Page 138 - November December 2021
P. 138

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      395125  Chamomile Herbal Tea .......................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00038 8   A       N  K           B     
      395120  Decongestant Herbal Tea ...................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00052 2   A       N  K           B     
      395115  Detox Herbal Tea .................................................................................. 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00069 9   A       N  K           B     
      395110  Digestive Herbal Tea ............................................................................. 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00076 6   A       N  K           B     
      395105  Energy Green Tea Straberry-Guava ....................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00274 4   A       N  K           B     
      395155  Good Night Herbal Tea .......................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00021 1   A       N  K           B     
      395195  Green Tea Antioxidant Extra .................................................................. 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00281 1   A       N  K           B     
      395112  Immunity Reishi&Moringa Herbal Tea ................................................... 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00335 5   A    O  N  K           B     
      395100  Joint Relief Herbal Tea .......................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00267 7   A       N  K           B     
      395102  Laxative Extra Herbal Tea ...................................................................... 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00311 1   A       N  K           B     
      395130  Laxative Herbal Tea ............................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00106 6   A       N  K           B     
      395190  Mega-Slim Cherry-Cranberry GreenTea ................................................ 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00137 7   A       N  K           B     
      395180  Mega-Slim Grapefruit Green Tea ........................................................... 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00205 5   A       N  K           B     
      395185  Mega-Slim Lemon Green Tea ................................................................ 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00144 4   A       N  K           B     
      395117  Mental Tonic Herbal Tea Vitality - New .................................................. 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00359 9   A    O  N  K           B     
      395170  Mint Herbal Tea .................................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00113 3   A       N  K           B     
      395160  Passionflower & Valerian Herbal Tea ..................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00168 8   A       N  K           B     
      395175  Relax-Plus Herbal Tea ........................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00182 2   A       N  K           B     
      395107  Roasted Dandelion Root Herbal Tea ...................................................... 6 x 20bg   37.14   12%  N   32.68   6   1 07 79192 00328 8   A       N  K           B     
      395140  Throat Soother Herbal Tea .................................................................... 6 x 20bg   27.97   12%  N   24.61   6   1 07 79192 00212 2   A       N  K           B     
      395255  Chai Chocolate Spice Tea ..................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02455 5   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395205  Chai Espresso Tea ................................................................................ 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02820 0   A    O    K       F   B     
      395225  Chai Rooibos Tea ................................................................................. 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02356 6   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395260  Coconut Ginger Tea .............................................................................. 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02738 8   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395245  Earl Grey Tea ........................................................................................ 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02219 9   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395235  Green Tea Decaf ................................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02295 5   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395240  Japanese Green Tea ............................................................................. 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02325 5   A    O  N  K           B     
      395250  Jasmine Green Tea ............................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02226 6   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395230  Lemon Ginger Tea ................................................................................ 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02253 3   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395215  Morning Blend Black Tea ...................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02561 1   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395200  Peppermint Tea ..................................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02222 2   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395210  Rooibos Tea ......................................................................................... 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02578 8   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395265  Sencha Matcha Tea .............................................................................. 6 x 16bg   30.65   12%  N   26.97   6   1 07 79192 02806 6   A    O  N  K       F   B     
      395220  Turmeric Cinnamon Tea ........................................................................ 6 x 16bg   25.30   12%  N   22.26   6   1 07 79192 02721 1   A    O  N  K       F   B     

      Founded in 1998, FUSION has manufactured innovative sports supplements for almost 20 years; a Canadian company committed to supplementation science and research. Based in Guelph, FUSION
      has created a unique portfolio of supplements at the forefront of scientific developments in key sectors, including muscle growth, fat-loss, nutrition and health.
      920165  ZEUS 2.0, Testosterone Booster ............................................................120vcap  40.26  50%  B   20.13  12  8 36722 00535 7  B
      920610  One Punch - Cherry Blaster ........................................................................280g  30.54  50%  B   15.27  6  8 36722 00547 0  E
      920600  One Punch - Rocket Pop ............................................................................280g  30.54  50%  B   15.27  6  8 36722 00546 3  E
      920615  One Punch - Watermelon Cotton Candy ......................................................260g  30.54  50%  B   15.27  6  8 36722 00551 7  E

      GAGA FOR GLUTEN-FREE W                                855-424-2443
      Gaga for Gluten-Free is a great tasting gluten-free brand of cookies, that is also an allergen friendly brand that’s low in sugar and low in sodium, making it a great choice for the whole family to enjoy.
      They are made with so few ingredients that you can taste each ingredient!
      Important Notice:  Purity Life will ensure that all Gorp Bars shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months.  No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold cookies.

                SAVE 10%  LINE DRIVE DEC

      296110  Chocolate Chip ................................................................................... 12 x 142g   49.05   10%  D   44.15   12  1 06 28055 00022 2   A       N  K  V        B     
      296100  Double Chocolate ............................................................................... 12 x 142g   49.05   10%  D   44.15   12  1 06 28055 00039 9   A       N  K  V        B     
      296115  Salted Caramel ................................................................................... 12 x 142g   49.05   10%  D   44.15   12  1 06 28055 00138 8   A       N    V        B     
      296105  Simply Shortbread.............................................................................. 12 x 142g   49.05   10%  D   44.15   12  1 06 28055 00015 5   A       N  K  V        B     

      GALERIE AU CHOCOLAT W                      888-806-9840
      Galerie au Chocolat is a Canadian owned and operated chocolate-maker that uses Fine Belgian Chocolate and other high quality ingredients for fillings and inclusions. All products are free of oils,
      emulsifiers and preservatives.  The chocolate factory is peanut-free and kosher.  This may be the best chocolate you have ever tasted!  Galerie au Chocolat is best known for Fair Trade and Organic
      chocolates, as well as No Sugar Added items and delightful Seasonal treats and gifts! From first glance of the packages, to the last bite of chocolate, your customers will be absolutely delighted!
                SAVE 11%  LINE DRIVE NOV

      15% off on 30 cases or more.
      Not combined with any other offer.
      293115  FairTrade  Dark Chocolate Fondue ....................................................... 12 x 200g   85.95   11%  N   76.50   12  1 00 63783 77128 8           N  K  V    F   B     
      293110  FairTrade  Milk Chocolate Fondue........................................................ 12 x 200g   85.95   11%  N   76.50   12  1 00 63783 77111 1           N  K       F   B     
      293510  No Sugar Dark Chocolate Fondue ....................................................... 12 x 200g   77.84   11%  N   69.28   12  1 00 63783 94141 1           N  K  V        B     


     PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 20 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143