Page 71 - MARAPRREG2020
P. 71

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     129205  KETOSYS Protein Powder Chocolate ...................2LB   6 875838   36.00         B  ASPORTEK
     129300  MCT OIL POWDER 300g ...................................300g  12 875630   27.00         B   (514) 989-8156
     VEGAN PROTEIN                                             Smart thinking, integral and effective training, an approach at the forefront of scientific advances.
                                                               That’s why at Asportek we take into consideration not only your work-out training but also your
     129500  FRESH1 Vegan Protein Cafe Mocha .....................2LB   6 876019   36.99         B  nutrition, body detoxification, and intake of supplements, in order for you to achieve optimal health.
     129505  FRESH1 Vegan Protein Berry Bliss .......................2LB   6 876002   36.99         B  upc 775050
     129510  FRESH1 Vegan Protein Vanilla Chai ......................2LB   6 875999   36.99         B  SUPPLEMENT
     129515  FRESH1 Vegan Protein Choc Hazelnut .................2LB   6 875982   36.99         B
                                                               173100  Vegetable Proteins Chocolate............................908 g  10 104007   45.00         B
     AQUAOMEGA                                                 173105  Vegetable Proteins Vanilla .................................908 g  10 103000   45.00         B
                                                                                                 upc 628250
     BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management                          173116  Glutamine .........................................................500 g  18 671056   29.99         B
                                                               173121  Omega-3 ........................................................250 ml  24 671100   28.36         B                                        173131  Carnitine ....................................................... 90 caps  50 671001   29.99         B
     AquaOmega aims to be the global leader in both innovation and quality when it comes to Omega-3   upc 775050
     fatty acid supplements. In a culture of poor dietary habits where health issues and chronic diseases   173135  Zinc ............................................................ 180 caps  50 100016   23.99         B
     are rampant, AquaOmega believes that high potency fish oil supplements stand above the rest   upc 628250
     in terms of their remarkable ability to help prevent health issues, correct pathological processes   173141  Creatine Monohydrate ......................................500 g  18 671063   29.72         B
     before they wreak havoc on the body, and maintain overall health.  Because we care about our
     customers, we take special pride in the premium ingredients that make up our supplements. We are   173146  Magnesium .................................................. 90 caps  50 671018   14.99         B
     fully transparent about the ingredients in our products, and everything is 3rd party tested to ensure   173150  Bcaa + Electrolyte ...........................................500 g  18 671049   40.80         B
     the absolute quality and purity of every single bottle.   173155  Estroclear Capsules ...................................... 60 caps  50 671032   35.12         B
     12 units per SKU = 10% off                                KIT
                                      upc 805974               173300  Anti-Cellulite Kit .................................................. 1 kit   0 671223   77.01         B
     STANDARD                                                  COSMETIC
     656325  AO 3:1 Daily Maintenance Apple .....................225 ml  12 007945   18.47         B  173200  Anti-Cellulite Cream ...........................................30ml   0 671292   33.11         B
     656340  AO 3:1 Daily Maintenance SoftGel ...................120 ct  12 060001   18.47         B  POS
     656345  AO 3:1 Daily Maintenance Orange ..................225 ml  12 007914   18.47         B  .173FL01 ................................................. Catalogue - Français   1   175
     HIGH EPA                                                  .173L01 English Catalogue ....................................................1  175
     656300  AQUAOMEGA - Softgels ..................................120 ct  12 007099   24.00         B
     656305  AQUAOMEGA - Tropical Flavour......................225 ml  12 007037   24.00         B  ATKINS GINSENG - INCLUDED IN BUSINESS PARTNER   W
     656310  AQUAOMEGA - Coffee Flavour ........................225 ml  12 007051   24.00         B
     656315  AQUAOMEGA - Orange Flavour ......................225 ml  12 007013   24.00         B  519-443-7236
     656320  AQUAOMEGA - Lemon Flavour .......................225 ml  12 007075   24.00         B  upc 774221
     656910  AquaOmega Display ..........................................16 ct   1 007259  384.00         B
         Display of 4 units x 4 flavours of Aqua Omega Fish Oil  IMPORTED GINSENG                         9.44          M
                                                               985320  100% Siberian Ginseng .............................. 100 caps  12 015036
     HIGH DHA                                                  985360  100% Korean Red Ginseng ......................... 100 caps  12 015067   14.01         M
     656330  AquaOmega 1:5 High DHA SoftGel ..................120 ct  12 060124   24.00         B  ONTARIO GINSENG
     656335  AquaOmega 1:5 High DHA Grape ...................225 ml  12 060063   24.00         B  985300  100% Ontario Ginseng ................................ 100 caps  12 015012   14.01         M
     POS                                                       985350  Ontario Ginseng with Royal Jelly ................... 90 caps  12 015043   14.01         M
     .656FL05 ...........................Brochure Aquaomega 2019 French   1   0  007693  (50-50 BLEND)
     .656L05 AquaOmega TriFold Brochure English ......................1    0 007686
                                                               985410  Ontario Ginseng - Gin-Ultimate ................... 100 caps  12 015098   14.01         M
     ARTE & VITA                                          W    POINT OF PURCHASE
                                                               .985L01 Ontario Ginseng Brochure ..........................................
     ARTE & VITA (Art & Life in Italian) is a trademarked brand owned by Artizan Fine Foods, Inc. of   ATTITUDE      W
     Montreal, QC. Rarely do you hear “great tasting” and “gluten-free” in the same breath. That’s our
     mission, our commitment at Arte & Vita: to create delicious snacks that provide excellent nutrition   BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management
     for those pursuing healthy lifestyles. We start with the finest 100% natural ingredients. Prepare
     them in the honored traditions of the Mediterranean region, where our families originated. Foods   (514) 509-7225
     nutritiously vegan, gluten-free, allergen free and, yes, great tasting. Nothing artificial, ever. Perfect   Eco friendly household cleaners, health and beauty products and baby products.
     choices for the health-conscious and perfectly safe for celiacs.
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2      SAVE UP TO 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAR & APR
     months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
                                      upc 106278
     GLUTEN FREE, PLANT-BASED BAKED PITA CRISPS                Regular Household:25 cases 5% off, 50 cases 10% off, 75 cases 15% off, 100 cases 20% off
                                                               Super Leaves Adult Body Care:  72 units 5% off, 144 units 10% off 288 units 15% off
     168100  Pita Crisps - Garlic & SDT .......................... 9 x 130 g   9 629815   38.31         B  Baby Leaves & Little Leaves: 48 units 5% off 96 units 10% off 144 units 15% off
     168110  Pita Crisps - Fresh & Original ...................... 9 x 130 g   9 629792   38.31         B  Wipes:10 cases 5% off ,25 cases 10% off
     ARTESTILE                                                 DIAPERS                           upc 626232                      (416) 858-4722  137180  Baby Diapers XL Size 6 (16-30kg) - New.......20 units   4 162608   15.61         B
     Luxe handcrafted beauty tools made in Italy. Inspired by the essence of Italy, where art and beauty   137181  Baby Diapers Junior Size 5(10-25kg) - New ..22 units   4 162509   15.61         B
     play an essential role in every day life, ArteStile creates beautiful and luxurious tools that are as   137182  Baby Diapers Maxi Size 4 (7-18kg) - New .....26 units   4 162400   15.61         B
     functional as they are a work of art.                     137183  Baby Diapers Midi Size 3 (4-9kg) - New ........30 units   4 162301   15.61         B
                                      upc 695937               137184  Baby Diapers Mini Sizes 1-2 (3-7kg) - New ...36 units   4 162202   15.61         B
     TWEEZERS                                                  137185  Baby Diapers Newborn (Up to 5kg) - New .....28 units   4 162103   12.85         B
     119400  Slant Tip Tweezers - Turquoise ...................1 Tweezer  12 999789   15.00         B  SENSITIVE SKIN BODY CARE
     119405  Slant Tip Tweezers - Lilac ...........................1 Tweezer  12 999772   15.00         B  137617  Body Lotion - Chamomile ...............................473 ml   6 608540   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     119410  Slant Tip Tweezers - Black ..........................1 Tweezer  12 999673   15.00         M  137618  Body Lotion - Avocado ...................................473 ml   6 608533   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     119415  Slant Tip Tweezers - Rose...........................1 Tweezer  12 999680   15.00         B  137619  Body Lotion - Argan .......................................473 ml   6 608526   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     119420  ArteStile Point Tip Tweezers ........................1 Tweezer  12 999666   15.00         B  137621  Body Lotion - Fragrance Free ..........................473 ml   6 608519   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     119425  ArteStile Slant Tip Tweezers - Cl .................1 Tweezer  12 999659   15.00         M  137622  Body Cream - Chamomile ..............................240 ml   6 608441   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     SCISSORS                                                  137623  Body Cream - Avocado ..................................240 ml   6 608434   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
                                                               137624  Body Cream - Argan .......................................240 ml
                                                                                                                    8.77  B
                                                                                                          9.74  10%  A
                                                                                                  6 608427
     119200  ArteStile Straight Scissors .........................1 Scissors  12 999802   15.00         B  137626  Body Cream - Fragrance Free .........................240 ml   6 608410   9.74  10%  A   8.77  B
     119205  ArteStile Nail Scissors ...............................1 Scissors  12 999819   15.00         B  137627  Hand Cream - Chamomile .................................75ml   6 608243   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
     NAIL CLIPPERS                                             137628  Hand Cream - Avocado .....................................75ml   6 608236   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
     119100  ArteStile Toenail Clipper ........................ 1 Nail Clipper  12 999864   9.59         B  137629  Hand Cream - Argan ..........................................75ml   6 608229   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
     119105  ArteStile Nail Clipper ............................. 1 Nail Clipper  12 999857   8.39         B  137631  Hand Cream - Fragrance Free ............................75ml   6 608212   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
     EXTRACTORS                                                137632  Hand Soap - Chamomile ................................473 ml   6 604146   5.41  10%  A   4.87  B
     119300  Double Loop Comedone Extractor ............ 1 Extractor  12 999833   11.39         B  137633  Hand Soap - Avocado.....................................473 ml   6 604139   5.41  10%  A   4.87  B
                                                               137634  Hand Soap - Argan .........................................473 ml   6 604122   5.41  10%  A   4.87  B
                                                               137636  Hand Soap - Fragrance Free ...........................473 ml   6 604115   5.41  10%  A   4.87  B
                                                               137637  Body Wash Soothe & Calm - Chamomile........473 ml   6 601244   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
                                                               137638  Body Wash - Nourishing - Avocado ................473 ml   6 601237   7.00  10%  A   6.30  B
                                                                                                 MARCH - APRIL 2020   69
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76