Page 59 - MayJunReg2020
P. 59

Observing Our Emotions
        When you look for the origins of your negative          Another approach is to fully experience how
        thoughts, chances are you’ll find that you had          you feel about the negative thoughts holding

        them when you were very young. You might                you back. You can do this through a collage.
        discover that a five-year-old is running your life.     Arrange pictures that show the sadness, fear,

        We can learn to diminish the control these old          and other feelings you experience as a result
        negative internal voices have in our lives. It helps    of the negative voices. Post your collage in a
        to view them as interesting phenomenon. Simply          prominent place to remind you what you are
        observe them. Regard negative thoughts as the           losing by thinking negatively.

        work of a devilish trickster that will always win
        if you engage in his or her crazy games. You are
        a powerful and positive person who can simply
        observe the trickster at work and say, “No, not
                                                                  TWO TIPS
        this time. I know your tricks.”

                                                                  First, you can learn more about positive
                                                                  thinking from many books and articles.
                                                                  The website search engine
                                                                  finds scores of articles about topics such
                                                                  as nutrition, exercise, values, laughter,
                                                                  and mindfulness–all of which support
                                                                  positive thinking by enhancing general
                                                                  health and well-being.

                                                                  Second, don’t be too hard on yourself
                                                                  when you are not at the top of your
                                                                  positive-thinking game. Positive thinking
                                                                  demands patience and vigilance. Consider
                                                                  re-committing to positive thinking every
                                                                  morning when you brush your teeth.
                                                                  Which reminds me–don’t forget to smile.
                                                                  Research proves that other people will
                                                                  smile back and help keep you on the
                                                                  path of positive thinking.

                                                                                 reprinted with permission from alive
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