Page 97 - MayJunReg2020
P. 97

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     COLD-Q                                                    COVERED BRIDGE POTATO CHIPS - NEW                     W                                    (905) 695-0270  BROKERED BY  Natural Specialty Sales
     An oral spray made from herbal ingredients created to help your body fight cold and flu symptoms.
                                      upc 000000
     140900E Cold-Q Display ............................................1 display   1 000000  A Family owned and operated business. We grow our own potatoes and manufacture them into great
                                                               tasting kettle cooked chips. They are all Natural, Gluten Free, and Kosher certified and what makes
         Required Fill:   6 x Oral Spray (140100)              them really unique is that they are made from a dark russet potato.
                                      upc 628451
     COLD AND FLU                                                  SAVE UP TO 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAY
     140100  Oral Spray ....................................................... 0.7 oz  225 757016   16.05         B
                                      upc 000000               Big Bags:24+ Cases = 5%,36+ Cases = 10%,48+ Cases = 14.5%(excluding Season flavours)
     .140FL02 ..........................................................Poster - French   1   1  000000
     .140L01 Brochure .................................................................1  100 000000
     .140L02 Poster - English .......................................................1   1 000000
     COLORA HENNA - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER                        201-939-0969
     Color your hair in just 4 easy steps. Add color, condition and body with no peroxide or ammonia.
     Transparent luminous shades of pure organic hair color and conditioner with no peroxide or
     ammonia.  Colora Henna works wonders for your hair, particularly if it feels dull and lifeless. Natural
     Henna adds body and bounce and offers a choice of rich but subtle color changes. Colora brightens
     and highlights your hair, leaving it gleaming and elegant.
                                      upc 288630
     SEMI-PERMANENT HAIR COLOUR CREAMS                                                           upc 106738
     Specifically developed to cover blonde, bleached, gray or even white hair. Semi-permanent hair colour.   CHIPS - BIG BAGS
     Adds moisture, body and shine.                            182200  Creamy Dill Pickle - New ........................... 15 x 170g  15 000586   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316100  Auburn Cream ..................................................60 ml  12 001248   6.03         B  182205  Sour Cream & Onion - New ....................... 15 x 170g  15 000753   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316165  Mahogany Cream .............................................59 ml  12 001309   6.03         B  182210  Sweet & Spicy Jalapeno - New .................. 15 x 170g  15 000937   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316170  Brown Cream ...................................................60 ml  12 001224   6.03         B  182215  Smokin’ Sweet BBQ - New ........................ 15 x 170g  15 000630   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316175  Chestnut Cream................................................59 ml  12 001231   6.03         B  182220  Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper - New .............. 15 x 170g  15 000623   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
                                      upc 028863               182225  Sea Salt - New........................................... 15 x 170g  15 000616   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316180  Burgundy Cream ..............................................60 ml  12 001255   6.03         B  182230  Sweet Potato & Sea Salt - New .................. 15 x 142g  15 100279   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
                                      upc 288630               182235  Homestyle Ketchup - New ......................... 15 x 170g  15 000654   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316185  Black Cream .....................................................60 ml  12 001217   6.03         B  182240  Plain & Simple - New................................. 15 x 170g  15 000883   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316190  Natural Cream ..................................................59 ml  12 001200   6.03         B  182245  Sea Salt & Vinegar - New .......................... 15 x 170g  15 000609   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     POWDERS                                                   182250  Avocado Oil w/ Himalayan Pink Salt - New 15 x 142g  15 101221   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     100% natural vegetable organic hair colour                182255  Cheddar Cheese - Crinkle Cut - New .......... 15 x 170g  15 001415   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316105  Black Powder .....................................................60 g  72 000012   5.17         B  182260  Sea Salt - Crinkle Cut - New ...................... 15 x 170g  15 001408   38.92  11%  M  34.64  B
     316110  Red Sunset Powder ............................................60 g  72 000098   5.17         B  CHIPS - SMALL BAGS
     316115  Brown Powder ....................................................60 g  72 000036   5.17         E  182100  Sweet Potato & Sea Salt - New ................... 28 x 28 g  28      18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316120  Gold Brown Powder............................................60 g  72 000067   5.17         B  182105  Homestyle Ketchup -New ............................. 28x 36g  28 000241   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316125  Ash Brown Powder .............................................60 g  72 000029   5.17         B  182110  Sea Salt & Vinegar - New ............................. 28x 36g  28 000197   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316130  Chestnut Powder ................................................60 g  72 000043   5.17         B  182115  Creamy Dill Pickle - New ............................. 28 x 36g  28 000111   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316135  Mahogany Powder .............................................60 g  72 000074   5.17         B  182120  Sour Cream & Onion - New .......................... 28x 36g  28 000852   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316140  Natural Powder ...................................................60 g  72 000135   5.17         B  182125  Smokin’ Sweet BBQ - New .......................... 28 x 36g  28 000050   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316145  Buttercup Blonde Powder ...................................60 g  72 000111   5.17         B  182130  Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper - New ................ 28 x 36g  28 000036   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316150  Wheat Blonde Powder ........................................60 g  72 000128   5.17         B  182135  Sea Salt - New............................................. 28 x 36g  28 000012   18.54  7%  M  17.24  B
     316155  Apricot Gold Powder...........................................60 g  72 000104   5.17         B  POPCORN
     316160  Burgundy Powder ...............................................60 g  72 000081   5.17         B  182400  White Cheddar Jalapeno - New .................. 11 x 125g  11 001590   28.54  15%  M  24.26  B
     COUNTRY PRIME MEATS                                  W    182405  30% Reduced Fat - New ............................ 11 x 125g  11 001125   28.54  15%  M  24.26  B
                                                                                                         28.54  15%  M  24.26  B
                                                               182410  White Cheddar - New ................................ 11 x 125g  11 001118                        (250) 396-4111  182415  Movie Butter - New .................................... 11 x 125g  11 001101   28.54  15%  M  24.26  B
                                                                                                         28.54  15%  M  24.26  B
                                                               182420  Sweet N Salty - New .................................. 11 x 142g  11 001132
     Since 1996, Country Prime Meats, also known as CPM, has specialized in producing Premium
     Quality Meat Snacks. CPM is a family owned and operated business, located in British Columbia.   SEASONAL PRODUCT
     Production facilities are federally inspected, HACCP approved and SQF level 2 Certified. Our   182500  Storm Chips - Seasonal - New .................... 8 x 284g   8 000906   29.19         B
     company policy is to use ONLY highest quality ingredients that are carefully selected and sourced   Mix of 4 flavours: Smokin’ Sweet BBQ, Sea Salt & Vinegar, Homestyle Ketchup and
     as local as any way possible, to ensure the Premium Quality and freshness in its shelf life. Our   Creamy Dill - Available Oct 1st - March 1st
     products are Preservative Free, Nitrites Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free and have zero Trans Fats.  182505  Red & White (Canada Day) - Seasonal - New 15 x 142g 15 000975   38.92         B
                                      upc 000000
                                                                    April 1 - July 1st
     DISPLAYS                                                  182510  The Weekender - Seasonal - New ................ 8 x 284g   8 001736   29.19  4%  M  28.02  B
     230900E Prime Bites Floor Display Empty ....................... 1 unit   1 000000  A mix of 4 flavours: Sea Salt & Vinegar, Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, Smokin’ Sweet
         Corrugated Floor Display for 125g Prime Bites and 250g Skinny Minis. Holds 56   BBQ and Sweet & Spicy Jalapeno. Available April 1st - Sept 1st
         packages of Prime Bites (4 shelves x 14 packages each) or 32 packages of Skinny
         Minis (4 shelves x 8 packages each)                   CRATE 61 ORGANICS INC.                                W
     230901E Single Stick Floor Display Empty ....................... 1 unit   1 000000
         Corrugated Floor Display for 40 g Single Sticks. Holds 6 Display Boxes (2 shelves x   (647) 964-1137
         3 Displays)                                           Crate 61 Organics is a Toronto based Canadian manufacturer of handmade vegan and organic skin
                                      upc 006981               care products. With a strong emphasis on procuring the most premium quality raw ingredients
     PRIME BITES                                               directly from their source, Crate 61 Organics products are of the highest quality standard and are
     230100  Prime Bites - Classic ................................16 x 125 G   1 002405   58.92         B  brought to market at very competitive prices.
     230105  Prime Bites - Teriyaki ................................16 x 125 G   1 002436   58.92         B  upc 628055
     230110  Prime Bites - Super Hot ............................16 x 125 G   1 002429   58.92         B  LIQUID SOAP
     230115  Prime Bites - Honey Garlic ........................16 x 125 G   1 002412   58.92         B  197700  Grapefruit Orange Liquid Soap ........................496mL  12 492702   7.23         B
     SKINNY MINIS                                              197705  Lavender Lemon Liquid Soap .........................496mL  12 492696   7.23         B
     230200  Skinny Minis - Classic .................................. 8x250 g   8 002504   52.77         B  197710  Spearmint Orange Liquid Soap .......................496mL  12 492726   7.23         B
                                      upc 094922               197715  Eucamint Liquid Soap .....................................496mL  12 492719   7.23         B
     SINGLE STICKS                                             197720  Bergamot Tea Tree Liquid Soap ......................496mL  12 492733   7.23         B

                                                               197725  Unscented Liquid Soap ...................................496mL  12 492740
     230300  Teriyaki Dry Single Sticks............................... 25x40g   8 988676   27.70         B  197730  Eucamint Liquid Soap Refill ............................946mL   9 492771   10.74         B
     230305  Super Hot Dry Single Sticks ........................... 25x40g   8 988669   27.70         B  197735  Spearmint Orange Liquid Soap Refill ...............946mL   9 492788   10.74         B
     230310  Honey Garlic  Dry Single Sticks ..................... 25x40g   8 988652   27.70         B  197740  Bergamot Tea Tree Liquid Soap Refil ...............946mL   9 492795   10.74         B
     230315  Classic Dry Single Sticks ............................... 25x40g   8 988645   27.70         B  197745  Lavender Lemon Liquid Soap Refill .................946mL   9 492757   10.74         B
                                                               197750  Unscented Liquid Soap Refill ..........................946mL   9 492801   10.74         B
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE  2020  95
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102