folded Liners - Light Flow ..................................24 ct 12 009959 4.88 25% M 3.66 B BROKERED BY Cornerstone Sales
INTIMATE HYGIENE (888) 550-8332
611201 Feminine Hygiene Wash w. Chamomile ..........250 ml 12 003056 7.14 25% M 5.36 B Mission is to bring regenerative agriculture to rural India using organic and biodynamic farming
611205 Feminine Hygiene Wipes....................................20 ct 12 008860 3.89 25% M 2.92 B methods for true wellness products.
BEAUTY Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
611105 Beauty Cotton Swabs ......................................200 ct 12 007023 4.17 25% M 3.13 B months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
611110 Beauty Cotton Rounds .......................................70 ct 12 007030 4.09 25% M 3.07 B
611115 Beauty Cotton Balls .........................................100 ct 12 007047 4.17 25% M 3.13 B SAVE 25% SELECT ITEMS MAY
611100 Beauty Baby Wipes ...........................................60 ct 12 009997 5.52 25% M 4.14 B upc 801541
611600 Baby Cotton Squares .........................................60 ct 12 001267 6.49 25% M 4.87 B TEA
611605 Nursing Pads .....................................................24 ct 12 001274 6.09 25% M 4.57 B
605100 Tulsi Turmeric Ginger .........................6 x 18 tea bags 6 513239 36.43 B
ORGANIC GEMINI 605105 Tulsi Sweet Rose ...............................6 x 18 tea bags 6 508983 36.43 B
6 508976
605110 Tulsi Peppermint ................................6 x 18 tea bags
BROKERED BY Brand 365 605115 Tulsi Original ......................................6 x 18 tea bags 6 508907 36.43 B
605120 Tulsi Lemon Ginger ............................6 x 18 tea bags 6 508952 36.43 B (347) 662-2900 605125 Tulsi Green Tea ..................................6 x 18 tea bags 6 508945 36.43 B
This ancient SUPERFOOD is extremely high in fiber, which results in weight-loss. They are a great 605130 Tulsi Masala Chai ..............................6 x 18 tea bags 6 508914 36.43 B
source of PREBIOTIC fiber. This high insoluble dietary fibre is low in the glycemic index, contains as upc 851469
much potassium as coconut water and has a much iron as red meat. TigerNuts are high in vitamin 605900 Tulsi Tea Shipper ...................................48 tea boxes 1 000021 394.18 B
E and Magnesium. Certified Organic, NON-GMO verified, vegan, gluten-free, kosher and paleo upc 801541
651100 TigerNut Clusters - Chocolate ........................... 2.5oz 12 005677 4.08 E 605140 Psyllium Organic Whole Husk ............................340g 12 514120 14.15 25% M 10.61 B
651105 TigerNut Raw Snack - Peeled............................... 5oz 6 005516 7.30 B 605145 Ashwagandha .............................................. 90 caps 12 514052 22.32 25% M 16.74 B
651110 TigerNut Raw Snack - Sliced ............................... 6oz 6 005394 10.09 B 605150 Ceylon Cinnamon ......................................... 90 caps 12 514076 22.32 25% M 16.74 B
651115 TigerNut Raw Snack - Original ............................. 5oz 6 005066 6.45 B 605155 Ginger .......................................................... 90 caps 12 514090 18.85 25% M 14.14 B
651200 TigerNut Smoothie Mix - Chocolate .................. 9.3oz 6 005653 12.26 E 605160 Moringa ........................................................ 90 caps 12 514106 18.85 25% M 14.14 B
651205 TigerNut Smoothie Mix- Super Boost ................ 9.3oz 6 005639 12.26 E 605165 Triphala ........................................................ 90 caps 12 514137 18.85 25% M 14.14 B
651210 TigerNut Flour .................................................... 16oz 6 005240 13.28 E 605170 Tulsi - Holy Basil ........................................... 90 caps 12 514151 21.68 25% M 16.26 B
651300 TigerNut Granola - Apple Cinnamon ..................... 8oz 6 005318 7.66 B 605175 Moringa Leaf Powder ........................................226g 12 514113 20.12 25% M 15.09 B
651305 TigerNut Granola - Banana Cacao ........................ 8oz 6 005370 7.66 B
651400 Chocolate Muffin and Cake Mix .........................300g 6 005882 6.58 B ORGANIC TRADITIONS W
651405 Vanilla Muffin and Cake Mix ...............................300g 6 005899 6.58 B (800) 304-1497
Prevention, Regeneration, Longevity.
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
upc 627733
690206 Latte, Mint Chocolate .........................................150g 6 001427 10.98 B
690207 Latte, Holiday Spice ...........................................150g 6 001410 10.98 B
690208 12 Day Holiday Box ........................................101.5g 0 000024 16.99 B
690905E Holiday Displayer.....................................................0 0
Holiday display for limited edition lattes
690906E Generic Floor Display - Fr - New ....................... 1 unit 0
690907E Cardboard Floor Display - En - New .................. 1 unit 0
690232 Cacao Nibs ........................................................227g 6 002103 7.80 B
690254 Cacao Powder ...................................................454g 6 002080 14.29 B
690255 Cacao Powder ...................................................227g 6 002073 7.80 B
690256 Cacao Paste ......................................................454g 6 002042 14.94 B
690257 Cacao Paste ......................................................227g 6 002035 8.45 B
690258 Cacao Nibs ........................................................454g 6 002202 12.99 B