Page 334 - July August 2021
P. 334

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item

      THUNDERBIRD                        512-383-8334
      INDULGE AND ELEVATE  Founded in the beautifully weird city of Austin, TX, Thunderbird Real Food Bars was crafted by endurance athletes with the simple belief that eating genuinely healthy food
      doesn’t have to mean sacrificing taste or convenience.  By using only 4 types of ingredients (fruits, nuts, seeds, spices, and absolutely nothing else) Thunderbird Real Food Bars are naturally both
      plant based/vegan and paleo certified.
                SAVE 20%  LINE DRIVE AUG

      833603  Almond Apricot Vanilla.......................................................................... 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   8   8 59392 00516 8     G    N    V        E     
      833604  Cashew Fig Carrot ................................................................................ 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   8   8 59392 00525 0     G    N    V        E     
      833750  Cherry Hemp Turmeric ......................................................................... 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   120   8 59392 00526 7     G    N    V        E     
      833753  Chocolate Almond Butter Sea Salt ........................................................ 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   120   8 59392 00537 3     G    N    V        E     
      833752  Chocolate Coconut Cashew .................................................................. 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   120   8 59392 00536 6     G    N    V        E     
      833754  Chocolate Raspberry Espresso ............................................................. 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   120   8 59392 00538 0     G    N    V        E     
      833751  Hazelnut Coffee Maca ........................................................................... 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   120   8 59392 00529 8     G    N    V        E     
      833601  Hemp Sunflower Pumpkin Seed ........................................................... 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   8   8 59392 00528 1     G    N    V        E     
      833602  Pecan Goji Pistachio ............................................................................. 15 x 48g   35.81   20%  A   28.65   8   8 59392 00530 4     G    N    V        E     

      TICK’D OFF
      BROKERED BY  iLevel Management Inc.                       877-728-7486
      Since Lyme disease is on the rise, it is important to remove the tick as soon as possible, ideally on the same day of the bite. It is crucial that the tick is removed correctly, if removed the wrong way, it
      can dump its stomach contents along with the harmful bacteria and virus into their victim! This is where Tick’d OffT Tick-Remover shines. It is designed specifically to quickly, safely and easily remove
      the tick without damaging it, thus preventing the chance for Lyme disease to transmit.
                SAVE 15%  LINE DRIVE JUL

      Case Stack (when off promotion):12 Units = 5%,24 Units =10%
      TICK’D OFF
      109110  Tick’d Off Tick Remover ...............................................................................1un  4.39  15%  J   3.73  6  8 16581 02394 5  A  B

      BROKERED BY  Naturally Perfect Consulting                                888-597-5538
      ColorBeautiful! Tints of Nature permanent hair color is the cleanest and safest formula in the world market featuring a conditioning soy base, organic ingredients, ammonia and paraben free formulas
      for exquisite lasting results.  ColorBeautiful with Tints of Nature!
                SAVE 10%  SELECT ITEMS JUL
      412901E BOLD Floor Display Empty .........................................................................1disp  1  0 00000 00000 0  A  E
           Required Fill: 60 units of BOLD Semi- Permanent Hair Colour (48 Bold Colours, 12 Bold Pasteliser) and 9 x 3in1 Lightener kits.
      412715  Bold Blue ....................................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42681 9  A  V  B
      412740  Bold Fuchsia ...............................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42631 4  A  V  B
      412705  Bold Green .................................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42701 4  A  V  B
      412735  Bold Orange ...............................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42641 3  A  V  B
      412700  Bold Pasteliser ............................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42711 3  A  V  B
      412725  Bold Pink ....................................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42661 1  A  V  B
      412720  Bold Purple .................................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42671 0  A  V  B
      412730  Bold Rose Gold ..........................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42651 2  A  V  B
      412710  Bold Teal ....................................................................................................70ml  11.85  10%  J   10.67  12  7 04326 42691 8  A  V  B
      412192  Ash Blonde TN8C01 .................................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10162 4  B
      412190  Dark Ash Blonde TN6C .............................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10160 0  B
      412167  Dark Copper Blonde TN6R ........................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10181 5  B
      412220  Dark Toffee Blonde TN6TF ........................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10213 3  B
      412180  Earth Red TN4RR .....................................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10140 2  B
      412210  Extra Light Blonde 10XL ...........................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10211 9  B
      412182  Fiery Red TN5FR ......................................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10141 9  B
      412150  Light Golden Brown TN5D ........................................................................130ml  15.27  10%  J   13.74  12  7 04326 10100 6  B

     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 24 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
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