Page 173 - JanFebRegular
P. 173

Diet                    &                                                                 20%

     Detox                                                                                      OFF

                                 Apple Cider  Gummies                                         Apple Cider     TM

                                 New Nordic’s Apple Cider                                     Apple Cider TM   is a 1,000 mg
                                 Vegan Gummies offer a new,                                   apple cider vinegar tablet
                                 convenient and innovative way of                             made from European qual-
                                 taking apple cider vinegar. These                            ity-controlled apples and is
                                 vegan gummies are sugar free                                 manufactured in pharmaceuti-
                                 and offer a delicious apple flavor,                          cal grade facilities in Sweden.
                                 free of any artificial ingredients.                          One tablet is all you need to
                                                                                              get your daily dose of apple
                                                                                              cider vinegar.

         Active Liver    TM                    Chili Burn     TM                      Zuccarin Diet      TM

         Detoxing has long been used as a kick   Chili is one of these spices and along with   Zuccarin Diet , a Swedish supplement made
         starter of weight loss. But many people dont   ECGC, from green tea, it can help produce   from mulberry leaf extract, is proven to help
         like the short term detoxes. Active Liver    siginficant weight loss results, when taken   weight loss by slowing the absorption of
         is designed to be your daily detox tablet,   daily. Chili Burn  is based on these studies   carbs you eat.
         providing the best detox ingredients, but in
                                               and provides you an easy way to follow a
         lower amounts, so that you can take them
                                               spice diet.
         daily - all year long.

                                                                                     Now available from Purity Life. Please contact your Purity sales representative.
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