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Uncertain Times and the Path Forward
It is an understatement to say these times are unprecedented as we all do our best to navigate through
uncharted waters. For many of us, this will be a defining movement for our business and the leadership of our
businesses. Nothing can really prepare us for what we are going through, however if we stay positive, focus on
what we can control and continue to move forward then things will get better over time.
At Purity Life throughout this crisis, we have been working closely with our front-line warehouse staff
across our 3 warehouses to support their needs as they don’t have the option to work from home and their
Matthew James, health and safety is vitally important. A team unlike any other, they are working hard to ensure we continue to
President and CEO provide products that make a difference to our retail business partners and their customers’ lives.
Purity Life Health Products LP
On behalf of all of us at Purity Life, I want to take a moment to thank them for their hard work and dedication
to our business which has been so critical through these difficult times. Thank you team, you have been
amazing throughout this crisis.
While supplying products has not been easy, with the unprecedented demand these days, and the pressure
this has put on many of our vendor partners, we have been doing what we can to support our vendors, to help
expedite supply to all of you. The supply issues are particularly challenging for hand sanitizers and immune
related supplements to name a few.
That said, we are optimistic things will be be getting back to normal by the time this article is published as
most manufacturers are heeding the calls and working around the clock to produce products.
On the pricing front, the Canadian dollar has significantly depreciated as a result of this crisis.
Unfortunately, this has forced us to increase prices of all US dollar purchased lines/brands by 5%
beginning with this catalogue period. While we recognize this is not the ideal time for a price increase,
our options are limited due to the amount our Canadian dollar depreciated versus the US dollar in such a
short period of time.
This price increase is purely based out of necessity related to the large drop in the Canadian dollar.
While these are challenging times for all, with every crisis there are opportunities and learnings that come
out of it that make us stronger. For our industry, it reinforces our faith in our products and the stagger-
ing growth of consumer awareness of the importance of staying healthy and active in all aspects of their
lifestyle. This includes the vital importance of including immune enhancing and supportive supplements to
fill gaps in their diets and ultimately, prolong their health and their body’s natural ability to defend against
disease - all of which are available at your local Health Food Stores.
In closing, I thank you for your support through these times. Whether from home, our office and/or
our warehouses, our employees are as committed as ever, working hard to support your business as our
partnerships with you are so important to us.
Until next time, stay safe and hopeful. As we enter into Spring, may it bring a new season with a renewed
outlook on life and with sunnier and warmer days ahead.
Matthew James
President and CEO of Purity Life Check out Purity Life on social media
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