Page 268 - July August 2021
P. 268

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      683200  Medium Roast Ground.......................................................................... 6 x 454g   72.97   15%  J   62.02   6   1 00 60629 03141 1        O  N  K  V        B     
      683100  Angel’s Espresso.................................................................................. 6 x 340g   56.76   15%  J   48.25   6   1 00 60629 01055 5        O  N  K  V        B     
      683145  Dark Roast Whole Bean ........................................................................ 6 x 340g   56.76   15%  J   48.25   6   1 00 60629 01109 9        O  N  K  V        B     
      683135  Decaf Blend Whole Bean ...................................................................... 6 x 340g   60.81   15%  J   51.69   6   1 00 60629 03004 4        O  N  K  V        B     
      683125  Estate Blend Whole Bean ...................................................................... 6 x 340g   56.76   15%  J   48.25   6   1 00 60629 01079 9        O  N  K  V        B     
      683115  Medium Roast Whole Bean .................................................................. 6 x 340g   56.76   15%  J   48.25   6   1 00 60629 02007 7        O  N  K  V        B     
      683110  Angel’s Espresso.................................................................................. 6 x 454g   72.97   15%  J   62.02   6   1 00 60629 00935 5   A    O  N  K  V        B     
      683105  Dark Roast Whole Bean ........................................................................ 6 x 454g   72.97   15%  J   62.02   6   1 00 60629 00959 9        O  N  K  V        B     
      683140  Decaf Blend Whole Bean ...................................................................... 6 x 454g   77.03   15%  J   65.48   6   1 00 60629 00881 1        O  N  K  V        B     
      683130  Estate Blend Whole Bean ...................................................................... 6 x 454g   72.97   15%  J   62.02   6   1 00 60629 00942 2        O  N  K  V        B     
      683120  Medium Roast Whole Bean .................................................................. 6 x 454g   72.97   15%  J   62.02   6   1 00 60629 00966 6        O  N  K  V        B     

      BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management                            888-868-0127
      These strips are perfect for those who like to keep it simple. PATCH Natural is designed with bamboo to help repair minor cuts & abrasions, naturally.
                SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE AUG

      641100  Activated Charcoal Adhesive Bandage ...................................................3 x 25pk   22.70   15%  A   19.30   8   0 93 51347 00880 0   A    O  N    V        B
      641105  Aloe Vera Adhesive Bandages ...............................................................3 x 25pk   22.70   15%  A   19.30   8   0 93 51347 00873 3   A    O  N    V        B
      641110  Coconut Oil Kids Adhesive Bandages ....................................................3 x 25pk   22.70   15%  A   19.30   8   0 93 51347 00866 6   A    O  N    V        B
      641115  Natural Adhesive Bandages ...................................................................3 x 25pk   22.70   15%  A   19.30   8   0 93 51347 00859 9   A    O  N    V        B

      BROKERED BY  Indigo Natural Products Management
      At Patience Fruit & Co, we believe that doing it right is better than doing it fast. That’s why we watch over our precious berries every step of the way. We’re the people who plant them, care for them,
      harvest them and prepare them. Enjoy our fabulous products from Canada!
                SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS JUL & AUG

      Published Csd Available Every Month But Can Not Be Combinned With Any Other Published Deal.
      Dried Fruits Csd: Baking Line (4 Skus), Whole Line (4kus) & Caddies (3 Skus) Mix And Match 12+ Cases = 15% Off
      Snacks Csd: Active Blend (3 Skus) & Active Blend Caddies (3 Skus) & Chococrunch Bites (4 Sksu) Mix And Match 12+ Cases = 15% Off
      Juice Csd (4 Skus): Level 1 = 12+ Cases 15% Mcb, Level 2 = 20+ Cases 20% Off
      645700  Org Cranberries - No added sugar ........................................................ 8 x 142g   31.57      8   1 06 62166 51993 3   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645500  Org Dried Cranberries AJ Sw ................................................................ 6 x 227g   23.11      6   1 06 62166 51771 1        O  N  K           B     
      645510  Organic 3 Fruit Blend ............................................................................ 6 x 196g   23.68      6   1 06 62166 51887 7        O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645505  Organic Dried Cranberries..................................................................... 6 x 283g   23.11      6   1 06 62166 51665 5        O  N  K           B     
      645205  Dried Cranberries Sweetened................................................................ 8 x 142g   20.54      8   1 06 62166 51337 7   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645215  Org Fruit Blend(Bursting Blend)............................................................. 8 x 113g   25.62      8   1 06 62166 51559 9   A    O  N  K    H     B     
      645210  Whole&Juicy Dried Cranberries ............................................................ 8 x 113g   20.54      8   1 06 62166 51443 3   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645200  Whole&Soft Wild dried blueberry,SW ...................................................... 8 x 85g   31.57      8   1 06 62166 51368 8   A    O    K    H     B     
      645800  SourCran Cherry flavoured ..................................................................... 8 x 60g   15.89      3   6 62166 55712 7   A  G  O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645805  SourCran Peach flavoured ...................................................................... 8 x 60g   15.89      24   6 62166 55711 0   A    O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645810  SourCran Strawberry flavoured ............................................................... 8 x 60g   15.89      3   6 62166 55713 4   A  G  O  N  K  V  H     B     
      645110  Chococrunch Dark Chocolate & Chai ...................................................... 8 x 95g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 53034 4        O  N              B     
      645105  Chococrunch Dark Chocolate&Coconut ................................................. 8 x 95g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 53010 0        O  N              B     
      645100  Chococrunch Milk chocolate & Chia ....................................................... 8 x 95g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 53027 7        O  N              B     
      645115  Chococrunch Raspberry Bites ................................................................ 8 x 95g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 53072 2     G  O  N  K           B     
      645310  Fruit Blend Classic Cdy ......................................................................... 15 x 28g   14.80   10%  A   13.32   4   2 06 62166 51327 7   A    O    K           B     
      645300  Whole & Juicy Dried Cranberries Cdy ................................................... 15 x 28g   12.78   10%  A   11.50   4   2 06 62166 51228 8   A    O    K           B     
      645305  Whole&Soft Wild Dry Blueberry Cdy ..................................................... 15 x 28g   19.66   10%  A   17.69   4   2 06 62166 51358 8   A    O    K           B     
      645605  Caddy Active Blend Tropical Delight ...................................................... 12 x 35g   15.41   10%  A   13.87   4   6 62166 55214 6        O  N  K           B     
      645610  Caddy Org Active Blend Moka Moments ............................................... 12 x 35g   15.41   10%  A   13.87   4   6 62166 55213 9        O  N  K           B     
      645600  Caddy Sea Salt & Pepper ...................................................................... 12 x 35g   15.41   10%  A   13.87   4   6 62166 55215 3        O  N  K           B     
      645615  Org Active Blend Sea Salt & Pepper ...................................................... 8 x 130g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 52099 9        O  N  K           B     
      645625  Organic Active Blend -  Moka Moment .................................................. 8 x 130g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 52075 5        O  N  K           B     
      645620  Organic Active Blend - Tropical Del ....................................................... 8 x 130g   30.27   10%  A   27.24   8   1 06 62166 52082 2        O  N  K           B     
      645400  Fruit d’Or Pure Cranberry Juice 3/1 ............................................................6 x 1l   30.81   10%  J   27.73  6  2 06 62166 01006 6  K  B    
      645415  Org Pure Cranberry Juice ................................................................... 6 x 946ml   44.03   10%  J   39.63   6   1 06 62166 21100 0        O  N  K           B     
      645405  Org Pure Tart Cherry Juice ................................................................. 6 x 946ml   57.32   10%  J   51.59   6   1 06 62166 22206 6   A    O  N  K           B     
      645410  Org Pure Wild Blueberry Juice ............................................................ 6 x 946ml   57.32   10%  J   51.59   6   1 06 62166 23302 2   A    O  N  K           B     
      645950  Sour Cran Shipper ......................................................................................96pc  190.68     1   1 06 62166 57216 6   A  G  O  N  K  V  H     B     
           32 x SourCran Dried cranberries candies Peach, 32 x SourCran Dried cranberries candies Cherry, 32 x SourCran Dried cranberries candies Strawberry

     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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