Page 80 - MayJunReg2020
P. 80
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
208750 Pregnant Belly Oil ............................................118ml 24 320022 19.44 E 123400 basd Holiday Bundle - Crème Brulee ................... 3pk 1 218537 32.50 B
208755 Belly Butter ..........................................................56g 24 320060 9.71 E Crème Brulee-pack contains 450ml body wash + 450ml lotion +180g scrub-- avail
208760 Nursing Balm.......................................................21g 24 320046 6.81 Sept to end of Dec
upc 206340 123405 basd Holiday Bundle - Mint .................................. 3pk 1 218520 32.50 B
LIP BALMS basd Holiday Bundle -(Mint) -pack contains 450ml body wash + 450ml lotion +180g
208124 Pink Grapefruit Lip Balm Display ................. 18 x 4.2g 1 225581 61.43 scrub- avail from Sept to Dec
208129 Vanilla Madagascar Lip Balm Display.......... 18 x 4.2g 1 225598 61.43 BODY SCRUB
208131 Tangerine Breeze Lip Balm Display ............. 18 x 4.2g 1 225536 61.43 123110 coffee bodyscrub invigorating mint ........6.3oz (180g) 12 218032 12.99 B
208136 Highland Mint Lip Balm Display .................. 18 x 4.2g 1 225529 61.43 123115 coffee bodyscrub creme brulee ............6.3oz (180g) 12 218049 12.99 B
208246 Unscented Lip Balm Display ....................... 18 x 4.2g 1 225505 61.43 BODY WASH
LIP TINTS 123215 body wash seductive sandalwood ....15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218957 10.41 B
208948 Lip Tint Mixed Display - 4 ea ...................... 16 x 4.2g 1 128806 85.71 123220 body wash invigorating mint .............15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218933 10.41 B
208949 Rose Lip Tint Display .................................. 16 x 4.2g 1 128844 85.71 123225 body wash indulgent creme brulee ...15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218940 10.41 B
208952 Red Jasper Lip Tint Display ........................ 16 x 4.2g 1 128837 85.71 123230 body wash citrus grapefruit - New ....15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218988 10.41 B
208953 Opal Shimmer Lip Tint Display .................... 16 x 4.2g 1 128820 85.71 BODY LOTION
208954 Garnet Lip Tint Display ............................... 16 x 4.2g 1 128813 85.71 123315 body lotion sandalwood....................15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218926 16.26 B
LIP BALM - COCOA BUTTER 123320 body lotion invigorating mint .............15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218902 16.26 B
208112 Tea Tree & Lemon Lip Balm Display ............... 18 x 7g 1 125911 87.49 E 123325 body lotion creme brulee ..................15.2 oz (450ml) 12 218919 16.26 B
208148 Creamy Cocoa Lip Balm Display.................... 18 x 7g 1 125904 87.49 E
208159 Vanilla Bean Lip Balm Display ........................ 18 x 7g 1 125973 87.49 E BASS BRUSHES
208169 Sweet Orange Lip Balm Display ..................... 18 x 7g 1 125935 87.49 E
208174 Cool Mint Lip Balm Display ............................ 18 x 7g 1 125928 87.49 E (800) 742-4736
208177 Poetic Pomegranate Lip Balm Display ............ 18 x 7g 1 125966 87.49 E For over 40 years, Bass has designed luxury grade brushes and body tools with an emphasis on
upc 634084 natural materials. Our products are used and recommended by professional stylists, barbers, and
AROMATHERAPY estheticians all over the world.
208110 Sleep Balm ..........................................................56g 96 135800 9.71 E upc 736473
208114 Sleep Balm ..........................................................21g 108 026122 6.81 HAIRBRUSHES
208557 Cheerful Mind Balm (stick) ..................................17g 54 480450 7.77 E 158200 3 Series Nylon Pin Large Paddle ....................... Each 48 113144 10.31
208565 Focus Balm (stick) ..............................................17g 54 480429 7.77 E 158205 3 Series Nylon Pin Small Paddle ....................... Each 48 113137 8.43
BODY & MASSAGE OIL 158210 3 Series 7 Row Men’s Styler ............................. Each 48 113120 8.43
208401 Ginger Deep Tissue Massage Oil ........................ 4 oz 20 300512 17.49 E 158215 3 Series Large Oval Nylon Pin ............................ Each 48 113076 8.43
208610 Damascus Rose Body Oil .................................... 4oz 20 300611 26.26 E 158220 3 Series Pure Natural Bristle ............................. Each 48 113069 12.18
158225 Bio-Flex Swril .................................................... Each 48 113830
GIFT SETS 158230 Bio-Flex Leaf ..................................................... Each 48 111973 7.04
208944 Classic Lip 4-pack (Green Box) .................... 4 x 4.2g 1 225716 13.60 158235 Bass Green Brush 17 ........................................ Each 48 101110 12.11
208946 Classic Lip 4-pack (Blue Box) ....................... 4 x 4.2g 1 225709 13.60 158240 Bass Green Brush 16 ........................................ Each 48 100632 14.05
SUNCARE 158245 Bass Green Brush 15 ........................................ Each 48 100625 12.11
208362 SPF 40 Kids Clear Zinc Sunscreen .....................87ml 60 471229 17.49 15% J 14.87 B MEN’S GROOMING
208363 SPF 40 Sport Clear Zinc Sunscreen ...................87ml 60 471205 17.49 15% J 14.87 B 158100 Beard Brush Pure Natural Bristle ........................ Each 48 107600 11.73
208364 SPF 30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Cream .................87ml 60 471052 17.49 15% J 14.87 B 158105 3 Series Pure Bristle Club Style ......................... Each 48 113212 12.18
208374 SPF 30 Kids Sunscreen CREAM ........................87ml 48 478037 14.79 B
208376 SPF 30 Baby Sunscreen CREAM .......................87ml 60 475012 16.53 15% J 14.05 B BEEKEEPER’S NATURALS INC. W
208377 SPF 30 Sunscreen CREAM - Unscented ............87ml 48 474015 14.79 B
208379 SPF 35 Sport Sunscreen CREAM ......................87ml 60 476019 16.53 15% J 14.05 B (844) 225-5608
208381 SPF 35 All Season Face Stick ...........................18.4g 48 472011 9.71 15% J 8.25 B Beekeeper’s Naturals is an innovative wellness company grounded in a bee-driven cause. Using
208382 SPF 35 Kids Face Stick .....................................18.4g 48 472059 9.71 15% J 8.25 B superfoods from the beehive-like royal jelly and propolis, the beekeeper-led team is committed
208389 SPF 30 ClearZinc Sunscreen-Lavender ..............87ml 60 471380 17.49 15% J 14.87 B to providing the most potent, all-natural solutions to modern health issues—like brain fog, stress
208391 After Sun Balm 56g .............................................56g 48 042016 9.71 15% J 8.25 E support, and immunity. They apply scientific rigor to their product development and are dedicated
208392 SPF 35 Clear Zinc Face Stick ...................... 12x18.4g 72 472134 128.31 15% J 109.06 B to third-party pesticide testing to ensure they’re creating powerful natural wellness solutions that
actually deliver.
208393 SPF 35 Clear Zinc Kids Face Stick .............. 12x18.4g 72 472158 128.31 15% J 109.06 B
208951E Suncare Shipper Empty (Holds 82)..........................1 1 900071 SAVE 15% LINE DRIVE MAY
BROKERED BY LBN Brand Management upc 725272
DISPLAYS (905) 662-3500 124900 B. LXR Brain Fuel Counter Display .................. 48 pcs 1 731096 144.00 15% M 122.40 M
Thoughtfully sourced. Locally roasted. Proudly Canadian. upc 628055
Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf-life of at least COUGH COLD AND FLU
2-months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products. 124100 Propolis Throat Spray ........................................30ml 240 142010 8.26 15% M 7.02 M
upc 628614 124105 Propolis Throat Spray for Kids ...........................30ml 240 142188 9.00 15% M 7.65 M
118300 Winter Blend - Marble Roast ..............................340g 6 000218 11.76 B 124200 B.Powered Superfood Honey .............................330g 12 142034 24.00 15% M 20.40 M
WHOLE BEAN COFFEE 124205 B.Powered Superfood Honey .............................125g 12 142041 9.50 15% M 8.08 M
118100 Balzac’s Blend - Marble Roast ...........................340g 6 000102 10.05 M SUPERFOOD
118105 A Dark Affair - Stout Roast .................................340g 6 000164 10.05 M 124300 Superfood Cacao Honey ...................................500g 12 142126 15.00 15% M 12.75 M
118110 Swiss Water Decaf - Stout Roast .......................340g 6 000133 11.76 M 124305 Bee Pollen .........................................................150g 12 142096 16.26 15% M 13.82 M
118115 Colombian Las Rosas -Amber Roast .................340g 6 000409 11.76 M BRAIN HEALTH
WHOLE BEAN COFFEE - FAIR TRADE ORGANIC 124400 B. LXR Brain Fuel ......................................... 6 x 10ml 65 142201 18.00 15% M 15.30 M
118200 Farmers’ Blend - Marble Roast ..........................340g 6 000119 11.09 B 124405 B. LXR Brain Fuel .......................................... 3 x10ml 12 142218 9.12 15% M 7.75 M
118205 Espresso Blend - Amber Roast ..........................340g 6 000126 11.09 M 124410 B. LXR Brain Fuel ....................................... 24 x 10ml 4 142553 72.03 15% M 61.23 M
118210 Atwood Blend - Amber Roast ............................340g 6 000157 11.76 M
118215 Bards Blend - Stout Roast .................................340g 6 000416 11.09 B BEEYO W
BASD W (437) 216-7033 BEEYO Ltd. is a supplier of high value exotic wild harvested African oils and natural raw materials
that are 100 % pure. We specialize in frankincense, myrrh and baobab products. We source and
plant-basd body care that smells as good as it makes you feel. toxin-free select the highest quality of raw materials directly from Africa. BEEYO oils are for multi-purpose
upc 628110 use, can be used alone or added to your favourite cream, lotions or your hair conditioner. Our
123410 Basd Travel Pack ................................................. 2pk 1 218551 5.20 B aromatherapy products include essential oils and incense that will ignite a sense of calmness, a
positive energy and spiritual uplifting.
contains: body wash and body lotion 32.5ml each June: Buy 12 units of the same sku, get 10% off
upc 627843
185100 100% Pure Myrrh Resin ......................................50g 200 486565 22.77 M