Page 147 - JanFebRegular
P. 147


                                                                                  in Canada !

                                                                              In                                                                                  n              
                                                                                   e                                        m                e  l                

                                    L’ARBRE VERT provides strong relevance
                                                for consumers cautious
                                  about family skin health & allergies exposure,
                                 while helping to reduce environmental impact !

                                                                                         en FRANCE
                        Cer                                                                    Ap                                  e            n      e        Qu    l              p                          
                       en                n    e                          e            n                  l                            pe            m                                        
                            p              n                      

                 Sensitive Skin
               Laundry Detergent
           䡶 For the whole family clothes
             and for baby clothes too.                                                   Sensitive Skin
                                                                                     Multi Surface Cleaner
           䡶 Without dyes and optical                                              䡶 E ectively cleans various

         EU Ecolabel : FR/019/003  䡶 Concentrated formula and                      䡶 Suitable for toys cleaning.
                                                                                      small surfaces.

             e ectiveness at 30°C.
           䡶 Available in 1.5 L / 54 loads
             and 3L / 109 loads.

         EU Ecolabel : FR/020/003                                       䡶 3 variants : Lemon, Mint/Basil,
                                                                             Hand Dish Wash

                                                                          and Sensitive Skin.
                                                                        䡶 Concentrated formula with
                                                                          plant-derived cleaning agents.
                                                                        䡶 Hypoallergenic, products for
                                                                          sensitive skin and washing
         EU Ecolabel : FR/006/002       Dis                                 
                                                                          baby bottles and dishes.

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