Page 210 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 210
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
At Soap Works we have been making biodegradable and specialty soaps for over 30 years. We use Nutritious Gourmet Free-From Organic food. Excellent source of plant based protein and fibre.
time tested soap recipes, traditional ingredients, and old fashioned production methods. We strive Artisan gluten free vegan pastas, antipastos and sundried vegetable seasonings.
to maintain high quality at reasonable prices. Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
upc 670841 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
795100 Goat Milk Soap ........................................... 9 x 100 g 32 000202 16.53 B SAVE UP TO 15% LINE DRIVE MAR & APR
795101 Evening Primrose Oil Soap ...............................110 g 100 000189 1.34 B
795102 Bee Pollen Soap ...............................................110 g 100 000110 1.34 B upc 106893
795105 Carbolic Soap ...................................................110 g 100 000134 1.20 B
795106 Oatmeal Soap ...................................................110 g 100 000233 1.25 B ORGANIC & GLUTEN FREE PASTA
795107 Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Soap ..............................110 g 100 000103 1.25 B 793100 Sorghum & Purple Carrot Penne ................ 12 x 227g 12 000673 61.62 15% B 52.38 B
795108 Chamomile Soap ..............................................110 g 100 000127 1.34 B 793105 Green Pea Fusilli ........................................ 12 x 227g 12 000703 61.62 15% B 52.38 B
795109 Pine Tar .............................................................110g 100 000301 1.40 B 793110 Chick Pea Gnocchetti................................. 12 x 227g 12 000697 61.62 15% B 52.38 B
795110 Hemp Seed Oil Soap..................................... 6 x 85 g 24 000219 12.98 B 793115 Red Lentil Fusilli......................................... 12 x 227g 12 000680 61.62 15% B 52.38 B
795113 Pumice Soap ......................................................90 g 120 000257 1.25 B 793120 Beetroot, Spinach & Rice Fusilli ................. 12 x 227g 12 000710 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795116 Clay Cleansing Soap .........................................110 g 100 000158 1.40 B 793125 Beetroot, Spinach & Corn Gnocchetti ........ 12 x 227g 12 000635 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795117 Ginseng Soap ...................................................110 g 100 000196 1.40 B 793130 Turmeric, Black Pepper & Corn Penne ....... 12 x 227g 12 000628 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795118 Sea Kelp Soap ..................................................110 g 100 000264 1.40 B 793135 Turmeric & Rice Gnocchetti ....................... 12 x 227g 12 000604 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795126 Pure Vegetable Glycerine Soap ...........................95 g 120 000295 1.40 B 793140 Beetroot, Spinach & Corn Penne ................ 227g x 12 12 000642 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
upc 067084 upc 168933
795127 Shea Butter Soap ...............................................110g 100 100323 1.53 B ORGANIC ANTIPASTO
upc 670841 793350 Oven Roasted Tomatoes .............................. 6 x 180g 6 012461 36.97 15% B 31.42 B
795213 Olive Oil Soap ...................................................110 g 100 000240 1.40 B 793355 Sundried & Marinated Zucchini .................... 6 x 190g 6 012393 36.97 15% B 31.42 B
795215 Cucumber and Calendula...................................110g 100 000165 1.40 B 793360 Smoky Grilled Artichokes ............................ 6 x 180g 6 012225 36.97 15% B 31.42 B
795216 Tea Tree Oil Soap ..............................................110 g 100 000288 1.40 B 793365 Sundried Tomatoes ...................................... 6 x 180g 6 012157 36.97 15% B 31.42 B
795218 Emu Oil Soap ...................................................110 g 100 000172 1.40 B ANTIPASTO
795300 Shampoo Bar with Conditioner .........................110 g 100 000271 1.40 B 793305 Sundried Sweet Peppers .............................. 6 x 190g 6 012775 41.03 15% B 34.88 B
PURE GLYCERINE AROMATHERAPY SOAPS - BIODEGRADABLE 793310 Cherry Peppers with Goat Cheese ............... 6 x 280g 6 012607 48.64 15% B 41.34 B
795111 Pure Glycerine Soap Slab ............................... 3.5 lbs 8 000028 18.71 B upc 106893
795119 Pure Glycerine Soap Precut ............................ 3.5 lbs 12 100035 21.18 B ORGANIC SEASONINGS & SPICES
795120 Blue Glass (Lavender) ................................. 6 x 120g 6 000011 14.58 B 793200 Sundried Tomatoes .................................... 12 x 100g 12 001434 65.68 15% B 55.83 B
BODY CARE - BIODEGRADABLE 793205 Chili & Sundried Vegetables Mix .................. 12 x 40g 12 001397 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795114 Liquid Glycerine Soap ..........................................1 ltr 6 005023 10.63 B 793210 Porcini & Sundried Vegetables Mix............... 12 x 40g 12 001373 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795121 Glycerin Liquid Soap........................................400ml 12 005047 5.67 B 793215 Sundried Vegetables & Spice Mix ................ 12 x 40g 12 001366 57.41 15% B 48.80 B
795123 Bentonite Clay ...................................................454g 6 008109 9.55 B POINT OF PURCHASE
795125 Liquid Glycerin Soap Refill ....................................4 L 4 005030 33.76 B .793L01 Solenzi Postcard ............................................... 1 unit 1
HOUSEHOLD .793L02 Mmmarvelous Mushroom Recipe Card ............ 1 unit 1
795310 Laundry Powder Soap ..................................... 1.8 kg 12 008017 10.38 B .793L03 Peppers & Penne Arrabbiata Recipe Card ......... 1 unit 1
795320 Safe Bleach ......................................................600 g 12 008031 5.16 B .793L04 Gnocchetti A La Connie Recipe Cards............... 1 unit 1
795330 Old Fashioned Laundry Bars .............................227 g 12 008024 1.41 B .793L05 Luscious Lentil Pasta Recipe Card .................... 1 unit 1
795905 Single Tier Soap Rack (4 bars wide) .......................... SOLO GI NUTRITION W
.795FL01Description des produits (Français) ...........................
.795FL02Toujours lave tes mains…Maman Docteur ................ (866) 765-6944
.795FL03Carte pliée de comptoir Collection “Cottage” ............. A Canadian company, SoLo GI Nutrition are the inventors of the low glycemic and gluten-free
.795L00 Bee Pollen ................................................................. certitifed SoLo GI energy and nutrition bars. Packed full of nutrients, protein and fibre, SoLo GI
.795L01 Goat Milk ................................................................... Bars give you energy that sustains without the spike, crash and crave, making these award winning
.795L02 Evening Primrose ...................................................... bars the ideal between-meal snack for sustained energy, diet and weight loss and blood sugar
.795L03 Humorous Canadian Postcard ...................................
.795L04 Pine Tar ..................................................................... Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2
.795L05 Carbolic ..................................................................... months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
.795L06 Oatmeal .....................................................................
.795L07 Aloe Vera & Vitamin E ................................................ SAVE 15% SELECT ITEMS APR
.795L08 Chamomile ................................................................
.795L12 Liquid Glycerine ......................................................... Case Stack Deals Floor Display - Buy 1 get 15% off, Buy 2 get 20% off (must be on same order).
.795L13 Pumice ...................................................................... Case Stack Deal Open Stock - 50 Trays Mix & Match = 20% OffNot to be combined with monthly
.795L14 Cucumber Calendula ................................................. promotions.
.795L15 Shea Butter.......................................................... N/A 0 000000 upc 897024
.795L16 Clay Cleansing........................................................... DISPLAYS
.795L17 Ginseng ..................................................................... 716900E SoLo Energy Bar Floor Displayer ....................1.81kg 000693
.795L18 Sea Kelp .................................................................... Holds up to 48 boxes of product.
.795L19 Safe Bleach ...............................................................
.795L20 Shampoo & Conditioner ............................................ 716905E Solo wire rack ........................................................... 000701
.795L21 Pure Laundry Soap .................................................... Wire rack counter top display for 3 trays
.795L213 ....................................................................Olive Oil 716920 Solo Gi Floor Displayer 96ct/8trays ..............1 Display 1 000020 185.60 B
.795L23 Old Fashioned Laundry Bar ........................................ Comes pre-loaded with the following items: 2 trays of Lemon Lift, 3 trays of Peanut
.795L24 Tea Tree Oil ................................................................ Power, 3 trays Chocolate Charger
.795L25 Hemp Soap ............................................................... 716925 Superfood Prepack 96ct/16 Trays ....................96ct/ 1 000235 185.60 15% A 157.76 B
.795L26 Blue Glass ................................................................. Solo Nutbutter Bars x 30 bars , SoLo Nuts and Seeds bar x 30 bars, SoLo Fruit and
.795L29 Emu Oil .................................................................... Nuts x 36 bars
.795L31 Product Tear Off Pad .................................................. ENERGY BARS
.795L32 Pure Vegetable Glycerine ..........................................
.795L33 Biodegradable Laundry Solution Shelf Talker .............. 716100 Pineapple Coconut ...................................... 12 x 50g 6 000679 23.20 B
.795L34 Small Sign: Wash Your Hands ................................... 716105 Dk Chocolate Mandarin ............................... 12 x 50g 6 000648 23.20 B
.795L36 Christmas Stocking stuff card - bilingual .................... upc 841894
.795L50 Tear-Off INCI Ingredient List Pad ................................ 716106 Dark Chocolate Mandarin ........................... 12 X 40G 12 005104 23.20 B
716111 Lemon ........................................................ 12 X 40G 12 005081 23.20 B
upc 897024
716115 Chocolate Charger ....................................... 12 x 50g 6 000587 23.20 B
upc 841894
716116 Chocolate Brownie ..................................... 12 X 40G 12 005074 23.20 B
upc 897024
716120 Peanut Power .............................................. 12 x 50g 6 000532 23.20 B