Page 54 - May June 2021
P. 54

Stock                                                                                                                                Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F  Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
     ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R  ID#   Description   Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R
     53 ACRES - MAPLE SWEETENERS                           W    740310  Hair Removal Strips for Face .........................20 pack   6 040172   12.10         B
                                                                                                  6 040141
                                                                740311  Royal Wax .........................................................100g
                                                                                                                        B                                416-689-7082  740312  Roll on Ylang Oriental Wax ...............................100ml   6 040196   12.10         B
     Introducing 53Acres Maple Products - A Maple obsessed family from rural Ontario with a family   DISPLAYS
     tradition to deliver Ontario’s finest maple products, small batch.  740920  Wood Display Eaux de Parfum.......................... 1 unit   0 095387  271.80         B
                                      upc 627843                    Contains: 4x L’Envoutante Eaux de Parfum + 5 Roll On L’Envoutante + 1 tester of
     SWEETENERS                                                     each
     498100  Organic Maple Sugar ........................................250 g  12 990833   10.61         M  740921  Display Hair Removal Essential Pack ................ 1 unit   0 040981  348.48         B
     498105  Organic Maple Syrup - Golden ........................375 ml  12 990802   10.61         M  Contains: 6 x Hair Removal Strips - Body, 6 x Hair Removal Strips - Bikini &
     498110  Organic Maple Syrup - Amber ........................375 ml  12 990819   10.61         M  Underarms, 6 x Hair Removal Strips - Face, 6 x Royal Wax, 6 x Roll-on Ylang Oriental
     498115  Organic Maple Syrup - Dark ...........................375 ml  12 990826   10.61         M  Wax.
                                                                740922  Display Eaux Fraiches ....................................... 1 unit   0 090221  371.80         B
     A LIL NUTTY                                           W        Contains: 3x each:  Eau Fraiche - Absolu Tiare, Divine Orchid, Lotus Dream, Neroli
                                                                    Infusion, Silky Rose, Tea Garden, plus 6 Testers.
                                                                740923  Display Roll-On Deodorant................................ 1 unit   1     179.70         B
     Treat yourself to our certified organic, vegan trail mixes and munchies.  Contains: 3 each Wild Rose, Lotus Bergamot, Lemon Moringa, Long Lasting, Sensitive
     Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2   740924  Roll-On Eaux de Parfum Display ....................... 1 unit   1     435.60         B
     months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.  Contains: 4 each: Absolu Tiare, Divine Orchid, Land of Cedar, Lotus Dream, Neroli
     475700  Coconut Trail Mix ........................................... 8x150g   8 692713   38.92  40%  B  23.35  B  Infusion, Pure Patchouli, Silky Rose, Tea Garden And Vanilla Blossom. 1 tester of each
     475705  Dark Chocolate Quinoa Bites ......................... 8x150g   8 692744   48.65  40%  B  29.19  B
     475715  Goji and Nut Trail Mix ..................................... 8x150g   8 778356   38.92  40%  B  23.35  B
     475740  Coconut Chips ................................................. 8x90g   8 692720   38.92  40%  B  23.35  B  ACTIVPOP   W
     ABEEGO                                                     BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.         (866) 996-2339
                                                                                         (855) 522-3346  ActivPOP Organic popcorn with activated charcoal infused sea salt
     Abeego picks up where the peel leaves off. Our beeswax food wrap protects & breathes like   May: Purchase 12 + cases (mix and match) for 20% off
     nature’s peel & rind and food is preserved longer than you’ve ever imagined.*MAP Policy Applies*  June: Pallet Purchase - 20% off
     Retailers are not permitted to resell at a wholesale level or to resell to other locations that are not   upc 108500
     affiliated with the approved retailer. Abeego prohibits retailers selling on third party websites ie   SNACK FOODS
     Amazon or eBay.                                            112100  Sweet N Salty ........................................... 12 x 115 g  12 438011   38.92         B
     MAP policy must be followed. Retailers are not permitted to resell at a wholesale level or to resell to other   112105  Original ....................................................... 12 x 70 g  12 438004   38.92         B
     locations that are not affiliated with the approved retailer. Abeego prohibits retailers selling on third party
     websites ie Amazon or eBay.
                                      upc 108136                ACUBALL
     101101  Beeswax Food Wrap - Variety (3)..............12 x 1pack  10 001005  108.00         B  BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.
     101106  Beeswax Food Wrap - Medium (3) ...........12 x 1pack  10 005027  108.00         B
     101111  Beeswax Food Wrap - Large (2) ...............12 x 1pack  10 005034  108.00         B  The Acuball’s patented design features safely apply 100% natural acupressure and heat.  The
     101116  Beeswax Food Wrap - Small (6) ...............12 x 1pack  10 005010  108.00         B  Acuball’s unique design allows the body to relax while the acupoints and heat stimulate blood flow.
     101121  Beeswax Food Wrap - Giant......................12 x 1pack  10 004013  108.00         B  This increases oxygenation & blood circulation, helping to nourish tissue and  ‘flush out’ built up
                                                                toxins that accumulate in tight muscles causing pain.
     ACORELLE                                                   DISPLAYS                         upc 718122                                            154900  Acu Products Display ....................................... 1 unit   1 659999  703.16
     Acorelle creates 100% natural fragrances based on the principles of olfactology. They bring balance   upc 627843
     to emotions and a sense of well-being and harmony to the body and mind.  OPEN STOCK
                                      upc 370034                154100  AcuPad .......................................................Pad- 2pk  12 476627   40.54         B
     ORGANIC DEODORANTS                                         154105  AcuBack ....................................................back - 1pk  12 476658   27.00         B
     740300  Deodorant Roll-on, Wild Rose ............................50ml   6 040899   12.10         B  154110  AcuBall-Mini 1pk  24 476634   13.80         B
     740301  Deodorant Roll-on, Sensitive Skin ......................50ml   6 040806   12.10         B  upc 718122
     740302  Deodorant  Roll-on, Lemon Moringa ..................50ml   6 040929   12.10         B  154111  AcuBall-Mini - New ...................................... Ball -1pk  144 659852   13.80         B
     740303  Deodorant Roll-on, Lotus Bergamot ...................50ml   6 040912   12.10         B  upc 627843
     740304  Long Lasting Deodorant Roll-on ........................50ml   6 040400   11.50         B  154115  AcuBall ........................................................ Ball -1pk  12 476641   21.00         B
     740313  Hair Regrowth Minimizer Deodorant ..................50ml   6 040035   13.31         B  upc 718122
     ORGANIC PERFUME                                            154116  AcuBall - New ............................................. Ball -1pk  12 659951   21.00         B
     740305  Eau De Parfum  - Absolu Tiare ...........................50ml   4 021096   36.30         B
     740306  Eau De Parfum  - Tea Garden.............................50ml   4 021010   36.30         B  ACURE
     740307  Eau De Parfum  - Lotus Dream ..........................50ml   4 021003   36.30         B
     740314  Eau Fraiche - Absolu Tiare .................................30ml   6 022055   21.78         B  BROKERED BY  M2 Brand Management
     740315  Eau Fraiche - Neroli Infusion ..............................30ml   6 022048   21.78         B
     740316  Eau Fraiche - Divine Orchid ................................30ml   6 022031   21.78         B   (877) 902-2873
     740317  Eau Fraiche - Lotus Dream ................................30ml   6 022024   21.78         B  We are skin & hair wellness enthusiasts who believe in the power of purity to uplift the way you
     740318  Eau Fraiche - Tea Garden ...................................30ml   6 022017   21.78         B  feel. We want to see every action you take lead to a stronger, healthier, more vibrant you that is
     740319  Eau Fraiche - Silky Rose ....................................30ml   6 022000   21.78         B  ready to kick ass and take names.
     740320  Eau De Parfum  - L’envoutante ...........................50ml   4 021126   36.30         B
     740321  Eau De Parfum  - Silky Rose ..............................50ml   4 021065   36.30         B     SAVE 15%   SELECT ITEMS MAY
     740323  Eau De Parfum  - Divine Orchid .........................50ml   4 021034   36.30         B
     740324  Eau De Parfum  - Pure Patchouli ........................50ml   4 021133   36.30         B  upc 813424
     740325  Eau De Parfum  - Land of Cedar ........................50ml   4 021140   36.30         B  DEODORANTS
     740326  Eau De Parfum  - Neroli Infusion ........................50ml   4 021157   36.30         B  111600  Deodorant Lavender & Coconut ..........................62 g  12 021137   7.47         E
     740327  Roll-on - Lotus Dream .......................................10ml   5 023397   12.10         B  111605  Deodorant Lemon Verbena .................................62 g  12 021144   7.47         E
     740328  Roll-on - L’envoutante ........................................10ml   5 023496   12.10         B  111610  Deodorant Cedarwood & Mint ............................62 g  12 021151   7.47         E
     740329  Roll-on - Tea Garden ..........................................10ml   5 023403   12.10         B  111615  Deodorant Fragrance Free ...................................62 g  12 021168   7.47         E
     740330  Roll-on - Divine Orchid ......................................10ml   5 023410   12.10         B  111620  Deodorant Magnesium & Charcoal .....................62 g  12 022219   9.15         E
     740331  Roll-on - Vanilla Blossom ..................................10ml   5 023458   12.10         B  111625  Deodorant Geranium & Charcoal ........................62 g  12 022226   9.15         E
     740332  Roll-on - Absolu Tiare ........................................10ml   5 023465   12.10         B
     740333  Roll-on - Silky Rose ...........................................10ml   5 023434   12.10         B  FOIL-TIME MASK
     740334  Roll-on - Pure Patchouli .....................................10ml   5 023656   12.10         B  111901  Fortifying Silver Mask Tray........................ 12 x 20 ml  72 021953   69.81
     740335  Roll-on - Land of Cedar .....................................10ml   5 023663   12.10         B  111902  Firming Gold Foil Mask Tray ...................... 12 x 20 ml  72 021946   69.81
     740336  Roll-on - Neroli Infusion .....................................10ml   5 023670   12.10         B  RESURFACING
     ORGANIC HAIR REMOVAL                                       111700  Resurf. Inter-gly-lactic Peel Pads .......................10 ct  12 022691   16.65         E
     740308  Hair Removal: Bikini & Underarm ...................20 pack   6 040189   12.10         B  111705  Resurfacing Inter-Gly-Lactic Serum ..................20 ml  12 022707   16.65         E
     740309  Hair Removal Strips for Body .........................20 pack   6 040165   12.10         B  111710  Resurf.Overnight Glycolic Treatment .................30 ml  12 022394   20.81         B

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