Page 39 - JanFebRegular
P. 39

Detangle and shine at the same time!                     The Future of Natural Medicine:
                                                                   EMUAID First Aid Ointment
          Bass Brushes’ multi-patented FUSION Brush is
          unique, functional and beautiful.                        Healthier skin is an attainable goal with EMUAID First
          The outer section of natural bamboo pins separate        Aid Ointment.
          and glide easily through the hair so the center core     EMUAID is clinically-studied and proven an effective
          of premium natural bristles can reach the deeper         antibacterial and antifungal natural treatment. It’s rec-
          layers capturing and distributing more natural oils.     ommended by doctors and trusted by millions world-
          The unique handle stand elegantly on its own and         wide to relieve over 100+ of the most difficult-to-treat
          conforms to the natural contours of a grasping           and resistant skin conditions. We recommend EMUAID
          hand with a 5-degree tilt allowing the wrist to          Regular Strength (blue) for dry, itchy skin conditions
          remain in more neutral position on the most              like Eczema, as well as for use in sensitive areas for
          common brush strokes
                                                                   conditions such as Hemorrhoids, Bacterial Vaginosis,
                                                                   and Vulvodynia to name a few.


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