Page 74 - JanFebRegular
P. 74

Stock                                                                                                                                         Case      Whsl     Deal   Sale  F
                                                               ID#   Description              Size       Size      UPC      Unit  Disc   Month   Price  R

                                                               495145  Honeysuckle.....................................................20 ml  130 005742   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495146  Hornbeam ........................................................20 ml  130 005841   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495147  Impatiens .........................................................20 ml  130 005940   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495148  Larch ................................................................20 ml  130 006046   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495149  Mimulu .............................................................20 ml  130 006145   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495150  Mustard ............................................................20 ml  130 006244   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495151  Bach® Oak ......................................................20 ml  130 006343   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495152  Olive .................................................................20 ml  130 006442   9.27  15%  F   7.88  B
                                                               495153  Pine ..................................................................20 ml  130 006541   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495154  Red Chestnut ....................................................20 ml  130 006640   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495155  Rock Rose........................................................20 ml  130 006749   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495156  Rock Water ......................................................20 ml  130 006848   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495157  Scleranthus ......................................................20 ml  130 006947   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495158  Star of Bethlehem .............................................20 ml  130 007067   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495159  Sweet Chestnut ................................................20 ml  130 007142   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495160  Vervain .............................................................20 ml  130 007241   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495161  Vine ..................................................................20 ml  130 007340   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495162  Walnut ..............................................................20 ml  130 007449   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495163  Water Violet ......................................................20 ml  130 007548   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495164  White Chestnut .................................................20 ml  130 007647   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495165  Wild Oat ...........................................................20 ml  130 007746   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495166  Wild Rose .........................................................20 ml  130 007845   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               495167  Willow ..............................................................20 ml  130 007944   9.27  15%  F   7.88  M
                                                               POINT OF PURCHASE
                                                               .495FL01 .........................................Bach Quesionnaire French      0
                                                               .495L01 Bach Pocket Guide English ......................................0  25
                                                               .495L02 Bach Questionaire English .......................................0  0
                                                               .495L03 Rescue Pet Brochure Bilingual .................................0  0
                                                               BACK 2 THE GARDEN
                                                               BROKERED BY  Abundant by Design Inc.
                                                                              (613) 847-5617
                                                               Back 2 the Garden Inc. is committed to bringing organic, gluten free, dried sprouted superseed
                                                               products to market. Sprouted seeds, grains, and pulses are one of the best natural bioavailable
                                                               food products on the market. Recommended by Naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians.
                                                               Our seeds, grains, and pulses are soaked until sprouted, then dried at a low temperature, halting
                                                               germination. Sprouting stabilizes the fatty acids, resulting in a shelf stable product.
                                                                   SAVE UP TO 40%   LINE DRIVE JAN & FEB
                                                               6 - 11 cases mix and match = 10% 12 - 15 cases mix and match = 15% 16+ cases mix and match =
                                                               20% Not to be combined with any promotions
                                                                                                 upc 106278
                                                               ORGANIC, GLUTEN FREE, SPROUTED
                                                               127100  Sprouted Quinoa .......................................... 6 x 341g    159015   48.47  40%  B  29.08  B
                                                               127105  Sprouted Buckwheat ................................... 6 x 200g    158971   20.03  40%  B  12.02  B
                                                               127110  Sprouted Blackbeans ................................... 6 x 200g    158995   20.03  40%  B  12.02  B
                                                               127116  Sprouted Chickpeas .................................... 6 x 200g   6 159053   22.45  40%  B  13.47  B
                                                               127120  Sprouted Lentils .......................................... 6 x 341g    159039   25.36  40%  B  15.22  B
                                                               127125  Sprouted Brown Rice................................... 6 x 341g    159022   25.30  40%  B  15.18  B
                                                               127130  Sprouted Flaxseed Powder .......................... 6 x 227g    158988   28.45  40%  B  17.07  B
                                                               127135  Sprouted Broccoli Seed Powder .................. 6 x 100g    159046   58.38  40%  B  35.03  B
                                                               127140  Sprouted Chia Seed Powder ........................ 6 x 227g    159008   38.58  40%  B  23.15  B
                                                               BACK TO EARTH
                                                               BROKERED BY  Alpine Marketing
                                                                                 (250) 550-6789
                                                               A modern-day apothecary offering handcrafted, all natural, herbal & medicinal, personal & home
                                                               care products. Made from 100% pure essential oils, herbs and ethically wild-crafted flowers -
                                                               ingredients are locally sourced throughout British Columbia
                                                                                                 upc 805427
                                                               213900  Pain Be Gone Display ................................ 12 x 60ml  12 003128   93.24         B
                                                                    Contains: 12 x Pain Be Gone 60ml.
                                                               213905  Pure Hand Sanitizer Display ....................... 12 x 60ml  12 003111   74.64         B
                                                                    Contains: 12 x Pure Hand Sanitizer
                                                               HAND SANITIZERS
                                                               213600  Pure Hand Sanitizer ...........................................60ml  48 002046   6.22         B
                                                                                                 upc 181063
                                                               PAIN RELIEF
                                                               213100  Pain Be Gone .....................................................60ml  48 000722   7.77         B
                                                                                                 upc 805427
                                                               213105  Pain Be Gone ...................................................200ml  24 000400   16.55         B
                                                               213500  Bee Fresh Deodorant w/Kisameet Clay ..............50ml  12 002121   14.19         B
                                                               SKIN CARE
                                                               213200  Ice Age Bar Soap w/Kisameet Clay .....................90gr  24 002084   7.77         B
                                                               213205  Rare Earth Kisameet Facial Mask - New ............60ml  48 002039   18.38         B
                                                                                                 upc 181063
                                                               213300  Kisameet Clay Sweet Pea Cream .....................120ml  24 000432   16.55         B
                                                               213305  Goodbye Eczema & Psoriasis  Cream ..............120ml  24 000159   16.55         B
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79