Page 215 - July August 2021
P. 215

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size         PAF                 Item
      596247  Drizzled Granola bar Vanilla ......................................................................6 x 5pk   20.29      6   1 06 87456 14129 9   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596210  Mixed Berry Granola Bars ........................................................................6 x 5pk   20.30   10%  A   18.20   6   1 06 87456 13023 3   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596220  Strawberry Granola Bars .........................................................................6 x 5pk   20.30   10%  A   18.20   6   1 06 87456 13177 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596242  Sweet & Salty Organic Granola Bar ....................................................... 12 x 36g   11.69   50%  B   5.85   6   6 87456 21388 0   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596207  Sweet and Salty Granola Bar ...................................................................6 x 5pk   20.30   10%  A   18.20   6   1 06 87456 13351 1   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596360  Chocolate Chip Crispy Squares Caddy .................................................. 12 x 22g   7.35      4   6 87456 21702 4   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596355  Crispy Squares Chocolate Chip ...............................................................6 x 6pk   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 13276 6   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596350  Crispy Squares Vanilla .............................................................................6 x 6pk   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 13269 9   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596375  Organic Crispy Squares Caramel .............................................................6 x 6pk   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 13399 9     G  O  N    V        B     
      596370  Organic Crispy Squares Strawberry .........................................................6 x 6pk   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 13382 2     G  O  N    V        B     
      596365  Vanilla Crispy Squares Caddy ............................................................... 12 x 22g   7.35      4   6 87456 21701 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596400  Cocoa Brown Rice Crisps Cereal .......................................................... 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83026 6   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596405  Vanilla Brown Rice Crisps Cereal .......................................................... 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83019 9   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596615  Light Granola Apple Cinnamon ............................................................. 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83057 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596610  Light Granola Chocolate Banana ........................................................... 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83064 4     G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596600  Light Granola Cocoa Crunch ................................................................. 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83125 5     G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596605  Light Granola Strawberry ...................................................................... 8 x 284g   35.52   8%  J   32.72   8   1 06 87456 83071 1   A  G  O    K  V        B     
      596565  Apple Cinnamon - Mini Cookies ............................................................ 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83088 8     G  O       V        B     
      596550  Chocolate Banana - Mini Cookies ......................................................... 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83118 8   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596555  Chocolate Chip - Mini Cookies .............................................................. 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83101 1   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596560  Double Chocolate - Mini Cookies .......................................................... 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83095 5   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      596580  No Nut Butter Soft Baked Mini Cooki..................................................... 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83453 3     G  O       V        B     
      596570  Red Velvet Soft Baked Mini Cookies ..................................................... 6 x 120g   20.29   10%  J   18.19   6   1 06 87456 83446 6        O       V        B     
      596575  Sweet Cinnamon Soft Baked Mini Cook ................................................ 6 x 120g   20.30   10%  J   18.20   6   1 06 87456 83439 9        O       V        B     

      BROKERED BY  Marsham International                       800-665-4367
      Hemp Products - A Rich Source of Essential Fatty Acids and Complete Protein.
      Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Manitoba Harvest Products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold
      Manitoba Harvest Products.
                SAVE 39%  SELECT ITEMS JUL & AUG

      349901   Pallet Hemp Heart Displayer ............................................................224 x 1disp   1,379.84      224   6 97658 69185 0   A  G    N  K  V        E     
           Contains: 224x Natural Hemp Hearts 227g
      349800  Hemp Heart Shipper ...........................................................................36 x 1disp   221.84      36   6 97658 10218 9     G    N  K  V        B     
      349950  Hemp Hearts 1/4 Pallet Display ........................................................112 x 1disp   690.16      112   6 97658 69162 1     G    N  K  V  H     B     
      349945  Hemp Hearts Shipper 200g Organic ...........................................................1disp  268.92  1  6 97658 69140 9  B    
      349947  Hemp Hearts Shipper 340g Organic ...........................................................1disp  269.76  1  6 97658 69186 7  B    
           Contains: 24ct 340g Organic Hemp Hearts
      349975  Hemp Yeah! 24 Count Protein Shipper ........................................................1disp  468.24  1  6 97658 69284 0  B    
      349980  Hemp Yeah! Granola Shipper ......................................................................1disp  129.12     1   6 97658 69289 5        O  N  K  V        B     
      349700  Organic Hemp Granola Blueberry ...............................................................283g  5.38     6   6 97658 69226 0        O  N  K  V        B     
      349710  Organic Hemp Granola Dark Chocolate .......................................................283g  5.38     6   6 97658 69227 7        O  N  K  V        B     
      349705  Organic Hemp Granola Honey & Oats .........................................................283g  5.38     6   6 97658 69225 3        O  N  K           B     
      349353  Hemp Bar Coconut Cashew Dark Choc ................................................ 12 x 45g   24.15      4   6 97658 69242 0           N  K  V        B     
      349352  Hemp Bar Dark Choc Almond Sea Salt ................................................. 12 x 45g   24.15      4   6 97658 69236 9           N  K  V        B     
      349351  Hemp Bar Dark Chocolate Cocoa Nibs.................................................. 12 x 45g   24.15      4   6 97658 69239 0           N  K  V        B     
      349902  Hemp Yeah! Bars Shipper 72 ct ..................................................................1disp  144.90     72   6 97658 69318 2           N  K  V        B     
      349171  Hemp Hearts ................................................................................................ 2kg  43.92     1   6 97658 69116 4   A  G    N  K  V        B     
      349115  Hemp Hearts ................................................................................................60g  1.98     12   6 97658 00003 4   A  G    N  K  V        B     
      349110  Hemp Hearts ..............................................................................................227g  6.16     8   6 97658 00001 0   A  G    N  K  V        B     
      349170  Hemp Hearts ..............................................................................................454g  10.81     6   6 97658 20119 6   A  G    N  K  V        B     
      349117  Hemp Hearts ..............................................................................................700g  14.73     6   6 97658 41076 5     G    N    V        B     
      349151  Organic Hemp Hearts ................................................................................... 2kg  70.54     1   6 97658 69115 7   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      349175  Organic Hemp Hearts .................................................................................200g  7.47     8   6 97658 00007 2   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      349150  Organic Hemp Hearts .................................................................................340g  11.24     6   6 97658 22001 2   A  G  O  N  K  V        B     
      349146  Hemp Yeah Max Fibre Organic Choc ...........................................................454g  13.18     6   6 97658 20205 6        O  N  K  V        B
      349210  Hemp Yeah Max Fibre Organic Unsw ..........................................................454g  13.18     6   6 97658 20011 3        O  N  K  V        B
      349161  Hemp Yeah Max Fibre Organic Unsw ..........................................................908g  21.62     6   6 97658 69108 9        O  N  K  V        B
      349215  Hemp Yeah Max Protein Organic Unsw .......................................................454g  13.31     6   6 97658 69004 4        O  N  K  V        B
      349149  Hemp Yeah Max Protein Organic Unsw .......................................................908g  23.97     6   6 97658 69106 5        O  N  K  V        B
      349142  Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein + Fiber ........................................................908g  18.38     6   6 97658 69107 2           N  K  V        B
      349145  Hemp Yeah! Balanced Protein + Fibre ........................................................454g  10.34     6   6 97658 00008 9           N  K  V        B
      349156  Hemp Yeah! Org Protein Blend-Choc...........................................................454g  19.51     6   6 97658 69161 4        O  N  K  V        B
      349158  Hemp Yeah! Org Protein Blend-Unsw ..........................................................454g  19.51     6   6 97658 69159 1        O  N  K  V        B


                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST  2021  213
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