Page 164 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 164
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
870611 Honey-Almond Castile Liquid Soap .................475 ml 6 186212 7.39 10% M 6.65 B 531230 Hand Soap - Lemon Verbena ...........................370ml 6 708469 4.93 B
870616 Lavender Heaven Castile Liquid Soap .............475 ml 6 186229 7.39 10% M 6.65 B 531235 Hand Soap - Rosemary ...................................370ml 6 001676 4.93 B
870621 Shiva’s Nirvana Castile Liquid Soap ................475 ml 6 186236 7.39 10% M 6.65 B 531240 Hand Soap - Bluebell .......................................370ml 6 001652 4.93 B
870630 Eucalyptus-Mint Castile Liquid Soap ...............475 ml 6 186205 7.39 10% M 6.65 B 531245 Foaming Hand Soap - Watermelon - New .......296ML 6 001782 5.47 B
BUTTERS 531250 Foaming Hand Soap - Apple - New .................296ML 6 001775 5.47 B
870352 Muscle Rescue Rub in Eco-Tube .........................40g 4 186601 7.46 B DISH SOAP
870520 Body Butter-Vanilla .............................................50 g 4 186311 7.46 B 531100 Dish Soap - Basil .............................................473ml 6 708599 4.93 B
870526 Foot Butter - Tea Tree & Mint ...............................40g 4 186595 7.46 B upc 062300
870530 Body Butter-Citrus Sunshine ...............................50 g 4 186304 7.46 B 531105 Dish Soap - Geranium .....................................473ml 6 001576 4.93 B
870535 Beard Butter - Forest ...........................................50 g 4 186328 7.46 B upc 059200
870540 Balm for All Reasons in Eco-Tubes ......................40g 4 186625 7.46 B 531110 Dish Soap - Honeysuckle ................................473ml 6 708551 4.93 B
upc 262805 531115 Dish Soap - Lavender ......................................473ml 6 708650 4.93 B
870910 Body Butter Counter Display ...................... 12 butters 6 186616 89.52 B 531120 Dish Soap - Lemon Verbena ............................473ml 6 708476 4.93 B
Contains 12 units total: 4 x Balm For All Reasons, 4 x Foot Butter - Tea Tree & Mint, 4 531125 Dish Soap - Rosemary ....................................473ml 6 001683 4.93 B
x Muscle Rescue Rub. 531130 Dish Soap - Bluebell ........................................473ml 6 001669 4.93 B
upc 628055 531135 Dish Soap Refill - Lavender ............................1420ml 6 001713 10.82 B
LOVE THY LIPS 531140 Dish Soap Refill - Lemon ...............................1420ml 6 001706 10.82 B
870402 Blackberry Lip Balm Clip Strip .................... 12x4.25g 12 186434 29.55 10% A 26.60 B 531145 Auto Dish Cleaner - Lemon Verbena ............. 20 pacs 6 001690 8.27 B
870407 Mint Lip Balm Clip Strip .............................. 12x4.25g 12 186441 29.55 10% A 26.60 B MULTI-SURFACE CLEANER
870417 Raspberry Lip Balm Clip Strip ..................... 12x4.25g 12 186465 29.55 10% A 26.60 B 531500 MS Concentrate - Honeysuckle .......................946ml 6 708537 9.86 B
870442 Peach Lip Balm Clip Strip ........................... 12x4.25g 12 186458 29.55 10% A 26.60 B 531505 MS Concentrate - Basil ....................................946ml 6 708575 9.86 B
upc 026280 531510 MS Concentrate - Lavender .............................946ml 6 708636 9.86 B
870900 Mixed Lip Balm Display ........................... 28 x 4.25 g 28 186395 68.95 10% A 62.06 B 531515 MS Concentrate - Lemon Verbena ...................946ml 6 708490 9.86 B
upc 628055 upc 062300
RESCUE RUB 531520 MultiSurface Cleaner - Geranium .....................473ml 6 001583 4.93 B
870351 Muscle Rescue Rub ...........................................50 g 4 186342 7.46 B 531525 MultiSurface Cleaner - Honeysuckle ................473ml upc 059200 4.93 B
6 708544
POINT OF PURCHASE 531530 MultiSurface Cleaner - Basil ............................473ml 6 708582 4.93 B
.870L01 Soap Benefits Consumer Brochure ............................ 531535 MultiSurface Cleaner - Lavender ......................473ml 6 708643 4.93 B
MRS. MEYER’S CLEAN DAY 531540 MultiSurface Cleaner -Lemon Verbena .............473ml 6 708483 4.93 B
BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing 531400 Dryer Sheets - Lavender .................................... 80ea 12 708612 9.86 B
531405 Dryer Sheets - Lemon Verbena .......................... 80ea 12 708513 9.86 B (877) 576-8808 531410 Fabric Softener - Lavender ...............................946ml 6 001218 11.08 B
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day believes that caring for our homes shouldn’t feel like a chore. Our products 531415 Fabric Softener - Lemon Verbena .....................946ml 6 001201 11.08 B
are thoughtfully formulated with plant-derived ingredients and essential oils to make products that 531420 Liquid Laundry Soap - Lavender .........................1.8L 6 708629 18.11 B
are powerful against dirt and grime while being a pleasure to use. Garden-fresh scents uplift your 531425 Liquid Laundry - Lemon Verbena ........................1.8L 6 708506 18.11 B
mood while adding a little spring to your step! upc 062300
AIR FRESHENERS 531300 Tub & Tile Cleaner - Lemon Verbena ................946ml 6 001590 5.95 B
531600 Large Soy Candle - Lavender .............................200g 6 002444 12.89 B 531305 Glass Cleaner - Lemon Verbena .......................708ml 6 001606 5.95 B
531605 Large Soy Candle - Basil ...................................200g 6 002468 12.89 B
531610 Large Soy Candle - Honeysuckle .......................200g 6 002475 12.89 B MSPREBIOTIC W
531610 Small Soy Candle - Honeysuckle .......................140g 6 002437 12.89 B
531615 Small Soy Candle - Basil ...................................140g 6 002420 10.96 B (844) 834-2001
531625 Small Soy Candle - Lavender .............................140g 6 002222 10.96 B MSPrebiotic is a clinically evaluated prebiotic fibre supplement that improves gut health. This
531630 Room Spray - Lavender ...................................236ml 6 002482 6.61 B unique digestion resistant starch powder from potatoes is locally grown, processed and packaged
531635 Room Spray - Basil .........................................236ml 6 002505 6.61 B here in Canada. While probiotics have had most of the headlines, prebiotics are the next wave
531640 Room Spray - Honeysuckle .............................236ml 6 002512 6.61 B of natural health supplements. MSPrebiotic stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut
SEASONAL FALL microbiome, improves digestion, supports regularity and increases energy. While being supported
by over a decade of R&D MSPrebiotic is proud to be NON-GMO Project Verified, Gluten-Free,
531021 Mulit-Surface Cleaner - Mum..........................473 ml 6 001089 4.93 B FODMAP Friendly, Ketogenic Diet Friendly.
531022 Mulit-Surface Cleaner - Apple Cider ................473 ml 6 001072 4.93 B upc 627843
531023 Dish Soap - Mum ...........................................473 ml 6 000983 4.93 B PREBIOTIC
531024 Dish Soap - Apple Cider .................................473 ml 6 000976 4.93 B 533100 Prebiotic Supplement.........................................454g 12 468455 27.85 B
531025 Hand Soap - Mum ..........................................370 ml 6 000907 4.93 B upc 628055
SEASONAL WINTER 533105 Prebiotic Supplement................................... 30 x 10g 4 303046 32.14 E
531012 Multi-Surface Cleaner - Peppermint ................473 ml 6 001119 4.93 B
531013 Multi-Surface Cleaner- Orange Clove ..............473 ml 6 001102 4.93 B MUSTELA CANADA
531014 Multi-Surface Cleaner - Iowa Pine ..................473 ml 6 001096 4.93 B
531016 Dish Soap - Orange Clove...............................473 ml 6 001003 4.93 B BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales, Reveal Canada Inc.
531017 Dish Soap - Iowa Pine ....................................473 ml 6 000990 4.93 B (800) 556-0824
531018 Hand Soap - Peppermint ................................370 ml 6 000938 4.93 B
531019 Hand Soap - Orange Clove .............................370 ml 6 000921 4.93 B Mustela, the expert of the skin for more than 60 years, develop skincare products for daily or
momentary needs of babies, mothers-to-be and new mothers with effectiveness,safety,naturalness,u
531020 Hand Soap - Iowa Pine ...................................370 ml 6 000914 4.93 B nique sensory pleasure, A commitment in sustainable development
531001 MultiSurface Cleaner - Mint .............................473ml 6 001140 4.93 B .591L01 Mustela Baby Booklet ..............................................1
531002 MultiSurface Cleaner - Peony ..........................473ml 6 001133 4.93 B
531003 MultiSurface Cleaner - Lilac .............................473ml 6 001126 4.93 B MY HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS W
531004 Dish Soap - Lilac ............................................473ml 6 001027 4.93 B
531005 Dish Soap - Mint ............................................473ml 6 001041 4.93 B (866) 646-2284
531006 Dish Soap - Peony ...........................................473ml 6 001034 4.93 B Canadian company committed to producing the highest quality health supplement products
531008 Hand Soap - Mint ...........................................370ml 6 000969 4.93 B available on the market today. We invest heavily in research and development in every step of
531009 Hand Soap - Peony ........................................370ml 6 000952 4.93 B product development, from the field to finished product.
531010 Hand Soap - Lilac ............................................370ml 6 000945 4.93 B Purchase a master case of 1 sku (72 units) = 5% off
upc 592000 upc 078467
531011 Holiday Hand Soap 3pk Peppermint .....................3PK 3 002024 14.78 B HAIR, SKIN, AND NAILS
upc 059200
HAND SOAP 544200 Nourishing Waves Plus ....................................450ml 24 985710 20.99 E
531200 Hand Soap Refill - Lavender ............................975ml 6 001256 9.55 B HEART HEALTH
531205 Hand Soap Refill - Lemon Verbena ..................975ml 6 001249 9.55 B 544100 Healthy Heart Plus .............................................188g 24 985727 28.99 E
upc 062300
531210 Hand Soap - Geranium ....................................370ml 6 001569 4.93 B
upc 059200
531215 Hand Soap - Honeysuckle ...............................370ml 6 708568 4.93 B
531220 Hand Soap - Basil ............................................370ml 6 708605 4.93 B
531225 Hand Soap - Lavender .....................................370ml 6 708667 4.93 B