Page 208 - July August 2021
P. 208

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      496210  Salted Caramel Energy Balls ................................................................. 10 x 60g   27.03   10%  J   24.33  10  1 06 28250 61028 8  F  B    
      496101  Snickaroo Bite ...................................................................................... 12 x 35g   26.11   10%  J   23.50   24  1 06 28250 61059 9     G          V        B     

      LIVA FOODS INC. W   
      BROKERED BY  Mountain2Inc                        416-880-3088
      We created LIVA out of a personal desire to reconnect with the sweet moments in life with family and friends. We also know there are so many people who are seeking healthy, organic, whole food
      alternatives. Our approach at LIVA is as simple as our products. LIVA date sugar contains only two ingredients - whole, ground dehydrated dates and love. In fact all of our products are created on this
      foundation of goodness and that’s why we think life’s a little sweeter with LIVA. We hope you will as well!
      443100  Raw Date Sugar Baking Pack ...................................................................6 x 1kg   116.84      6   1 08 53242 00058 8     G  O  N  K  V    F   B     
      443110  Raw Date Sugar Canister ...................................................................... 6 x 400g   62.19      6   1 08 53242 00010 0     G  O  N  K  V    F   B     
      443105  Raw Date Sugar Sachets ..................................................................... 10 x 30ct   136.22      10  1 08 53242 00027 7     G  O  N  K  V    F   B     

      LIVE CLEAN W                         800-668-1118
                SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS AUG

      Case Stack Deals:  Can Mix And Match Products Within The Same Brand.  Must Be In Multiples Of 24 Of 72. Case Stack Deals Cannot Be Combined With Promotional Calendar Deals. 24 Units - 10% Off, 72 Units
      - 15% Off
      511110  Baby Colloidal Oatme Eczema Cream .......................................................170ml  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32561 2  V  B
      511100  Baby Mineral Sunscreen Lotion Spf45 ......................................................113ml  14.38  10%  A   12.94  4  0 65743 33801 8  V  B
      511135  Baby Perfume Free Lotion ........................................................................227ml  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32560 5  V  B
      511140  Baby Perfume Free Tearless ShamWash ...................................................300ml  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32559 9  V  B
      511145  Baby Sooth Oat Diaperbag Travel Set ............................................................ 4pk  9.62  10%  A   8.66  4  65743325285  V  B
      511115  Baby Sooth Oat Non-Petroleum Jelly ..........................................................120g  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32516 2  V  B
      511130  Baby Soothg Oatmeal Tearless Wash ........................................................300ml  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32511 7  V  B
      511120  Baby Soothing Oat Diaper Ointment ..............................................................75g  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32517 9  V  B
      511125  Baby Soothng Oatmeal relief Lotion ..........................................................227ml  6.72  10%  A   6.05  4  0 65743 32512 4  V  B
      511300  Fuji Apple Dish Soap .................................................................................740ml  4.79  10%  A   4.31  6  0 65743 33822 3  V  B    
      511305  Lavender Vanilla Dish Soap.......................................................................740ml  4.79  10%  A   4.31  6  0 65743 33820 9  V  B    
      511310  Pink Grapefruit Dish Soap .........................................................................740ml  4.79  10%  A   4.31  6  0 65743 33821 6  V  B    
      511200  Apple Cider Vinegar Multi Surface.............................................................768ml  4.79  6  0 65743 33824 7  V  B    
      511205  Pink Grapefruit Multi Surface ....................................................................768ml  4.79  6  0 65743 33823 0  V  B    

      LIVLI W                             888-441-0429
      Livli Multi Formula is a daily supplement designed to boost immune system, energy, brain activity & metabolism. Livli products, owned by Folium Labs Inc., are manufactured at a cGMP-certified and
      Health Canada-approved facility and contain high quality vitamins, minerals, and organic herbs.
      352100  Livli Multi Formula ...................................................................................60caps  18.92  1  6 28504 84201 0  A  N  B
      LIVRELIEF W                             888-788-2320
      LivRelief is an evidence based transdermal delivery company in Burlington Ontario Canada. It was founded by Dr. Joseph Gabriele, a research scientist with a PhD training in Molecular Pharmacology.
      LivRelief is harnessing the true efficacy of natural molecules and developing evolutionary and revolutionary products through its patented  technology called Delivra. Delivra  is so powerful we believe
      it will change the way we use medicine in the future.
                SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE AUG

      Case Stack (when off promotion):12 Units = 5%, 24 Units =10%
      508145  LivRelief - Healing Cream ......................................................................... 4 x 2g   9.61   15%  A   8.17  24  8 30693 00444 9  B
      508125  LivRelief - Nerve Pain Relief ..........................................................................50g  20.22  15%  A   17.19  6  8 30693 00579 8  E
      508100  LivRelief - Pain Relief Cream .........................................................................50g  16.09  15%  A   13.68  4  8 30693 00486 9  B
      508150  LivRelief - Pain Relief Cream .......................................................................100g  22.97  15%  A   19.52  4  8 30693 00589 7  B
      508140  LivRelief - Varicose Vein Cream ....................................................................50g  28.05  15%  A   23.84  4  8 30693 00501 9  B
      508126  LivRelief ExtraStrength Pain Relief .................................................................50g  20.22  15%  A   17.19  24  8 30693 00505 7  B
      508155  LivRelief ExtraStrength Pain Relief ...............................................................100g  27.56  15%  A   23.43  4  8 30693 00506 4  B
      508160  LivRelief Sport & Active Pain Cream .............................................................75g  17.95  15%  A   15.26  4  8 30693 00512 5  B
      .508FL02 LivRelief brochure en français ............................................................... 100pk  1  F
      .508L04 Bobby Orr Brochures .....................................................................................3ct  2000  na  E


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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