Page 127 - May June 2021
P. 127

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

     429154  Proscalp Shampoo/Conditioner VALUE ...... 250ml x 2   6 800356   17.00          429254  Facelift 40+ Facial Serum ................................60 ml   0 600352   28.38         B
                                      upc 763151               429256  Facelift 40+ Night Cream ..................................60ml   0 600345   19.86         B
     429155  Adv. Treat. Dandruff Control Condit .................250 ml  12 331040   10.76         B  SPECIALIZED CONDITIONERS
                                      upc 063151
     429156  Dandruff Shampoo/Conditioner VALUE ...... 250ml x 2   6 800349   17.00          429600  Leave-In Conditioner.......................................250 ml  12 250397   7.44         M
                                      upc 763151               POINT OF PURCHASE
     429160  Adv. Proscalp Itch Relief Shampoo .................250 ml  12 331019   10.76         M  .429L01 Herbal Glo Sell Sheet .................................................
     429165  Adv. Proscalp Itch Relief Condit ......................250 ml  12 331026   10.76         M
                                      upc 063151               HERBAL SELECT                                         W
     429205  See Younger Skin Moisturizer .........................250 ml  12 610054   9.62         M   (800) 265-7245
     ORIGINAL TREATMENTS FOR THINNING HAIR                     Herbal Select specializes in high quality, potent, pure natural supplements that respond to the
     429300  Advanced Thin-Looking Hair Formula .............250 ml  12 250502   16.43         E  unique health concerns of Canadians focusing on three key categories, essential fatty acids, herbal
                                                               extracts and Stevia.  Proudly manufactured in Guelph, Ontario.
     429320  3-Step Thin-Looking Hair System ...................250 ml  12 250519   28.37         E
     ORIGINAL TREATMENT SHAMPOOS                               Flax oil is shelf stable for one year from manufactured date.  Purity Life will ensure that all flax oil
                                                               products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently
     429305  Thinning Hair Shampoo ..................................250 ml  12 250571   8.49          be issued for unsold products.
     429306  Thinning Hair Shampoo ...................................350ml  12 700106   9.62
     429307  Acai Baobab Tsubaki Oil Shampoo ..................350ml  12 410180   9.62         E     SAVE UP TO 11%   SELECT ITEMS MAY & JUN
     429308  Lemon & Matcha Tea Shampoo .......................350ml  12 410173   9.62         E
     429309  Coconut Rosemary Macadamia Shampoo .......350ml  12 410166   9.62         E
     429312  Moroccan Oil Argan Shampoo .........................350ml  12 410159   9.62         E  upc 065279
     429313  Peppermint Tea Tree Shampoo ........................350ml  12 410135   9.62         E  COLD PRESSED OILS
     429314  Manuka Honey Sweet Almond Shampoo .........350ml  12 410128   9.62         E  418510  Borage Oil 25% GLA .................. 1000mg/60 softgels   6 021217   15.83         B
     429340  Normal / Oily Hair Shampoo ...........................250 ml  12 250199   8.49          418515  Borage Oil 25% GLA .................. 1000mg/90 softgels   6 021224   18.63         B
     429345  Dry / Damaged Hair Shampoo ........................250 ml  12 250205   8.49          FLAX OIL
     429346  Damaged & Dry Hair Shampoo .......................350ml  12 700182   9.62          418530  Fresh Flax Oil Liquid - Organic ........................500 ml   6 021354   10.74
     429350  Dandruff / Dry Scalp Shampoo .......................250 ml  12 250212   8.49
     429351  Dandruff & Dry Scalp Shampoo ......................350ml  12 700120   9.62          POTENT HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS
     429355  Sensitive Hair & Scalp Shampoo ....................250 ml  12 250229   8.49          418297  Green Tea 50%  Polyphernol Extract 500 mg/60 gelcaps  6 030523   9.41         B
     429356  Sensitive Scalp Shampoo ................................350ml  12 700205   9.62          418700  Astragalus Root - Gel caps ............... 500mg/60 caps   6 030011   5.37         B
     429360  Grey / White Hair Shampoo ............................250 ml  12 250236   8.49          418736  Ginger - Gel Caps ............................. 500mg/60 caps   6 030219   4.41         B
     429365  Thin / Fine Hair Shampoo ...............................250 ml  12 250304   8.49          418750  Hawthorn 550mg .......................................... 60caps   6 030288   6.78         B
     429366  Thin Fine Hair Shampoo ..................................350ml  12 700168   9.62          418764  Milk Thistle STD 80% - Gel Caps ...... 450 mg/60caps   6 030363   8.63         B
     429370  Permed/Colour-Treated Hair Shampoo ............250 ml  12 250311   8.49          418776  Valerian Root - Gel Caps ................... 400 mg/60caps   6 030424   4.88         B
     429375  Proscalp Itch Relief Shampoo .........................250 ml  12 251318   8.49         E  CALORIE FREE SWEETENERS
     429376  Proscalp Shampoo ..........................................350ml  12 700144   9.62         E  418979  Stevia Liq Dark Chocolate .................................60mL  35 032022   11.77  11%  M  10.48  B
     ORIGINAL TREATMENT CONDITIONERS                           418979  Stevia Liq Dark Chocolate .................................60mL  35 032022   11.77  11%  J   10.48  B
     429310  Thinning Hair Conditioner ...............................250 ml  12 250809   8.49          418981  Organic Erythritol ...............................................500g   6 077023   11.78  11%  B  10.48  B
     429311  HG Thin Fine Hair Conditioner ..........................350ml  12 700175   9.62          418984  Stevia Ext Packets ................................... 100 x 0.5 g   0 031063   9.76  11%  B   8.69  B
     429380  Normal / Oily Hair Conditioner ........................250 ml  12 250243   8.49          418988  Stevia Ext Pwd(85%steviosides) .........................28 g  12 031049   9.00  11%  B   8.01  B
     429382  Dry / Damaged Hair Conditioner .....................250 ml  12 250250   8.49          418995  Stevia Liquid Extract .........................................60 ml   6 031025   9.80  11%  B   8.72  B
     429383  Damaged & Dry Hair Conditioner .....................350ml  12 700199   9.62          418998  Stevia Glycerite Ext (Fr Van) ..............................60 ml  20 031032   11.77  11%  M  10.48  B
     429385  Dandruff / Dry Scalp Conditioner ....................250 ml  12 250267   8.49          418998  Stevia Glycerite Ext (Fr Van) ..............................60 ml  20 031032   11.77  11%  J   10.48  B
     429386  Dandruff & Dry Scalp Conditioner ....................350ml  12 700137   9.62          ESSENTIAL OILS
     429387  Sensitive Hair & Scalp Conditioner ..................250 ml  12 250274   8.49          .418L08 Essential Oil Booklet ........................................1 each  50 076668
     429388  Sensitive Scalp Conditioner .............................350ml  12 700212   9.62          418650  PureMist Ultrasonic Diffuser ............................1 each   8 076651   41.77         B
     429390  Grey/White Hair Conditioner............................250 ml  12 250281   8.49          418651  Tea Tree Oil,100% pure ....................................30 mL  24 076255   8.64         B
     429392  Thin/fine Hair Conditioner ...............................250 ml  12 250328   8.49          418652  Rosemary Oil,100% pure .................................30 mL  24 076002   8.13         B
     429393  Thinning Hair Conditioner ................................350ml  12 700113   9.62          418653  Peppermint Oil, 100% pure ..............................30 mL  24 075852   7.95         B
     429395  Perm/Colour Treat Hair Conditioner .................250 ml  12 250335   8.49          418654  Orange Oil,100% pure......................................30 mL  24 075708   5.16         B
     429397  Proscalp Itch Relief Conditioner ......................250 ml  12 251325   8.49         E  418655  Lemongrass Oil,100% pure .............................30 mL  24 075821   7.85         B
     429398  Proscalp Conditioner .......................................350ml  12 700151   9.62         E  418656  Lemon Oil,100% pure ......................................30 mL  24 075654   6.38         B
     TEA TREE OIL HAIR CARE LINE                               418657  Lavender Oil, 100% pure .................................30 mL  24 075609   12.01         B
     429400  Tea Tree Cleansing Shampoo ..........................250 ml  12 331201   7.92          418658  Grapefruit Oil,100% pure .................................30 mL  24 075531   11.68         B
                                      upc 631519               418659  Clove Oil,100% pure ........................................30 mL  24 075401   7.85         B
     PREVENT HAIR LOSS LINE                                    418660  Eucalyptus Oil,100% pure ................................30 mL  24 075456   5.93         B
                                                               418900E Essential Oil Wood Counter Display .................1 each
                                                                                                  1 075005
     429450  Prevent Scalp Formula ....................................250 ml  12 101126   19.86         M  Required fill: 10 X 30mL bottles
     429455  Prevent Shampoo ...........................................250 ml  12 100921   9.62         M
     429460  Prevent Conditioner ........................................250 ml  12 101027   9.62         M  POINT OF PURCHASE
     429465  Prevent 3 Pack for Hair Loss ............................ 1 unit  12 101133   34.05          .418L02 Herbal Health Care Guide Bag Stuffer .........................
                                      upc 063151               .418L05 The Essential Guide to EFA’s Brochure .......................
     429500  Active Lifestyle Shampoo ...............................350 ml  12 150017   8.49          HERBALAND     W
     429510  Active Lifestyle Shampoo +cond ...................350 ml  12 250380   8.49         M
     STYLING AIDS                                                                 (888) 223-2140
     429550  Natural Control Hair Spray ..............................250 ml  12 250120   7.92          Herbaland Naturals is Canada’s leading manufacturer of enhanced confectionery delivery systems
     429555  Firm Hold Hair Spray ......................................250 ml  12 250175   7.92          for the nutraceutical market.  We produce gummy vitamins and supplements with a delicious recipe
     429560  Ultimate Control Styling Gel ............................250 ml  12 250410   7.92         M  using the highest quality raw materials available, manufactured at our own local facility, free of
                                                               artificial additives & preservatives. *MAP Policy Applies*
     BODYCARE                                                  buy 24 (classic/premium) bottles - 10% off,buy 48 (classic/premium) bottles - 15% off
     429271  Facelift 40+ Total Body Miracle Oil .................120 ml   0 600369   14.19         B  buy 10 (protein/good news gummies/electrolyte/pre workout) cases - 10% off
     429278  Ultra Clean Hand Soap .....................................350ml  12 410449   7.35          buy 20 (protein/good news gummies/electrolyte/ pre workout) cases - 13% off
     429800  Skin Therapy Oil ..............................................120ml  12 410005   14.16         B  *Not applicable with other promotional rebates
     429805  No-Rinse Skin Cleanser ...................................120ml  12 410029   8.49         B
     ORGANIC HAIR CARE                                                                           upc 813523
     429515  Organic Coconut Conditioner ...........................120ml  12 410104   9.62         E  FLOOR DISPLAY STAND
     429516  Organic Coconut Protective Shampoo .............250ml  12 410098   9.62         E  459900E Floor Display Stand Empty: Yellow .................... 1 unit   1 001610
     429520  Organic Mango Conditioner .............................120ml  12 410067   9.62         E  459901E Floor Display Stand Empty: Blue ....................... 1 unit   1 001603
     429521  Organic Kiwi Volumizing Shampoo ..................250ml  12 410074   9.62         E  459902E Floor Display Stand: Good News Gumm ........... 1 unit   1 002518
     429525  Organic Kiwi Conditioner .................................120ml  12 410081   9.62         E  Required Fill: 20 units mix and match any SKU to receive a display stand!
     429526  Organic Mango Moisturizing Shampoo ............250ml  12 410050   9.62         E  459903E Floor Display Stand: General ............................. 1 unit   1 002501
     FACIAL CARE                                                    Required Fill: 20 units mix and match any SKU to receive a display stand!
     429251  Facelift 40+ Facial Cleanser ...........................250 ml   0 600321   14.19         B  PREMIUM (LESS THAN 1G SUGAR/SERVING)
     429252  Facelift 40+ 12-Minute Mud Masque ................60ml   0 600376   19.86         B  459102  Gummies for Adults: Acai BerryTwist .....90 Gummies  48 001320   11.00         B
     429253  Facelift 40+ Facial Moisturizer ........................120ml   0 600338   19.86         B  459128  Gummy for Kids: F,V & Fiber ..................60 Gummies  48 000552   9.36         B
                                                                                                    MAY - JUNE 2021  125
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