Page 250 - July August 2021
P. 250

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      649310  Milk Thistle Dandelion ..............................................................................60caps  9.59  6  6 22737 51171 2  O  N  B
      649450  Echinacea Angustifolia Tincture ..................................................................50ml  13.64     6   6 22737 41331 3        O  N    V        B
      649430  Milk Thistle Dandelion Tincture ...................................................................50ml  13.64     6   6 22737 41171 5        O  N    V        B
      649425  Milk Thistle Glycerin Tincture ......................................................................50ml  14.94     6   6 22737 41165 4        O  N    V        B
      649470  Milk Thistle Glycerine Tincture ..................................................................250ml  42.00     6   6 22737 41401 3   A    O  N    V        B
      649435  Milk Thistle Tincture....................................................................................50ml  13.64     6   6 22737 41161 6        O  N    V        B
      649475  Milk Thistle Tincture..................................................................................250ml  29.97     6   6 22737 41402 0   A    O  N    V        B
      649420  Passionflower Tincture ...............................................................................50ml  13.64     6   6 22737 41621 5        O  N    V        B
      649400  Valerian Tincture .........................................................................................50ml  13.64     6   6 22737 41231 6        O  N    V        B
      649522  Age Defense ............................................................................................14caps  5.97     20   6 22737 51502 4   A    O  N    V        B
      649575  Age Defense ............................................................................................60caps  23.97     6   6 22737 51480 5        O  N    V        B
      649555  Antacid .......................................................................................................60ch  14.94  6  6 22737 51341 9  O  N  B
      649550  Bone Builder ..........................................................................................120caps  36.00  6  6 22737 51458 4  O  N  B
      649512  Bone Builder blister pack .........................................................................14caps  5.97     20   6 22737 51504 8   A    O  N              B
      649542  Finally Sleep! blister pack.........................................................................14caps  4.77     20   6 22737 51505 5   A    O  N    V        B
      649545  Finally, Sleep! ..........................................................................................60caps  15.00     6   6 22737 51471 3        O  N    V        B
      649540  Grapeseed OPC Antioxidant ....................................................................... 30tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51311 2        O  N    V        B
      649535  Green Tea .................................................................................................. 90tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51312 9        O  N    V        B
      649530  Guarana Energy ......................................................................................... 60tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51356 3        O  N    V        B
      649595  Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails ........................................................................60caps  21.00     6   6 22737 51475 1   A    O  N    V        B
      649537  Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails blister ..............................................................14caps  5.97     20   6 22737 51506 2        O  N    V        B
      649532  Healthy Heart Formula blister pack ..........................................................14caps  5.36     20   6 22737 51507 9   A    O  N    V        B
      649502  Healthy Joints ........................................................................................120caps  18.59     6   6 22737 51474 4   A    O  N    V        B
      649527  Healthy Joints blister packs .....................................................................14caps  4.77     20   6 22737 51508 6   A    O  N    V        B
      649562  Immune Support blister pack ...................................................................14caps  5.97     20   6 22737 51509 3   A    O  N    V        B
      649585  Immune System Support .......................................................................120caps  29.97     6   6 22737 51476 8   A    O  N    V        B
      649525  Maca .......................................................................................................120tab  15.00     6   6 22737 51352 5        O  N    V        B
      649520  Men’s Sexual Health ................................................................................90caps  27.00     6   6 22737 51481 2        O  N    V        B
      649557  Men’s Sexual Health blister pack .............................................................14caps  5.37     20   6 22737 51512 3   A    O  N    V        B
      649515  Milk Thistle ................................................................................................ 60tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51162 0        O  N    V        B
      649510  Nausea Relief ............................................................................................ 60tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51319 8        O  N    V        B
      649552  Nausea Relief blister pack .......................................................................... 15tab  4.18     20   6 22737 51513 0        O  N    V        B
      649505  Passionflower ............................................................................................ 60tab  12.00     6   6 22737 51315 0        O  N    V        B
      649570  Winter’s Friend Cold & Flu Formula ..........................................................60caps  21.28     6   6 22737 51460 7   A    O  N    V        B
      649565  Women’s Mena & Meno Balance ..............................................................30capl  11.94     6   6 22737 51469 0   A    O  N    V        B
      649560  Women’s Mena & Meno Balance .............................................................60caps  19.14     6   6 22737 51330 3   A    O  N    V        B
      649547  Women’s Mena & Meno Balance blister ..................................................14caps  4.77  20  6 22737 51517 8  B
      649655  Organic Plant Protein Chocolate ..................................................................540g  27.00     6   6 22737 51555 0   A    O  N    V        B
      649650  Organic Plant Protein Unflavoured ...............................................................504g  24.00     6   6 22737 51550 5   A    O  N    V        B

      NUD FUD W   
      BROKERED BY  Borealis Brands                                    647-351-9000
      nud is committed to providing snacks to improve the way people eat. We create unique snacks of the utmost quality that are organic, raw, vegan, paleo, grain-free, gluten-free, tree nut-free, sugar-
      free, and delicious. All products are hand-made in our dedicated facility in Toronto and designed by holistic nutritionists. Our company is woman owned and operated.
      Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.
      555115  BBQ Crackers ......................................................................................... 6 x 66g   26.88      6   6 28055 03328 8   A    O  N    V        B     
      555125  Carrot Flax Cracker ................................................................................. 6 x 66g   31.07      6   6 28055 03324 0   A    O  N    V        B     
      555110  Cheezy Crackers .................................................................................... 6 x 66g   27.24      6      A    O  N    V       B     
      555170  Everything Flax Crackers ........................................................................ 6 x 66g   31.07      6   1 06 28055 33322 2        O  N    V        B     
      555120  Original Crackers .................................................................................... 6 x 66g   27.24      6   6 28055 03327 1   A    O  N    V        B     
      555165  Simple Seed Flax Crackers ..................................................................... 6 x 66g   31.07      6   1 06 28055 33339 9        O  N    V        B     
      555105  Tomato Herb Crackers ............................................................................ 6 x 66g   27.24      6   6 28055 03330 1   A    O  N    V        B     
      555150  Cacao Banana Crisps ............................................................................. 6 x 66g   26.88      6   6 28055 03321 9        O  N    V        B     
      555140  Chai Banana Crisps ................................................................................ 6 x 66g   27.24      6   6 28055 03323 3        O  N    V        B     
      555160  Chocolate Covered Chewy Bananas ..................................................... 6 x 100g   26.88      6   1 06 28055 33117 7   A    O  N    V        B     
      555145  Goji Chia Banana Crisps ......................................................................... 6 x 66g   27.24      6   6 28055 03322 6        O  N    V        B     
      555155  Spirulina Banana Crisps.......................................................................... 6 x 66g   27.24      6   6 28055 03320 2        O  N    V        B     

      BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management                               888-404-6864
      Numi is the largest premium organic tea company in North America. We celebrate people, planet and pure tea through our commitment to the highest quality ingredients and driving new solutions in
      sustainability. We source our tea through direct farmer partnerships, supporting Fair-Trade practices, and only use organic real ingredients, not natural flavors for a truly authentic cup of tea!
      617600  Organic Mate Lemon ............................................................................. 6 x 18ct   37.00   40%  B   22.20   6   6 80692 60251 7   A    O  N  K  V    F   B     
      617400  Chamomile Lemon ................................................................................ 6 x 18ct   37.00   40%  B   22.20   6   6 80692 61150 2   A    O  N  K  V    F   B     
      617210  Turmeric Golden Tonic ........................................................................... 6 x 12ct   41.50   40%  B   24.90   6   6 80692 61551 7   A    O  N  K  V    F   B     


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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