Page 141 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 141

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     INNOVITE                                                                                    upc 813724                                  (888) 226-7733  BODY WASH                       6 023268   8.09         B
                                                               390500  Men’s Wintergreen Body Wash ........................532ml
     For over 35 years, Innovite has been inspiring wellness and developing ways to nourish and repair   390505  Men’s Bergamot & Oak Body Wash .................532ml   6 023114   8.09         B
     our bodies. We believe that when the body’s core systems work in synergy, optimal health can be   390510  Sandalwood Body Wash ..................................532ml   6 023725   8.09         B
     achieved.  Learn more at
                                                               390515  Coconut Body Wash ........................................532ml   6 020625   8.09         B
                                                               390520  Aloe & Green Tea Body Wash ..........................532ml   6 022018   8.09         B
        SAVE UP TO 10%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR                390525  Grapefruit Body Wash .....................................532ml   6 020649   8.09         B
                                                               390530  Coriander & Cedar Body Wash ........................532ml   6 020632   8.09         B
                                      upc 626712               390535  Lemon Body Wash ..........................................532ml   6 020618   8.09         B
     CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH                                                                       upc 818570
     192003  CoQ10 M.R.B. 100mg ..............................60 softgels  12 101233   30.72         M  COUGH & COLD REMEDIES
     192005  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................60 softgels  12 101684   35.65         M  390100  Menthol Camphor Bath Soak .............................400g  12 002979   8.09         B
     192008  Inno-Q-Nol® Blood Pressure ....................60 softgels  12 102155   30.72         M  390105  Menthol Camphor Relief Mist .............................118g  12 001545   8.09         B
     192009  Red Yeast Rice 300mg ............................ 120 v-caps  12 102179   35.65         M  FOOT CARE
     192013  Inno-Q-Nol® 200mg ................................60 softgels  12 102278   61.49         M  390300  Foot Repair Salve .................................................59g  12 006656   7.58         B
     192014  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................90 softgels  12 102285   52.27         M  upc 813724
     192015  Magnesium Citrate 250mg ......................... 200 caps  12 102322   18.43         M
     192020  Krill Oil Omega-3 1000mg ........................60 softgels  12 102117   43.03         M  HAND CREAM
     192026  CoQ10 M.R.B. 30mg ................................60 softgels  12 100724   14.75         M  390850  Coriander Hand Cream ........................................95g  12 023718   7.58         B
     192028  Magnesium Citrate 250mg ......................... 100 caps  12 101240   11.06         M  upc 818570
     192031  Inno-Q-Nol® 100mg ................................30 softgels  12 101653   18.43         M  390855  Pomegranate Hand Cream ...................................95g  12 002894   7.58         B
     192032  Inno-Q-Nol® 200mg ................................30 softgels  12 101660   36.89         M  upc 813724
     192033  Krill Oil Omega-3 500mg ..........................60 softgels  12 101752   24.58         M  390860  Coconut Hand Cream ..........................................95g  12 020427   7.58         B
     192036  Red Yeast Rice 300mg .............................. 60 v-caps  12 102162   18.43         M  upc 818570
     192603  CoQ10 M.R.B. Drops .......................................170ml  12 102001  153.74         M  390865  Grapefruit Hand Cream ........................................95g  12 001712   7.58         B
     DIGESTIVE HEALTH                                          390870  Aloe Hand Cream ................................................95g  12 002467   7.58         B
                                                               390875  Lemon Hand Cream ............................................95g  12 002542

     192023  Digestive Enzymes ....................................... 90 caps  12 103190   14.75         M  upc 813724
     192025  Olive Leaf Extract 500mg ........................... 60 v-caps  12 100328   14.75         M  HAND SOAPS
     192035  UTI Protect ................................................ 60 v-caps  12 101899   14.75         M
     DIGESTIVE HEALTH - PROBIOTICS                             390320  Aloe &Green Tea Foam Soap Refill ...................828ml  12 022964   5.39         B
                                                                                                 upc 818570
     192017  Sensitive GI Probiotics 5B CFU .................. 60 v-caps  12 102445   24.58         M  390322  Coconut Hand Soap ........................................325ml   6 002801   4.88         B
     192018  Adult Daily Probiotics 15B CFU .................. 60 v-caps  12 102452   30.72         M  upc 813724
     GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS                                 390325  Lemon Foaming Hand Soap Refill ....................828ml  12 022957   5.39         B
     192007  Lutein 25mg .............................................60 softgels  12 101813   24.58         M  upc 818570
     192024  UV Protect 100mg ..................................... 30 v-caps  12 103206   18.43  10%  B  16.59  M  390327  Aloe & Green Tea Hand Soap ...........................325ml   6 008513   4.88         B
     192048  AllergyTryp ...........................................60 chew tabs  24 110044   18.43  10%  B  16.59  M  upc 813724
     192702  Magnesium Glycinate Liquid ............................500ml  19 101875   18.43         M  390330  Neroli Thyme Foaming Hand Soap ...................266ml   6 023657   4.88         B
     MOOD & COGNITIVE SUPPORT                                                                    upc 818570
     192002  Melatonin Sustained Release 3mg ............. 60 v-caps  12 101103   7.98         M  390332  Lemon Hand Soap ...........................................325ml   6 008520   4.88         B
     192016  Pqq ........................................................... 60 v-caps  12 102353   24.58         M  upc 813724
     192022  Elite Neuro™ ............................................. 30 v-caps  12 103169   20.90         M  390335  Vanilla Mint Foaming Hand Soap......................266ml   6 022407   4.88         B

                                                                                                  6 022827
                                                               390340  Ocean Breeze Foaming Hand Soap ..................266ml
     MUSCULAR SKELETAL THERAPIES                                                                 upc 818570
     192004  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Boron ....................240 softgels  12 101530   22.75         M  390345  Coconut Foaming Hand Soap ..........................266ml   6 002429   4.88         B
     192006  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Extra D3 ................240 softgels  12 101691   24.58         M  390350  Grapefruit Foaming Hand Soap ........................266ml   6 007912   4.88         B
     192011  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Vitamin K2 .............120 softgels  12 102254   24.58         M  390355  Lemon Foaming Hand Soap ............................266ml   6 001330   4.88         B
     192012  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Vitamin K2 .............240 softgels  12 102261   43.03         M  390360  Aloe & Green Tea Foaming Hand Soap.............266ml   6 008452   4.88         B
     192027  Coral Calcium 680mg ................................. 180 caps  12 100908   18.43         M  upc 813724
     192029  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Boron ....................120 softgels  12 101332   12.29         M  390365  Aloe & Green Tea Hand Soap Refill ........................1L   6 022858   5.39         B
     192030  Inno-Cal-Mag® with Extra D3 ................120 softgels  12 101646   13.51         M  390370  Lemon Hand Soap Refill ........................................1L   6 022841   5.39         B
     192034  Vitamin K2................................................. 60 v-caps  12 101769   15.36         M  390375  Ocean Breeze Hand Soap Refill ..............................1L   6 023428   5.39         B
     192502  MuscleRescue™ ..............................................196 g  12 103176   36.89  10%  B  33.20  M  390380  Neroli Thyme Hand Soap .................................325ml   6 023640   4.88         B
     192601  Vitamin K2 Drops .............................................30 ml  60 101974   18.43         M  390385  Vanilla Mint Hand Soap ....................................325ml   6 022384   4.88         B
     192602  Vitamin D3 Drops .............................................30 ml  60 101981   15.36         M  390390  Ocean Breeze Hand Soap ................................325ml   6 022803   4.88         B
     192604  Vitamin K2 Drops Extra Strength .......................30 ml  60 102056   30.72         M  upc 818570
                                                                                                  6 007394
     J.R. WATKINS                                              390395  Grapefruit Hand Soap ......................................325ml   upc 813724  4.88         B                       1-888-384-1945  KITS & GIFT SETS
     At J.R. Watkins we aspire to set your body & spirit right with our line of products made with natural   390000  Signature Collection Kit ........................................ 1ea   6 023336   12.14         B
     ingredients that have stood the test of time for 150 years.    Lemon Cream Hand Cream, Lavender Hand Cream, Aloe and Green Tea Hand Cream,
                                      upc 813724                    Coconut Milk and Honey Hand Cream, and an ultra-moisturizing coconut milk and
                                                                    honey lip balm.
     390600  Men’s Bergamot & Oak Bar Soap ......................226g  12 023138   4.43         B  LIP BALM
                                      upc 818570               390400  Coconut Lip Balm .............................................4.25g  96 023169   3.22         B
     390605  Peppermint Bar Soap .........................................226g  12 001354   4.43         B  390405  Menthol Lip Balm .............................................4.25g  96 020076   3.22         B
                                      upc 813724               390410  Peppermint Lip Balm ........................................4.25g  96 020014   3.22         B
     BODY LOTION                                               390415  Raspberry Lip Balm ..........................................4.25g  96 020045   3.22         B
     390800  Peppermint Moisturizing Lotion........................532ml   6 023183   8.92         B  JACK           W
     390805  Aloe Moisturizing Lotion ..................................532ml   6 022513   8.92         B
     390810  Skin Calming Moisturizing Lotion .....................532ml   6 020564   8.92         B
     390815  Coriander&Cedar Moisturizing Lotion ...............532ml   6 020601   8.92         B  More and more men are reacting to the synthetic chemicals used in almost every high end brand of
     390820  Coconut & Honey Moisturizing Lotion ..............532ml   6 020595   8.92         B  male grooming products. Jack by All Things Jill offers a range of plant-based alternatives with male
     390825  Lemon Moisturizing Lotion ..............................532ml   6 020588   8.92         B  shave and beard formulations free from unnecessary synthetic ingredients. Our Shave line has been
     BODY MIST                                                 prepared using pure and organic ingredients designed to soothe, nourish and soften men’s skin
                                                               during and following the harsh treatment of shaving. For those guys with beardalicious facial hair,
     390750  Aloe & Green Tea  Body Oil Mist ......................177ml   6 022711   8.09         B  check out our Beard Oil and Beard Balm for naturally managing your beard.
     390755  Lemon Body Oil Mist .......................................177ml   6 022704   8.09         B  upc 671371
                                      upc 818570
     390760  Grapefruit Body Oil Mist ...................................177ml   6 001309   8.09         B  BEARD
     390765  Coconut Body Oil Mist .....................................177ml   6 001583   8.09         B  905503  Beard Balm ........................................................40 g  12 060087   8.50         E

                                                                                                  9 060070
                                                               905504  Beard Oil ..........................................................60 ml
     390700  Lemon Body Scrub ...........................................226g   6 003297   11.55         B  SHAVE
     390705  Grapefruit Body Scrub .......................................226g   6 001064   11.55         B  905500  Shave Creme ....................................................175 g  12 060018   11.00         E
     390710  Coconut Milk & Honey Body Scrub ...................226g   6 007509   11.55         B  905501  Shave Spritz ...................................................125 ml  12 060032   7.50         E
                                                               905502  Shave Oil ..........................................................60 ml   9 060025   8.50         E
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  139
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