Page 203 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 203

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     744235  Rose + Vanilla Deodorant ............................... 0.7 oz   0 542015   3.92         E  SENSIBLE PORTIONS   W
     744195  Fragrance-Free Sensitive Skin Deo ................... 0.7 oz   0 542411   4.70         E Brands/sensible   (800) 343-7833
     744200  Tea Tree Sensitive Skin Deodorant ................... 0.7 oz   0 542312   4.70         E
                                      upc 859139                        SAVE 10%   LINE DRIVE MAR
     744202  Lavender Tips Sensitive Skin Deo. ................... 0.7 oz   0 006472   4.70         E
                                      upc 019962               Buy 10-19 cases (asst flav) get 5% off
     744205  Geranium Flower Sensitive Skin Deo. ............... 0.7 oz   0 542213   4.70         B  Buy 20+ cases (asst flav) get 10% off
                                      upc 859139
     744207  Jasmine Tea Sensitive Skin Deo. ...................... 0.7 oz   0 006489   4.70         E  CANNISTERS
     BAR SOAP                                                  600500  BBQ Garden Veggie Chips ........................... 12x141g  12        37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
                                                               600505  Sour Crm & Onion Veggie Chips .................. 12x141g  12
                                                                                                         37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     744300  Lavender + Sage Bar Soap ................................. 5oz  144 006236   6.30          600510  Sea Salt Garden Veggie Chips ...................... 12x141g  12      37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     744305  Fragrance Free Bar Soap ...................................... 5oz  24 006274   6.30          upc 308295
     744325  Bergamot + Lime Bar Soap ................................ 5oz  24 006267   6.30
     744330  Rose + Vanilla Bar Soap ..................................... 5oz  24 006281   6.30          STRAWS & CHIPS
                                      upc 810117               600515  Indiv Portion Original Veggie Straws  ............. 18x28g   1 300525   17.27  10%  M  15.54  B
     744335  Activated Charcoal Bar Soap ............................... 5oz  12 030575   6.30          upc 108295
                                      upc 859139               600520  Garden Veggie Chips ................................... 12x142g   1 301375   37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     TOOTHPASTE                                                600525  Sweet Potato Veggie Straws ........................ 12x142g  12 301863   37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     744400  Wondermint w/ Activated Charcoal ................... 4.7oz  24 006526   6.99          600530  Zesty Ranch Veggie Straws  ........................ 12x142g   1 301610   37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
                                                               600535  Rosemary & Olive Oil Veggie Straws............ 12x142g
                                                                                                  1 308602
                                                                                                         37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     744405  Vanilla Chai ....................................................... 4.7oz   0 006526   6.99          600540  Original Garden Veggie Straws ..................... 12x142g   1 308589   37.46  10%  M  33.71  B
     744410  Wondermint ..................................................... 4.7oz  24 006496   6.99
     744415  Coconut Lime Toothpaste ................................. 4.7oz   0 006502   6.99          SEQUENCE HEALTH LTD.
     744420  Jasmine Spearmint ........................................... 4.7oz   0 006694   6.99
     SEA BERRY THERAPY - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER          BROKERED BY  Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing
     BROKERED BY  Cyba-Stevens Natural                                     (519) 900-5594
                                                               Sequence Health provides the most innovative, healthy and safe supplements to improve the                                 (800) 710-7524  everyday health of our consumers.  Ageless System - Clinically proven, high-end nutrients in
                                                               an innovative system that targets aging at the cellular level. Optimizes aging: more energy, less
     Sea Berry Therapy harnesses the power of premium sea buckthorn berries grown in the high   inflammation (inflammaging), better cognition, eye health, weight management & longevity. Proudly
     altitudes of the Himalayan mountains to repair, rejuvenate and protect your hair, skin and nails.  190   Canadian.
     bioactive nutrients, 10x more vitamin C than oranges, 8 x more vitamin E than almonds and omega   48+ Units of Any One Colostrum Sku = 15% Off
     fatty acids 3,6, 7 and 9.  Products include liquid and soft gel supplements,  a face lotion and face   upc 892173
                                      upc 858180               COLOSTRUM
     779136  Polishing Facial Cleanser .................................... 4 oz   6 002518   13.87         B  699100  Colostrum Powder..............................................50 g  72 001027   28.55         B
     779101  Cleansing Face & Body Bar .............................. 3.5oz   6 002471   6.64         B  699105  Colostrum Capsules 400mg ......................... 90 caps  72 001058   25.70         B
     779106  Omega - 7 support ...................................60 softgels   6 002495   24.33         B  699110  Colostrum Lozenges 200mg ............................90 loz  72 001010   20.26         B
     779111  Nourishing Face Cream ...................................... 1 oz   6 002457   17.33         B  upc 978099
     779116  Liquid Supplement ........................................ 25.35oz   4 002488   24.33         B  AGELESS SYSTEM
     779121  Seed Oil .............................................................10ml   6 002440   14.17         B  699200  Aging Bites - Book ...................................................1  15 966514   22.23
     779126  Age-Defying Eye Cream ....................................15ml   6 002433   20.83         B  upc 892173
     779131  Moisturizing Body Cream.................................... 6 oz   6 002464   16.66         B  699205  All-in-One Shake - Berrilicious ..........................667 g  12 001843   43.22  50%  B  21.61  B
     779141  Hydrating Serum ................................................ 1 oz   6 002501   31.27         B  699210  Eye Health .........................................30 veggie  caps  96 001836   14.68         B
     779146  Replenishing Night Cream .................................. 1 oz   6 002525   27.80         B  699215  Energy Booster .......................................30 Veg caps  96 001829   29.25         B
     779165  Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil ....................................30 ml   6 002631   27.80         B  699220  Cognitive Health ........................................... 30 caps  96 001812   17.59         B
     779170  Omega-7 Support .................................180 soft gels   6 002648   55.62         B  699225  Joint Health .................................................. 60 caps  96 001805   14.68         B
     SENCHA NATURALS                                           SHIKAI - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER
     BROKERED BY  Cyba-Stevens Natural                         BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.                                                          (800) 448-0298
     Daily wellness from whole food ingredients. Enjoy a boost of antioxidants and vitamins!  SHIKAI began 35 years ago with a vision. Dr. Dennis T. Sepp, an organic chemist with an interest in
     March: 24+ units per category  = 10% off                  natural products and Dr. Vasant Telang, a  pharmaceutical chemist with knowledge of auyervedic
                                      upc 810232               medicines, were interested in exploring the exceptional properties of several natural plants which
     DRINK MIX                                                 are utilized in the care of skin and hair. They quickly honed in on the lathering and low pH cleansing
                                                               properties of shikakai and its effectiveness as a truly natural shampoo. They developed an extract
     758300  MatchaLatte TropicalMango StickPack ..........12 x 1oz   6 024619   20.00         B  based on this plant and called it “SHIKAI”. This soap and detergent-free extract became the basis
     758305  MatchaLatte Bombay Chai StickPack ............12 x 1oz   6 024626   20.00         B  for the first line of shampoos and the name of a new company.
     758310  MatchaLatte Original StickPack .....................12 x 1oz   6 024602   20.00         B
     758315  Eco Tube Matcha Latte - Original ...................... 8.5oz   6 024206   11.47         B     SAVE UP TO 20%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR
     758320  EcoTube Matcha Latte Bombay Chai................. 8.5oz   6 024220   11.47         B
     758325  EcoTube MatchaLatte TropicalMango ............... 8.5oz   6 024213   11.47         B  Deal Periods (Categories with deals this month)12+ units – 5% off
     MINTS                                                     Non Deal Periods (Categories without deals this month)6+ Units = 5% off,12 + units = 10% off
     758200  GreenTea Mints SF Moroccan Mint 12 x .88oz Packets   6 020451   20.00         B  24+ Units = 15% off, 36+ Units = 20% off
     758205  GreenTea Mints SF Pink Dragonfruit 12 x .88oz Packets  6 020437   20.00         B   upc 081738
     758210  GreenTea Mints SF Tropical Mango 12 x .88oz Packets   6 020420   19.99         B  SHOWER GELS
     758215  GreenTea Mints SF Yuzu Ginger ....12 x .88oz Packets   6 020413   20.00         B
                                      upc 858755               772405  Shower Gel-Cucumber Melon ........................... 12 oz  48 363025   9.16  20%  A   7.33  B
     758220  GreenTeaMintsCanister TropicalMango ........6 x 1.2oz  12 003926   19.44         B  772415  Shower Gel-Yuzu(Japanese Citrus) ................... 12 oz  48 363056   9.16  20%  A   7.33  B
     758225  GreenTeaMints Canister - Original ................6 x 1.2oz  12 003902   19.44         B  772420  Shower Gel-White Gardenia .............................. 12 oz  48 363063   9.16  20%  A   7.33  B
     758230  GreenTeaMints Canister Yuzu Ginger ............6 x 1.2oz  12 003919   19.44         B  772426  Shower Gel- Pomegranate ................................ 12 oz  48 363094   9.16  20%  A   7.33  B
     758235  GreenTeaMintsCnstr Pink Dragonfruit ..........6 x 1.2oz  12 003933   19.44         B  BORAGE DRY SKIN THERAPY
     758240  GreenTeaMints Canister Bombay Chai .........6 x 1.2oz  12 003940   19.45         B  772604  Borage Dry Skin, Hand Cream ..........................73 ml  48 402229   8.20         B
     758245  GreenTeaMintsCanister Moroccan Mint........6 x 1.2oz  12 003957   19.45         B  772606  Borage Dry Skin, Foot Cream..........................125 ml  48 402502   11.09         B
                                      upc 810232               772607  Borage Advanced Therapy Lotion ....................238ml  48 402069   15.41         B
     TEA POWDER                                                772611  Facial Moisturizer ...............................................89ml   6 402809   17.34         B
     758100  SenCha Matcha Powder Premium ...................... 1 oz   6 020109   16.66         B  772612  Eye Cream.........................................................15ml   6 402854   17.34         B
                                                                                                  6 402748
                                                               772613  Facial Scrub ....................................................125ml

     758105  SenCha Matcha Powder Culinary ........................ 4 oz   6 020123   19.45         B
                                                               772614  Facial Cleanser ................................................178ml   6 402700   11.56         B
                                                               772615  Borage Dry Skin, Adult Lotion .........................238 ml  48 402021   13.98         B
                                                               772616  Children’s Lotion .............................................238ml   6 402014   13.02         B
                                                               772970  Borage Display ............................................18 x 1 oz  48 402052   39.03         B
                                                                    Contains: 18x Dry Skin Lotion 1oz
                                                               NATURAL HAND & BODY LOTIONS
                                                               772305  Hand & Body Lotion - Cucumber Melon ............. 8 oz  48 343027   8.67  20%  A   6.94  B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020  201
   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208