Page 189 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 189

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     PATIENCE FRUIT & CO.                                 W    MOM-TO-BE

     BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management           905702  Sittin’ Pretty Perineal Salts ................................600 g   6 041048   10.50         M

                                                                                                  8 041024
                                                               905703  Mama Mia Belly Butter........................................15 g
                                                               905707  Sittin’ Pretty Perineal Spray .............................125 ml   9 041031   7.00         M
     At Patience Fruit & Co, we believe that doing it right is better than doing it fast. That’s why we watch
     over our precious berries every step of the way. We’re the people who plant them, care for them,   905712  Five Minutes Peace Bath Soak ..........................450 g   6 041178   11.00         M
     harvest them and prepare them. Enjoy our fabulous products from Canada!  905713  Mama Mia Stretch Mark Oil ..............................30 ml   9 041093   9.00         M
                                                               905714  Happy Mumma Nipple Butter ..............................28 g  10 041123   7.00         M
        SAVE UP TO 10%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR                905715  Mama Mia Belly Butter........................................65 g   8 041017   9.00         M
                                                               PEDRO’S ORGANIC COFFEE                                W
     Dried Fruits CSD: Classic Line (3 skus), Whole Line (4kus) & Caddies (3 skus) 15+ Cases =15%,
     Snacks CSD: Active Blend (3 skus) & Active Blend Caddies (3 skus) & Chococrunch Bites (4 sksu) 15+   (877) 297-5055
     Cases =15%,  Pure Juices Line (4 skus) 20+ cases =20%     We are a family owned company that produces high quality micro-roasted coffees, and artisan
                                      upc 106621               teas that are responsibly sourced, and ethically produced. We are passionate about our family,
     645500  Org Dried Cranberries AJ Sw ......................... 6x227g   6 551771   23.11  10%  A  20.80  B  community, and sustainability, and are extremely proud to be a Canadian owned  and operated
     BAKING                                                    company.
     645505  Organic Dried Cranberries.............................. 6x283g   6 551665   23.11  10%  A  20.80  B  upc 883664
     645510  Organic 3 Fruit Blend ..................................... 6x196g   0 551887   23.68  10%  A  21.31  B  DISPLAY
     645700  Org Cranberries - No added sugar - New ...... 8x142 g   8 551993   31.57  10%  B  28.41  B  558900E Pedro’s Coffee Display - Empty ...................1 Display   1 001008
     WHOLE                                                          Required Fill: 3 cases or 18 units of Pedro’s Organic Coffee.
     645200  Whole&Soft Wild dried blueberry,SW ............... 8x85g   1 551368   31.57         B  upc 208836
     645205  Dried Cranberries Sweetened......................... 8x142g   8 551337   20.54         B  COFFEE
     645210  Whole&Juicy Dried Cranberries ..................... 8x113g   1 551443   20.54         B  558100  Guatemalan ................................................. 6 x 400g   4 000074   62.43         B
     645215  Org Fruit Blend(Bursting Blend)...................... 8x113g   1 551559   25.62         B  558105  Peruvian ...................................................... 6 x 400g   4 000104   62.43         B
     CHOCOCRUNCH                                               558110  Equator Blend .............................................. 6 x 400g   4 000036   62.43         B
     645100  Chococrunch Milk chocolate & Chia ................ 8x95g   1 553027   30.27         B  558115  Rainforest Espresso .................................... 6 x 400g   4 000128   62.43         B
     645105  Chococrunch Dark Chocolate&Coconut .......... 8x95g   1 553010   30.27         B    upc 883664
     645110  Chococrunch Dark Chocolate & Chai ............... 8x95g   1 553034   30.27         B  558120  Safari Blend ................................................. 6 x 400g   4 000001   62.43         B
     645115  Chococrunch Raspberry Bites ......................... 8x95g   1 553072   30.27         B  upc 208836
                                      upc 206621               558125  Sumatra Mandheling ................................... 6 x 400g   4 000210   62.43         B
     CADDIES                                                 B PERFORMA - NEW
     645300  Whole & Juicy Dried Cranberries Cdy ............ 15x28g   4 551228   12.78
     645305  Whole&Soft Wild Dry Blueberry Cdy .............. 15x28g   4 551358   19.66         B   (800) 916-1146
     645310  Fruit Blend Classic Cdy .................................. 15x28g   4 551327   14.80         B  Performa PerfectShaker has been supplying shaker cups and fitness accessories to the Canadian
                                      upc 662166               Specialty Stores for 10 years now! Check out our new Performa Activ Shaker and our new Performa
     ACTIVE BLEND                                              Matrix 6 Meal and 3 Meal Cooler Bags.  We sell the meal prep containers separately as well.
     645600  Caddy Sea Salt & Pepper ............................... 12x35g   4 552153   15.41         B
     645605  Caddy Active Blend Tropical Delight ............... 12x35g   4 552146   15.41         B
     645610  Caddy Org Active Blend Moka Moments ........ 12x35g   4 552139   15.41         B
                                      upc 106621
     645615  Org Active Blend Sea Salt & Pepper ............... 8x130g   8 552099   30.27         B
     645620  Organic Active Blend - Tropical Del ................ 8x130g   8 552082   30.27         B
     645625  Organic Active Blend -  Moka Moment ........... 8x130g   8 552075   30.27         B
                                      upc 206621
     645400  Fruit d’Or Pure Cranberry Juice 3/1 ................... 6x1L   6 001006   30.81         B
                                      upc 106621
     645405  Org Pure Tart Cherry Juice .......................... 6x946ml   6 222206   66.08         B
     645410  Org Pure Wild Blueberry Juice ..................... 6x946ml   6 223302   57.32         B
     645415  Org Pure Cranberry Juice ............................ 6x946ml   6 221100   44.03         B  upc 672683
     PEAS IN A POD                                        W    MEAL PREP COOLER BAG               8 004165   32.99
                                                               614200  3-Meal Cooler Bag - Black - New ......................1 Bag                            (877) 982-5455  614205  6-Meal Cooler Bag - Black/Pink - New ..............1 Bag   6 001423   48.99
     Natural & organic products for mom to be, baby and family wellness. Manufacturer of the best-  614210  6-Meal Cooler Bag - Black/Black - New ............1 Bag   6 001416   48.99
     selling Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm. Proudly made in Calgary, Alberta. Peas in a Pod is the   PERFORMANCE TOWELS
     flagship line produced by All Things Jill and is the home of the best-selling Smooth as a Baby’s Bum
     Balm. Peas is a fully comprehensive selection of diapering, bath and body care products for babe   614100  Blue Performance Towel ...................................6.2OZ  48 003540   10.61         E
     and mama-to-be. Canadian made with 100% natural and organic ingredients and formulated for   614105  Black Performance Towel .................................6.2OZ  48 002895   10.61         E
     delicate skin.                                            SHAKER CUPS
                                      upc 671371               614300  Shaker Cup - Activ Black - New ......................800ML  72 002833   5.99
     GIFT PACKS                                                614305  Shaker Cup - Activ Blue - New ........................800ML  72 002826   5.99         E
     905700  Baby & Me Peapod Gift Set ................................ 1 kit   4 042304   37.50         E  614310  Shaker Cup - Activ Teal - New ........................800ML  72 002819   5.99         E
         Kit contains: Mama Mia! Belly Butter, 15 g  |  Mama Mia! Stretch Mark Oil, 10 ml  |    614315  Shaker Cup - Activ Slate - New .......................800ML  72 002802   5.99         E
         Five Minutes Peace Bath Soak, 45 g  |  Happy Mumma Nipple Butter, 30 g  |  Smooth   614320  Shaker Cup - Activ White - New ......................800ML  72 002796   5.99
         as a Baby’s Bum Balm, 30 g  |  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray, 60 ml  |  Sweet   614325  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Black - New ..............500ML  72 003397   5.39         E
         Cheeks Baby Bum Powder, 16 g  |  Sweet Pea Organic Foaming Wash, 50 ml  |  Oh   614330  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Blue - New ................500ML  72 003380   5.39         E
         Baby! Body Lotion, 60 ml  |  Organic Cotton Sherpa Washcloth  614335  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Teal - New .................500ML  72 003373   5.39         E
     905709  Mom-to-Be Survival Kit ...................................... 1 kit  10 041314   22.00         E  614340  Mini Shaker Cup - Activ Slate - New ...............500ML  72 003366   5.39         E
          Kit contains: Mama Mia Belly Butter, 15 g  |  Mama Mia Stretch Mark Oil, 10 ml  |    614345  Mini Shaker Cup - Acitv White - New ..............500ML  72 003359   5.39         E
         Five Minutes Peace Bath Soak, 45 g  |  Happy Mumma Nipple Butter, 30 g.   SHAKER CUPS - MARVEL/DC
     905710  Luscious Bum Baby Diapering Kit ....................... 1 kit  10 040317   15.00         E  614350  Mini Shaker Cup - Captain Marvel  - New .......500ML  72 003915   7.64         E
          Contains: Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm, 30 g  |  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray, 60   614360  Mini Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman - New.......500ML  72 003892   7.64
         ml  |  Sweet Cheeks Baby Bum Powder, 15 g  |  Bamboo + Cotton Washcloth
                                                               614365  Mini Shaker Cup - Pink Batman - New ............500ML  72 003885   7.64
     BABY                                                      614380  Shaker Cup - Pink Batman - New....................800ML  72 003212   8.91
     905701  Don’t Be Cheeky Lip & Cheek Butter ...................18 g  16 040089   6.00         E  614385  Shaker Cup - Supergirl - New .........................800ML  72 003090   8.91
     905704  Oh Baby! Body Lotion .......................................60 ml  12 040270   3.50         M  614390  Shaker Cup - Spiderman - New ......................800ML  72 003076   8.91
     905705  Sweet Pea Baby Body Wash Refill ..................500 ml   5 040140   17.00         M  614392  Shaker Cup - Wonder Woman - New ..............800ML  72 003113   8.91
     905706  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray ..........................60 ml   9 040225   3.50         M  614395  Shaker Cup - Black Panther - New ..................800ML  72 003069   8.91         E
     905708  Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm ..........................30 g  10 040034   4.00         M  SHAKER CUPS - STAR WARS
     905711  All Better Aromatic Chest Balm ...........................50 g  12 040188   7.50         M  614355  Mini Shaker Cup Princess Leia - New .............500ML  72 003908   7.64
     905716  Oh Baby! Body Lotion .....................................250 ml  12 040256   9.76         M  614370  Shaker Cup - Never Tell Me the Odds - New ....800ML  72 003748   8.91         E
     905717  Bottoms Up! Baby Bum Spray ........................250 ml   6 040201   9.76         M  614375  Shaker Cup - Princess Leia - New ..................800ML  72 003762   8.91
     905718  Sweet Pea Foaming Baby Body Wash .............210 ml   9 040157   8.76         M
     905719  Sweet Cheeks Baby Bum Powder .....................100 g  12 040058   8.50         M
     905720  Smooth as a Baby’s Bum Balm ........................100 g  12 040010   11.50         M
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  187
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