Page 184 - JanFebRegular
P. 184
Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F Stock Case Whsl Deal Sale F
ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R ID# Description Size Size UPC Unit Disc Month Price R
BROKERED BY iLevel Management Inc. 866-202-1313 (905) 669-9057 Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least
Expertly formulated in Switzerland, Olbas Herbal Remedies are designed to comfort and soothe 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.
you in many ways. Some are recognized OTC remedies that provide fast, effective relief from ***MAP Pricing applies***
cold symptoms, as well as minor aches and pains. Other Olbas Remedies support your body upc 788434
nutritionally, helping to enhance the immune system. The essential oils in Olbas have a rich history PROTEIN BAR
of aromatherapy use dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Chinese.
629101 ONE BAR - Blueberry Cobbler ..................... 12 x 60g 12 106009 37.08 B
629110 ONE BAR - Maple Glazed Doughnut ............ 12 x 60g 12 106795 37.08 B
SAVE 15% LINE DRIVE FEB 629115 ONE BAR - Birthday Cake ........................... 12 x 60g 12 107747 37.08 B
629120 ONE BAR - Almond Bliss ............................ 12 x 60g 12 106665 37.08 B
Case Stack (when off promotion):12 Units = 5%24 Units =10% 629125 ONE BAR - Peanut Butter Pie ...................... 12 x 60g 12 107839 37.08 B
upc 812846 629135 ONE BAR - Cinnamon Roll ........................... 12 x 60g 12 106634 37.08 B
OLBAS 629150 ONE BAR - White Chocolate Truffle .............. 12 x 60g 12 105163 37.08 B
109400 Olbas Oil ...........................................................15ml 40 020070 10.81 15% F 9.19 B 629155 ONE BAR - Chocolate Brownie .................... 12 x 60g 12 108522 37.08 B
109405 Olbas Inhaler ..................................................285mg 24 020056 6.08 15% F 5.17 B 629160 ONE BAR - Cookies & Creme ...................... 12 x 60g 12 108386 37.08 B
629165 ONE BAR - Peanut Butter Cup ...................... 12 x 60g 6 104746 37.08 B
629170 ONE BAR - Choc Chip Cookie Dough ........... 12 x 60g 6 105538 37.08 B
We believe in making honest, authentic soaps that transform daily cleansing habits into pleasurable BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural
upc 627843 (800) 600-1445
BAR SOAP Truly natural skin care products with the renowned therapeutic qualities of the Dead Sea to
625200 Aleppo Bar Soap..............................................200 gr 16 967767 6.73 B relax muscles, stimulate circulation, and restore the skin’s natural pH. Experience the Dead Sea
LIQUID SOAP Difference! upc 812281
625100 Unscented Liquid Soap ...................................500 ml 9 967705 9.45 B
625105 Eucalyptus Liquid Soap ..................................500 ml 9 967699 9.45 B DISPLAYS
625110 Rose Liquid Soap ...........................................500 ml 9 967743 9.45 B 612900 Rose Petal Shipper ............................................40pc 010100 262.26 E
625115 Lavender Liquid Soap .....................................500 ml 9 967736 9.45 B Rose Shipper Contents 40 Units - 16 Rose Bar Soap, 8 Rose Hand Wash, 8 Rose Body
625120 Aleppo Liquid Soap ........................................500 ml 9 967712 9.45 B Wash, 8 Rose Lotion
SOAP FLAKES upc 893455
625300 Olive Oil & Laurel Soap Flakes .........................200 gr 8 967774 7.18 B BAR SOAP
612260 Dead Sea Mud Bar Soap .............................. 6 x 200g 36 000394 29.90 B
OM MUSHROOM 612261 Dead Sea Salt Bar Soap ............................... 6 x 200g 36 000363 29.90 B
612262 Lavender Bar Soap ...................................... 6 x 200g 36 000356
BROKERED BY Marsham International 612263 Lemon Sage Bar Soap ................................. 6 x 200g 36 000493 29.90 B
612264 Rose Petal Bar Soap .................................... 6 x 200g 36 000370 (866) 740-6874 612265 Shea Butter Bar Soap .................................. 6 x 200g 36 000509 29.90 B
OM is the leading producer of the highest quality, certified 100% organic functional mushroom upc 812281
powders that conribute to optimal health. Having traveled the world to discover our unique 612266 Eucalyptus Soap.......................................... 6 x 200g 36 010414 29.90 B
mushroom varieties, we’ve combined the perfect balance of ancient wisdom with modern 612267 Blackberry Pear Soap .................................. 6 x 200g 36 010384 29.90 B
methodology to grow these miraculous mushrooms in our state-of-the-art facility. 612268 Grapefruit Guava Soap ................................ 6 x 200g 36 010353 29.90 B
612269 Lilac Soap ................................................... 6 x 200g 36 010322 29.90 B
612200 Lavender Bulk Soap ..................................... 24x113g 24 010155 52.03 E
upc 856210 612202 Rose Petal Bulk Soap .................................. 24x113g 24 010179 52.03 E
MUSHROOM CAPSULES 612203 Shea Butter Bulk Soap ................................. 24x113g 24 010148 52.03 E
497100 Immune Defense Mushroom 697mg ............ 75 caps 6 008714 17.41 11% J 15.49 B 612204 Peppermint Bulk Soap ................................. 24x113g 24 010131 52.03 E
497105 Turkey Tail Mushroom 667mg ...................... 75 caps 6 008745 17.41 11% J 15.49 B BATH SALT
497110 Reishi Mushroom 667mg ............................. 75 caps 6 008738 17.41 11% J 15.49 B 612300 Lavender Bath Salts ...........................................907g 6 010254 13.54 B
497115 Lion’s Mane Mushroom 667mg ................... 75 caps 6 008721 17.41 11% J 15.49 B 612302 Rose Bath Salts .................................................907g 6 010278 13.54 B
497120 Chaga Mushroom 667mg............................. 75 caps 6 008707 17.41 11% J 15.49 B 612303 Eucalyptus Bath Salts ........................................907g 6 010285 13.54 B
MUSHROOM POWDER 612304 Fragrance Free Bath Salts ..................................907g 6 010193 13.54 B
4 011015
497200 Chaga Mushroom Superfood Powder .................60 g 6 008639 10.19 11% J 9.07 B 612306 Dead Sea Bath Salt, Fragrance Free ................... 5 lbs upc 893455 21.14 E
497205 Reishi Mushroom Superfood Powder .................60 g 6 008622 10.19 11% J 9.07 B
497210 Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder .........................60 g 6 008615 10.19 11% J 9.07 B LOTION
SHIPPER 612600 Lavender Lotion ...............................................350ml 24 000721 9.03 B
612601 Shea Butter Lotion ...........................................350ml 24 000738
497900E Om Shipper ...................................................... 1 unit 0 008547 612602 Rose Petal Lotion ............................................350ml 24 000943 9.03 B
Required Fill: Option 1: mix & match 18 units capsules. Option 2: mix & match 18 units
powders. Option 3: mix & match 9 units pouches + 6 units capsules. BODY WASH
612500 Lavender Body Wash.......................................350ml 24 000684 8.20 B
612501 Shea Body Wash .............................................350ml 24 000691 8.20 B
OMEGA 3 NUTRACLEANSE W 612502 Rose Petal Body Wash ....................................350ml 24 000936 8.20 B (844) 954-5445 HAND WASH
Omega 3 NutraCleanse® is a family run Canadian company. Recognizing the lack of fibre in the 612400 Lavender Hand Wash ......................................350ml 24 000646 7.37 B
North American diet, Omega 3 Nutracleanse ® was designed to help people balance their diet and 612401 Shea Butter Hand Wash ...................................350ml 24 000653 7.37 B
live a healthier and happier lifestyle using our nutritional blend. O3NC is packed with fibre and 612402 Rose Hand Wash .............................................350ml 24 000929 7.37 B
Omega 3 + 6, from 5 simple all-natural, ingredients. Certified Organic & Certified Gluten Free. A POS
healthy outside, starts with a healthy inside® .612L01 Sell Sheet 7 Oz Bars ..................................................
DISPLAYS .612L02 Sell Sheet Bath Salt ...................................................
618900E Floor Display Unit ............................................. 1 unit .612L03 Sell Sheet Rose Products ..........................................
Required fill: 24 units of Omega3 NutraCleanse .612L04 Sell Sheet Liquids/Lotions .........................................
upc 839266
618100 Omega 3 Nutracleanse ....................................... 1 kg 6 000017 24.11 B
618105 Omega 3 Nutracleanse ......................................420g 8 000024 12.84 B
.618L01 Omega3 NutraCleanse Brochure ....................... 1 unit 25