Page 81 - November December 2021
P. 81

Stock   Description                       Size      Whsl   Disc  Deal   Sale   Case       UPC   PAF  GLU  ORG  NGM  KOS  VEG  HAL  FTR  Lang.  Groc
      ID#                                                 Price     Month   Price   Size                             Item
      BACK TO EARTH                            250-550-6789
      A modern-day apothecary offering handcrafted, all natural, herbal & medicinal, personal & home care products. Made from 100% pure essential oils, herbs and ethically wild-crafted flowers -
      ingredients are locally sourced throughout British Columbia
      213900  Pain Be Gone Display ......................................................................... 12 x 60ml   93.24   12  8 05427 00312 8  O  N  B
           Contains: 12 x Pain Be Gone 60ml.
      213905  Pure Hand Sanitizer Display ................................................................ 12 x 60ml   74.64   12  8 05427 00311 1  O  N  B
           Contains: 12 x Pure Hand Sanitizer
      213600  Pure Hand Sanitizer ....................................................................................60ml  6.22  8  8 05427 00204 6  O  N  B
      213100  Pain Be Gone ..............................................................................................60ml  7.77  48  1 81063 00072 2  O  N  B
      213105  Pain Be Gone ............................................................................................200ml  16.55  6  8 05427 00040 0  O  N  B
      213500  Bee Fresh Deodorant w/Kisameet Clay .......................................................50ml  14.19  12  8 05427 00212 1  O  N  B
      213400  Bliss Body Lotion .....................................................................................240ml  17.23  12  1 81063 00029 6  O  N  B
      213305  Goodbye Eczema & Psoriasis  Cream .......................................................120ml  16.55  24  1 81063 00015 9  O  N  B
      213350  Heaven Sent Body Butter ..........................................................................240ml  18.38  12  1 81063 00025 8  N  B
      213200  Ice Age Bar Soap w/Kisameet Clay ...............................................................90g  7.77  24  8 05427 00208 4  O  N  B
      213300  Kisameet Clay Sweet Pea Cream ..............................................................120ml  16.55  24  1 81063 00043 2  O  N  B
      213205  Rare Earth Kisameet Facial Mask ................................................................60ml  18.38  12  8 05427 00203 9  N  B

      BROKERED BY  Global Health Brokerage, Momentum Natural Brands                            603-357-2958
      Badger is the best stuff for your skin. We are also a healing line. Healing as in: fresh air, sunlight, a cooling breeze and the kind thoughts of a good friend. Those are simple ways of restoring balance.
      And that’s the way our products work. Simple blends that safely and gently restore balance by supporting your body’s innate ability to heal itself. Three things you should know about Badger products:
      We are 100% Natural. We are committed to being chemical-free, 100% natural and USDA Certified Organic, and almost all of our products now bear the official USDA Organic seal. Our ingredients are
      always naturally processed.

      208958E Suncare Counter Display (Empty) ...............................................................1disp  1  A  E
           Merchandise 5 of your favourite Badger Sunscreen.  Holds 20 tubes in total.
      208970  Suncare Counter Display 20 Count .............................................................1disp  329.20  1  6 34084 90038 5  A  E
           Counter Display Containing 4x SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Lavender, SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen, 4 x SPF30 Baby Sunscreen, 4 x SPF40 Kids Clear Zinc Sunscreen, 4 x SPF40 Sport Clear Zinc Sunscreen
      208975  Suncare Mini Shipper 34 Count ..................................................................1disp  638.09  1  6 34084 90040 8  A  G  O  E
           Shipper Contains (1 x 12ct SPF35 Clear Zinc Face Stick, 6 x SPF40 Sport Clear Zinc Sunscreen, 3 x Aloe Vera Gel, 6 x SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Unscented, SPF30 Clear Zinc Sunscreen Lavender, 6 x SPF 30 Baby
           Sunscreen, 6 x SPF40 Clear Zinc Kids Sunscreen, 1 Display, 1 Merchandise Kit.  Comes in 3 boxes.
      208959E Suncare Mini Shipper EMPTY (34ct) ...........................................................1disp  1  A  E
           New Mini Suncare shipper - fill as you see fit with Badger’s new lineup of clear zinc sunscreens.
      208957E Lip Balm Caddy - empty .............................................................................1disp  1  0  E
      208361  Aloe Vera Gel ............................................................................................118ml  7.40     24   6 34084 47000 0   A  G  O  N    V    F   E
      208105  Badger Balm.................................................................................................21g  6.48  20%  N   5.18   108   6 34084 02112 7   A  G  O  N              E
      208102  Badger Balm.................................................................................................56g  9.25  20%  N   7.40   96   6 34084 02801 0   A  G  O  N              E
      208215  Badger Balm Unscented ...............................................................................56g  9.25  20%  N   7.40   96   6 34084 33033 5   A  G  O  N              E
      208180  Cuticle Care ..................................................................................................21g  6.48  20%  N   5.18   108   6 34084 33170 7   A  G  O  N              E
      208200  Foot Balm .....................................................................................................21g  6.48  20%  N   5.18   108   6 34084 31001 6   A  G  O  N              E
      208195  Foot Balm .....................................................................................................56g  9.25  20%  N   7.40   96   6 34084 02501 9   A  G  O  N              E
      208107  Tattoo Balm ..................................................................................................56g  9.26  20%  N   7.41   24   6 34084 13300 4   A  G  O  N          F   E
      208700  Hair Oil - Argan ...........................................................................................59ml  17.58     24   6 34084 31001 6   A  G  O  N    V        E
      208710  Hair Oil - Jojoba ..........................................................................................59ml  17.58     24   6 34084 31002 3   A  G  O  N    V        E
      208715  Shampoo Bar ...............................................................................................85g  9.26     24   6 34084 13038 6     G  O  N    V        E
      208616  Rose Balancing Mist .................................................................................118ml  15.72  20%  D   12.58   36   6 34084 27015 0   A  G  O  N    V        E
      208605  Rose Beauty Balm (Delicate Skin) .................................................................28g  15.72  20%  D   12.58   36   6 34084 27002 0   A  G  O  N              E
      208602  Rose Cleansing Milk .................................................................................118ml  18.50  20%  D   14.80   36   6 34084 27013 6   A  G  O  N              E
      208650  Rose Cleansing Oil (Delicate Skin) ..............................................................59ml  18.50  20%  D   14.80   24   6 34084 27003 7   A  G  O       V        E
      208600  Rose Face Oil (Delicate Skin) ........................................................................28g  15.72  20%  D   12.58   24   6 34084 30060 4   A  G  O       V        E
      208659  Argan Cleansing Oil  (All Skin) ....................................................................59ml  18.50  20%  D   14.80   24   6 34084 27004 4   A  G  O       V        E
      208658  Argan Face Oil (All Skin) .............................................................................30ml  15.72  20%  D   12.58   24   6 34084 27005 1   A  G  O  N    V        E
      208656  Seabuck Cleansing Oil (Dry Skin) ...............................................................59ml  18.50  20%  D   14.80   24   6 34084 27007 5     G  O  N    V        E
      208655  Seabuckthorn Face Oil (Dry Skin) ...............................................................30ml  15.72  20%  D   12.58   24   6 34084 27008 2     G  O  N    V        E
      208653  Unscent Cleansing Oil (Sens. Skin) .............................................................59ml  14.80  20%  D   11.84   24   6 34084 27010 5   A  G    N              E
      208652  Unscented Face Oil (Sens. Skin) .................................................................30ml  13.88  20%  D   11.10  24  6 34084 27011 2  A  G  E
      BABY & KIDS
      208190  Baby Balm ....................................................................................................21g  6.48  20%  N   5.18   108   6 34084 33184 4   A  G  O  N              E
      208192  Baby Balm ....................................................................................................56g  9.25  20%  N   7.40   96   6 34084 02801 0   A  G  O  N              E
      208400  Badger Baby Oil ........................................................................................118ml  15.72     20   6 34084 28401 0   A  G  O  N    V        E

                           PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 20 for details    GLU Gluten/Wheat Free  ORG Organic  NGM Non-GMO    KOS Kosher  VEG Vegan  HAL Halal  FTR Fair Trade
                                                                                         NOVEMBER - DECEMBER  2021    81
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86